
Chapter 21

Xavier finally gave me a phone but the phone is connected to Damien and his phone. The only thing that I do with the phone is play games. I guess now I'm not bored in the office anymore. But now that they got me the phone we have been going into the office a lot lately. I feel so suffocated there. No girls have come up to me taking the claim of the boys so I guess that's a bonus.

But lately I've been feeling like I'm being watched. I always push it away thinking that I'm just being paranoid. I also don't want to tell the boys and it will be nothing. That would be so embarrassing. I hope I'm right and that it is actually nothing.

But just in case that it is something I have been staying close to the boys lately. Of course they questioned me about it and I just said that I was feeling lonely. They make me so safe and sometimes I have caught myself admiring them.

My stomach turns when they do certain things but that could be anything. I know that I can't be falling for them. They basically kidnapped me and are bad guys. They kill people like it is nothing. They could be rapists and I wouldn't even know. I know nothing about them because they're so secretive.

All I know is that I will get over this soon and there is nothing to worry about. My head is a little woozy and they have been the only men that have given me attention in a while. Maybe I just need to have a relaxation day and just get my mental health back.


That's my phone. Hopefully it's not the same person.

I really just had to jinx myself didn't I?

'Hey I hope you missed me.' I don't know who this is. It's probably just some kid playing a prank trying to scare someone. Imma be honest, they are scaring me but I won't give them the satisfaction of telling them. They don't need to know that they are affecting me.

There is no point in texting back as I just want them back since they don't listen anyway. If Damien and Xavier can see the texts that are being sent to me I hope that they are doing something to stop this. This is like mental torture. This is the only thing I regret about getting this phone.

'Are you still ignoring me? I just want to be friends. Even though we probably won't be just friends for long ;)' I don't know what he means by that and I don't want to know. All I know is that that text just sent creepy shivers down my spine.

I wish he would just go away. I just want some peace for once in my life. But of course I don't get that in my life. Peace isn't even in my vocabulary. The only thing I have known through my teenage life so far is stress. I'm always being stressed some how.

'Darling please stop this childish game of silent treatment. I wouldn't want to hurt you for not listening.' I can't take this anymore. I have blocked the number and they came back, begged them to stop but they don't listen, I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm trapped in a cage right now.

'Please just leave me alone. You succeeded in scaring me so leave me alone. I beg you to leave me alone, you have successfully terrified my soul.' Hopefully this is what he wanted to hear. He's playing a game that I don't want to play.

'There is nothing for you to be afraid of. I'm not trying to make you afraid I just need you to understand that you are rightfully mine.' That's not really helping me not be afraid right now. I'm not going to reply anymore.

I think I have enough phone time now. I put the phone down and walk away from it. I walk over to the couch where Xavier is talking on the phone right now. It doesn't seem like things are going his way from the look on his face. He seem s like he is going to explode at any moment.

I sit next to him and lay down a bit. I just listen to Xavier and his silky accent. I would love to hear him talk all day. (Is anyone else like that with accents?)

I see Damien walk into the room and he walks my way. He picks my head up and sits it in the spot my head was originally at. I just lay my head on his lap not feeling like sitting up. Xavier soon hangs up and looks down at me.

"What are you doing here?" Xavier asks looking at me but it seems like he is addressing the both of us.

"I just wanted to come in here." I answered back and Xavier soon looked at his twin waiting for an answer.

"I just wanted to come in here."

We sit in silence after that just enjoying each other's presence. There are moments like this that I just love and just soak up the moment. These are the moments where I am most calm. I just get a time to myself and get to think over everything.

After a few minutes we get up to get something to eat. After eating, I get up and go into the room to check my phone. The thing I saw sent shivers down my spine and scared me to the core.

'6 days until…..'

The problem is 6 days until what?