
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

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76 Chs

The Apocalypse and The Scarlet

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"THE FUCK?!!" The surprise of a lifetime hit Acnologia, a familiar face, one of the last faces he has seen in that crazy word.

Irene chuckled "I am glad that you remember me." She said.

"What are you doing here?" Acnologia came back right to her face and asked. "How you come you are here?"

On the other hand, Rimuru noticed his giant dragon brother trembling again and mumbling "This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!" It made Rimuru think that today was really a strange day, they have been meeting people that made even the legendary Storm Dragon tremble.

Irene pushed Acnologia's face with her finger and spoke "I will guess the same way as you." She said.

"Impossible, you are supposed to be dead." Acnologia grumbled "I made sure of it."

"You what?" Irene smiled and tilted her head.

"Fuxk! I mean I am sure I saw you dead! Yes! I saw you!" Acnologia made a quick recover, no way was he gonna tell her he stomped her face to death.

"...Well, I have to say, It is great to say a familiar face after thousands of years." Irene said "I came her to check to see what is the Apocalypse dragon doing here and possibly stop him, turns out...The apocalypse has built a city for monsters, you can imagine my surprise." Irene smirked "I mean you... Building something?!"

Acnologia grumbled again "I can't say I am glad to see you too, unfortunately." He said "If you are done with your business, leave." He quickly dismissed her and turned to leave.

Irene huffed "How rude, I came all this way to see you, yet you won't even welcome properly? What do you think, Veldora?" She looked back at the huge dragon and asked innocently.

"Ah! I, I..." The poor storm Dragon was put between two rocks. Acnologia and Irene, now...should he disappoint his brother and look weak or should he give up and agree with the Scarlet Dragon?

At that moment, when the tension was at its highest, a cute cyan haired boy jumped on "Why not, If she is an old friend of brother Acnologia, we can at least invite her to a cup of tea." Rimuru said, not realizing who he was inviting.

"With strawberry cake please." Irene added quickly on cue.

However...'Nice Rimuru!! Nice save!' Veldora escaped making the decision and so he was happy.

Acnologia shook his head at Rimuru who only shrugged back at him. He sighed and spoke "Come in then, drink your damned tea and see yourself out."

Irene chuckled and followed after Acnologia "What an honor, Mr. Apocalypse."

"Stop calling me that." Acnologia said.

"You like that nickname though."

"It doesn't sounds as strong when you say it."

"My! What is wrong with me saying it."

"Shut up about it already."




Veldora and Rimuru were watching the two entering the village with wide open eyes, especially Acnologia "How strange...I thought another fight will break out." Veldora said.

Rimuru was thinking about something 'How does she know brother? I have been with him since nice the cave days...'


Inside their own mansion, Acnologia, Irene and Rimuru were sitting around a low table while being served by Shuna some green tea "The Strawberry cake will be ready in 10 minutes. Have some refreshments until then" She said sweetly like the princess she is.

Acnologia had a grim look on his face, Irene had an excited look '10 minutes until I can taste heaven again.' she thought.

As for Rimuru, he kept looking between the two as his senses picked something up 'They have history between each other. I am sure of it.'

Outside of the mansion, a big dragon was circulating around the windows trying to find a way in "This is not fair! I wanna be inside too!"

While he was whining like a baby, the citizens of tempest were baffled 'Is this really the storm Dragon?' they thought.

Acnologia couldn't say he was happy to see Irene, for long he was trying to move on from a past he doesn't want to remember, and now she has come to remind him.

"I have to say, It did not cross my mind that you of all people will build a city for monsters and rule over them." Irene said whole taking a sip of her tea.

"So would many think." Acnologia responded.

"Once I felt your magic, I thought you will be destroying anything that you see in your path...again." she added making Acnologia frown.

"And I think that is not of your business." Acnologia retorted.

"I am only trying to make a conversation here." Irene said with a chuckle.

"You are not doing a good job then." Acnologia mocked the Scarlet Haired woman.

It went on like this for a long time, until Irene got her Strawberry cake before they resumed their bickering at each other.

By that time, Rimuru lost interest and went to hang out with the sad Storm Dragon. Which resulted in the sad dragon getting a human body.




Surprisingly, Acnologia and Irene left the mansion for some fresh air too...Well, Acnologia did and Irene followed him to his ire.

But after a moment, Irene finally gathered her courage and asked what she really came here for, the question that made her heart beat faster than ever.

"So... What happened in our world?" She asked "...Did you destroy it? My daughter...is she..." There was a hint of sadness and bent up emotions ready to explode.

Acnologia could read her like a book "...I did not destroy it." He said "Thankfully that bullshit power stopped me even though I hate to admit it."

On his words, Irene's stiff body relaxed and her face got a bright smile "I see, you were killed...Good."

Acnologia looked back at her nonchalantly "As for your daughter...I smiled a someone like you near your body, As long as I remembered, she was safe. You don't have to worry about her."

Irene looked at Acnologia before she burst out laughing "Ahahaha! What is this? Are you trying to comfort me? How absurd of you."

Acnologia grumbled in frustration "Beat it woman." He said.

"Ahahaha! You look flustered! This is too strange coming from you!" Irene couldn't help it but laugh at the once before death machine.

Acnologia clenched his fists "What? You though I was all about destruction and--" he stopped in his words "Well, I was all about that but now I...I am..." But he couldn't finish 'Do I have the right to say I am trying to change?' he thought.

Irene only stared at Acnologia Before noticing they were on top of a hill overlooking the village, she sat down and leaned on a tree "Come and sit..." She said as she looked at the people moving around the city.

Acnologia followed her gaze and he spotted his two brothers playing with everyone, Ranga, Shion, Gobuta, And Benimaru. Acnologia sighed and sat down beside her.

"Its such a beautiful world, don't you think?" Irene spoke.

Acnologia only stared at the village while the sun was sitting down and dying the sky in a beautiful red "...It is."

"Coming here to meet you, I had many questions,many grudges, and many complaints against you, I was ready to fight you, but then it struck me...For us...you and me, I don't know what brought us here and why, but I am sure of one thing...This is a new start in life, away from all sadness and regrets." Irene spoke.

"...Yes, yes it is...a new start in life."

While the two were contemplating their lives, the ground shook as an explosion erupted just outside the village.


Seeing this, Acnologia stood up "However...Just because it is a new start, doesn't mean I won't do the same things I did before to protect what is mine." He said while jumping off, leaving Irene behind looking at his fading back before she too stood up.

"...I guess we can both agree on that." She said.