
All Eyes on Me

In a big city, there is a lovely girl with amazing talent and polite behavior, everyone see her like an Angel. Her mother is a singer and her father is an owner of a big company. That's a perfect family that a lot of people dream on, right? People always pleasing her and envy with her family. But she always confuse, why everyone envy to her? She's the one who should envy to them. She always want one single thing that a lot kids have. AN ATTENTION

HCheese · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Prolog- Hey, Will they look at me?

"Mom... Look! I drew something"

I raised the colorful paper at my mother.

"....Sorry, mom's a little bit exhausted"

Mom sat on the chair while massaging her forehead. "Maybe later..." She says with an exhausted tone. I nod then go to my room.

As I open the door, I picked up my crayon then start to draw on the paper while laying on the floor, and humming a song.

"the most precious treasure is family, the most beautiful castle is family~" I hummed the 'fir family' song. 

A few minutes later, the drawing is done! I look at the paper, satisfying. To be honest, maybe this is better than the last one. I look at the previous drawing then threw it in the trash.

"Mom, must see this..." I grab the doorknob and pull it, looking around to search for my mom. I ran trough the room then found her sitting on the sofa while scrolling on her phone, with that exhausted look again. of course.


I look at the paper before crumpling it then threw to the garbage near the kitchen. I go back to my room and locked it.

That drawing is worse than before, how silly of me to think that I could show it to mom...

I roll my eyes then go back to my desk. Father said I better study other than drawing some 'trash'.






"Huh?" I mess my hair then looks at the window. The bird's chirps like a lullaby, I almost drive to sleep but then knock my head.

"Dang it- It's morning already?" The light from the sun hits my eyes, make me immediately close the curtain.

I look above my room, at the clock, 6 AM

Nice myself, you did a good, great job. Now time to sleep. 

I get up from my chair then laying on my bed, my eyes feel so heavy because not sleep all night.

I always thought. If I can study harder, if I can achieve an achievements, if I win a competition... Will they look at me?

This is my first english-novel, so sorry for the typo or smtg else. I'm not fluent in english :(

Sooo... Enjoy the story I guess? Don't forget to add it to your library! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Good byee

HCheesecreators' thoughts