

A young man from our world wakes up in the body of the saiyan Raditz. Will things change when a avid fan of Dragon Ball becomes Raditz? Find out on A SAIYAN SURVIVOR !

Antonio_Garza · Komik
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Training montage and Saiyan Pride

It has been a couple days, since I went to the medical bay. Every day, my body would get stronger, and it was easier to move around the house. I started training outside to have more room to work with since I can now move somewhat around naturally without much strain.

The other Saiyans would look at me weirdly and some would openly mock me since most Saiyans would rely on latent potential to get stronger during battle. I think that's good and all, but that can do only so much. Kakarot's canon counterpart proves this that with training anyone can get stronger.

Broly was the exception as he grew really fast when he was fighting future Kakarot and Vegeta. I didn't want to mention Goku black because I had no idea what had happened there.

"It's weird that I think Kakarot instead of Goku. It feels more natural to say and think his Saiyan name then his Earthling name", I muttered to myself quietly.

I was going to try meditating to have better control of my Ki. Also, by meditating I could figure out what's wrong with my Ki and why the scouter can't pick up Raditz's old power level. I sat down and crossed my legs. I took a really deep breath and looked deep inside myself to find my center.

I found it a second later, probably due to not having Ki in my last life. My Ki seems to be unstable. If I had to guess, it's from the merging not being completely done yet as I still don't have all of Raditz's memories yet, just bits and pieces that seem important. On how to use a scouter and reading the language for one because the language isn't English.

I wondered why I could survive the gravity yet not move around it. My theory was that Raditz wasn't strong enough to move without Ki. Raditz was using his Ki as a crutch to help him move around. As from what I understood, Ki helps the body breaks its limits and reach superhuman levels.

I tried pulling out my Ki and found it quite difficult to do but was able to do it barely. Opening my eyes, I look down at my hands and see a small ball of Ki floating between my palms. I had sweat on my face from the effort of pulling my Ki out. After a few seconds the Ki ball fizzles out.

After a few minutes of rest, I would try Ki sensing as this is a very valuable skill to have. I tried to remember what Mr. Popo said on Ki sensing. Something about it being a sense for the blind or something like that. I didn't really remember all the details.

I will just have to try trial and error. After an hour of no progress, I gave up and will try again later. I will continue my physical training for the meantime.

A week has passed, and I had made some progress on my physical strength and Ki control. I can barely sense others power levels, but it's a start. I also started tying rocks to my body to add extra weight for harder training. I started to look for other Saiyans to fight to gain experience.

I didn't really know how to fight, so by fighting other Saiyans my body's instincts will guide me in combat before I learn to fight naturally. So far, I was met with various responses. Most would ignore me, and others would humor my request. The Saiyans that agreed to fight me would mock me for my low power level before beating my ass to a pulp.

I would try to dodge and attack as best as I could and my Saiyan instincts would kick in. Thankfully the Saiyans didn't injure me too much to not be able to move. After each battle I would limp my way to enter a healing pod. When I heal completely, I feel so much stronger after getting a zenkai boost. I would then train some more before heading to eat dinner with my new mother before going to bed.

While going to bed I would reminisce about my encounter with Raditz's old bullies from his past.


I was on my second day of doing this method of gaining experience and strength. I was in the middle of looking for another Saiyan to battle until I heard a young annoying voice.

"Well look what we have here. Raditz the weakling coward has shown his face after fainting before his big mission." A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw three young Saiyan children about the same age as me. They seem familiar to me. I had to rack my head for any memories that will tell me who these people are. After a second has passed, I have names for the three Saiyans in front him. I scowled when I remembered that these Saiyans tormented Raditz in the past.

"Sproute, Pumpki, and Rootaba? What the hell do you want?" I questioned them disdainfully.

The ringleader Sproute answers, "We just wanted to see how our favorite punching bag is doing. We were so worried that we wouldn't be able to tell you that you're a disgrace to the Saiyan race."

Sproute then turns on his scouter to scan my power level. "Power level of 5 huh. Wow, you are such a pathetic excuse for a Saiyan that you got weaker. HAHAHA." Sproute laughs loudly and his two lackies join him.

"He really lives to his name of being a weakling", Pumpki commented.

"Maybe we should give him a good beating to teach him a lesson for being a disgrace," Rootaba stated.

"Yeah, that's a good idea Rootaba", Sproute agrees to the idea.

The three Saiyans then get into a fighting stance. I scanned their power levels. The scouter shows Sproute has the highest with a power level of 800. Pumpki with the second highest of 766 and Rootaba with a power level of 749 coming in last. Despites this, I showed no fear and got in own sloppy fighting stance with my tail wrapped around my waist. I know I can't win, but I will make damn sure that they will bleed before they win.

"Oh, Raditz seems to have grown a spine. Well, not that it matters; it will crumble away after this fight", Sproute mocked.

The three Saiyans charged at me with Sproute reaching me first. I sidestep to the left as quickly as I can while sending a kick towards the surprised Sproute.

"Gah!" Sproute shouted in pain and shock that the kick hurt him. It shouldn't be that strong for someone with a power level of 5. I then used his shock to quickly send a punch to his nose. Sproute's nose makes a cracking sound to indicate that it was broken.

While Sproute is reeling in pain from the broken nose, I quickly grabbed Sproute's tail. Thanks to being a low-class he has done no training with his tail which cause him to groan in pain. I threw him towards Pumpki with all my might. Rootaba was closing in on me and sends a heavy punch. I blocked it with my forearm, and I can feel the strength from the attack.

This causes me to flinch in pain which is enough to give an opening for Rootaba to send another blow towards my stomach. The attack causes the air to escape from my lungs and blood from my mouth. I quickly gathered my wits and headbutted Rootaba, following with a chop to the throat. While he is chocking, I send three heavy punches to his stomach to return the favor and then kick him away.

My Ki sense tells me that the other two were rushing me from behind. I tried to turn around to block them, but I was too slow. Sproute sent a punch to my nose which breaks it while Pumpki sends a kick to my stomach, and it sends me soaring in the air. I get up as quickly as I can and get back into my fighting stance.

"Raditz, I'll admit, you are not much of coward after all. Though you should have just taken your beating", Sprout snarled.

Sproute walked slowly to me with his lackies not far behind him. I just wiped off the blood dripping from my nose. I then fixed my nose by pushing it back into place.

I said, "That all you got?"

Sproute lunges for me and throws a punch towards me. Instead of blocking, I deflected the blow and punched his throat. Then I kicked the back of his knee making him kneel and then grabbed his head to smash my knee with his face.

I got sucker punched in the face by Pumpki. I ignored the pain and tackled Pumpki and rained down punches to his face. I sensed something and quickly got out of the way. I barely managed to dodge a kick to the side of the head. I turned and then attacked Rootaba with a flying kick, which he didn't have enough time to dodge. I was getting tired; my body was aching from the blows and bruises were starting to show.

Sproute sees this. "You're getting tired Raditz. I'm surprised that you have lasted this long." Sproute then pushed his own nose back into place.

"You call me a coward and a disgrace, but you can't fight me alone. Where is your Saiyan Pride. I still have mine and that can never be taken from me", I responded to Sproute, taunting him. Sproute enraged by this, yells to the others to not interfere with this battle.

"Fine so be it weakling", Sproute spats.

I roared, "BRING IT ON!!!!"

Then Sproute starts blasting Ki blasts at me and I had to start dodging. I got closer to close the distance between us and in the process got hit by a few Ki blasts. They hurt and burn me so much and I'm so tired, but I push on.

I will not give up until I humiliate Sproute. To show that he was almost beaten by someone with a power level of five. I quickly picked up a rock and threw it at Sproute as hard as I can. I nailed him right in the face. Sproute yelps in surprise and clutches his face.

'This is my chance.' I thought to myself.

I then run as fast as I can and tackled the other Saiyan. I began punching his face and anything else I can hit. Sproute then screams and uses a powerful Kiai that sends me flying. I tried to get up but is met with a powerful stomp onto my stomach that makes blood fly out of my own mouth. Sproute then straddles me and starts raining punches that make my head ring and almost lose consciousness.

After a few minutes of this, he finally stops and gets up off of me. My face is covered in bruises and has blood from cuts that were made from the barrage of punches. Surprisingly I'm still conscious.

"Know your place weakling", Sproute snarled.

Sproute then proceeds to break my arm and leg and to add salt to the injury kicks me in the ribs. Sproute then spits on me and turns to leave.

"Let's go, we're done here", He told his lackies.

Pumpki and Rootaba nodded and followed after him and left me alone on the ground. After a few minutes I tried to move, but my body was screaming at me to not move. I ignored it and proceeded to crawl to the medical area to get to a healing pod. After 30 minutes of crawling, I managed to make it to my destination.

Asking for a healing pod, the medical staff dumps me into one and starts the machine.

'I better get a huge zenkai for this', I thought to myself while the tank is filled with medicinal liquid.

After an hour, I was completely healed and headed home for the day.


I can feel how strong I got after that near death experience.

'Yeah, that was totally worth it.' I closed my eyes to continue training tomorrow.

Author Note: Let me know if you like the first fight scene of the story. I tried really hard on it so let me know if you like it or not. Thanks, have good night since I'm posting this pretty late. :)