
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

The Apocalypse and Home

Pat reon.com/RedVoidDoragon



Another shockwave exploded as Acnologia sent another breath that destroyed Velzard's ice shield and striking her body. Her ice scales were falling down broken.

Velzard was surprised 'What is going on?' she thought 'It hurts...' she looked at Acnologia who has not spoken any word since the start 'Who is this guy? He is definitely weaker than me...' she thought.

Acnologia was not a fan of breaks during a fight so he immediately went on for a punch using [Death Claw] forcing Velzard to avoid his attacks.

'I don't want to use anymore power than this, Guy will never shut up about it if I froze. This forest down...' Velzard was struggling.

However, Acnologia came to a realization 'This isn't going anywhere...' he thought 'My attacks are working, but they are far weaker to cause any fatal damage...she is physically stronger than me...HOW ANNOYING!!' He opened his Jaws and shouted [Eternal Flare!!!]

His wings expanded and the sky went into darkness, Velzard tensed up as she noticed bright starts shining in the dark sky. In a matter of an instance, those stars were getting closer and hotter as she could feel the heat coming down.

"Bastard!!" Velzard used her ultimate skill to shield her body as a barrage of those mini stars rained down on her and exploding on her body.

"Argh!!" Many of those mini stars pierced through her Shield like hot butter and went through her body making her bleed for the first time "ENOUGH!!" Velzard shouted when she couldn't tolerate the pain [Ice Hazzard!!] She shouted, from the ground, ice spheres shot to the sky to intercept the mini stars, it took several ice spheres fort each mini star to stop it, but ultimately she managed to stop them all.

Velzard took a sigh of relief when the attack stopped 'I shouldn't be able to feel pain...Why? Why is he hurting me?' she had many questions, Acnologia was weaker than her for sure with no questions, however his attacks and the pin she is feeling now reminds her of that Red Witch.

However, Velzard grinned "Looks like this is your limit." She said.

Acnologia growled, in the middle of his chest, there was crack.

"Velzard!!" Suddenly, Veldora jumped out of the woods with Rimuru on his head "What are you doing?" He asked "I haven't done anything yet why are you attacking us."

"...I didn't attack you." She said "You little pet attacked first."






That little words kept echoing inside Acnologia's head before he Bursted out in a roar, ready to show Velzard who is the pet.

"Wait!!" Veldora grabbed Acnologia back "It must be a misunderstanding, my brother didn't mean any harm." Veldora said, emphasizing on the word brother "There is no reason to fight anymore." Veldora had an urgent matter, the crack on Acnologia's chest was worrying him.

"Hmm..." Velzard smiled and thought, but before she could speak, she heard a voice in her head.


(Guy? What do you want? Not now.)

[Return, Storm Dragon is back in the forest]

(Guy, I said not now.)

[Misery said she is feeling a Demon Lord heading to the forest, get our of there first, It is probably Milim, she is a pain in the ass to deal with.]

Velzard grumbled "Fine..." Her eyes shifted from her brother to where a woman with Red hair was watching before saying "My time is over here, I'll see you again... Don't die yet." She said before she evaporated her body into thin ice shards.

Once she left, Veldora sighed his lungs out.

"Are you alright, Brother?!" Rimuru jumped from Veldora to Acnologia to check on his chest, the crack was illuminating blue "This body will torn to shreds if you go into another fight." He said.

"She is gone now." Veldora said.

"Who is she anyways?" Rimuru asked.

Before Veldora could answer, Acnologia spoke "...Does not matter, let's go home." He shifted his body and flew towards the village, followed by Veldora and Rimuru.

On their way, they met with Benimaru and the rest who were worried, but seeing that everyone was okay, they didn't ask any further questions. Surprisingly all of them forgot about the huge Storm Dragon who was with them...It will take them a moment.

Nearing the village, Acnologia turned into his human form and continued on feet.

At the entrance, a woman with Red hair was standing at the gate, everyone just greeted her normally and passed by her as they finally got home, guests aren't unusual in the village.

"Good day to you, Acnologia-san." Irene spoke with a smile when Acnologia finally arrived last with Veldora and Rimuru.

Once again, Veldora started sweating again. 'Why is she here too?!! Is this why Velzard left?'

Acnologia glanced at Irene and just kept walking and ignoring her.

Just when he was 2 Meters away from her, he stopped and turned sharply "THE FUCK?!!"