
Chapter 12 - Life of Taking Care a Baby Part 1

I think I start taking back what I said back then. Taking care a hatchling is harder than it seems to be!

I have zero problems of feeding him as his appetite is smaller than mine. But, when it comes to taking care of him is the biggest problem.

Unlike Anguirus or I, this baby is, in an non-offensive word, not smart.

Sorry, I take it back. He's a baby, why do I even expect much from him?

And unlike Anguirus who has better developed brain or I who is a reincarnate, this baby is what you expect from a newborn baby. All he knows is growl, crawl, eat, sleep, and cry.

And my gods, he cries a lot.

I have taken care of him for a week and I have lose 6 days worth of sleeps and naps. I'm a dumbass when it comes to understanding emotion, so I have to guess 99% of the time what he wants whenever he cries.

Most of the times, he cries because they either want to take a piss, shitting, or eating. If Baragon isn't a baby, I would snapped and toss him to other side of the island like a baseball.

I blinked before shaking my head. Great, my lack of sleeps have increases my aggressions towards others. I wonder why I never got angry so much before.

"Tough day, eh?" I turn to see Anguirus giving me an amused stare. I could only glare at him in annoyance, which works wonderfully as he backed away nervously. "Woah, woah, no need for that glare."

"You know I have hard time, yet you still asked." I said in annoyance. "Baragon's a handful. Very handful."

"Come on, big brother. Don't say such things." Anguirus said as I scowled.

"Try to take care of him in my place, then you'll see what I mean." I dared him as Anguirus furrowed his brow.

"Alright, fine. It can't be that hard." I smirked internally. Hook, line, sinker.

"Great! Now, if you excuse me. I need to catch up with my 6 day of no sleep." I said before walking away. As I walk, I heard Anguirus making a confused growl.

"6 days?!"


My gods, I never felt so refreshed in my life! To think that going to sleep for a while after 6 days of staying awake would be this refreshing!

I can't help but grin as I can feel my aggressions are weaker compared before. I wonder how Anguirus is doing taking care of Baragon.

"JIRA!!!" I yelped at the sudden loud noise before looking at that direction. Anguirus looks like he has seen better days, eyebags, red eyes, and god, he stinks a lot.

Wait, stinks? Anguirus always took care of his hygiene.

"Ang?" I look worried at Anguirus' current condition.

"H-how!?!? How did you do it!?!" I yelp as Anguirus keeps bumping his head and forelegs on my chest.

"D-do what?" I asked nervously.

"T-that....crybaby!!" Anguirus yelled as I stare at him in disbelief. Oh dear, this is worse than I thought.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I poke fun on you." I awkwardly pats Anguirus as he wept. Turns out that I've been asleep for 4 days and Anguirus has been taking care of the baby by himself with zero success.

The baby keeps complaining of how Anguirus did it. Either of how he hunts the fish, the quality of the fish, how he tugs the baby's makeshift bed, everything.

This causes Anguirus almost snaps if it's not for the fact that Baragon is a baby. He tried to wake me up few times but I won't wake up no matter what.

"I-it's okay, little brother." I said as I put Baragon to sleep. Much to my joy and Anguirus' relief, he finally fell asleep.

"I still wondering how did you do it." Anguirus mutter in disbelief.

"I still wondering myself as well." I shrugged as Rodan suddenly land next to us.

"Hey, how are my fellow Titans!?" Rodan said cheerfully as I stare at him and Anguirus continues to wept. "Uh.....you guys okay?"

"Baragon." We both said in unison as Rodan winced.

"That bad, huh?" We could only nod. "Well, maybe I could give you a pair of helping claws?"

"You sure?" I asked as Rodan puffs his chest confidently.

"Of course! I'm planning to find mates in the future! I'm going to need experiences if she's planning to have an egg with me." I can't help but feel sad, remembering how in the film, he and his mate died before the egg hatches.

I'll swear these two flaming birds will have their happy ending.

"Alright, then. Good luck." I said as I carry sleeping Anguirus with my claws.

"Don't worry, I don't need luck!" Rodan declared confidently. Oh, you poor naive fool.....


"I CAN'T DO IT!!!!! UHUHUHUHUHU!!!!! I'M A FAILURE AS A FATHER!!!!!! UHUHUHUHUHU!!!!!!!" I awkwardly offers a cup of crushed berry mixed with honey Mothra gave us every month as a gift from a friend. Rodan drinks it in one gulp.

"Oh, my, this is delicious! Now, where was I? Oh right! I'M WORTHLESS!!!! HUHUHUHUHU!!!!" I can't help but sweatdrop. This scene is literally straight out of a cartoon.

Rodan didn't last long as he could only took care of Baragon for 2 days. And he did worse than Anguirus and I.

Let's just say the incidents involves fires and flying. I'll just leave it to that.

"Now, now, Rodan. Don't think too much about it." I awkwardly try to confort him. "No one is perfect."

"But, no one failed as bad as me!!! Huhuhuhuhuhu!!" Did he really need to say 'huhuhu' when he wept?

"What in tarnation am I witnessing here?!" I turn to see Battra land on the tree next to us. "What's the matter, Gojira? Having trouble with babies? Pfft, to think this is a titan that stole my sister's heart."

"Do you really have to keep saying that when you came tp visit me?" I asked incredulously. "Anyways, why are you even here? I thought you hate me."

"Oh, I still do. But, my sister ask me to rely a message that she won't be able to come this week because she is very busy. If it wasn't for the fact that she's my sister, I would straight out reject that request!"

'Sis-con.' I deadpanned at his declaration while patting Rodan's back.

"Well, if you think you're so good at it, why don't you give it a try?" I suggested as I look at the sleeping Baragon.

"Oh, please. It's going to be a breeze." I rolled my eyes at Battra's arrogance.


The next day, the three of us saw Battra lying on the ground defeated with Baragon sleeping next to him. Anguirus pokes him to see if he's alive, and much to my dismay, he's still twitching.

"I give it to you, Gojira...I respect your dexterity....." Battra stated before he fell unconscious. It's official, the 4 of us are simply sucks at raising a hatchling.

To be continued