
Zoe and the little bird.

Ohhh mah little angel!

Are you okay?asked zoe.

She draped that little bird in a towel and took it towards her room.Zoe and her mother took care of that bird and gradually,Zoe had a new friend with whom she loved to play ,She named that cute little bird as "Seezo".

Seezo and Zoe are now best friends.Seezo use to chirp louder when Zoe sing with him.Zoe never such beautiful friend like Seezo they both enjoy each other's company,Zoe have a walk every evening with Seezo in the park behind the street both use to play with the following lake.

Zoe start singing when she is out of bed so Seezo can come inside.One day,as per the routine she sung a song but Seezo wasn't there.

Seezo?Seezo? can you hear me?

where are you?

Are we playing hide and seek?

Seezo where are you please come please!!

Zoe went downstairs:


what happened Zoe why are you shouting?

Mama! Do you have any idea where is Seezo?

I can't find him ...I hope he is fine.

Seezo?Ahh! that bird?


Come on sweetheart you are a grown up now and crying over a bird he must be somewhere in the backyard come lets have our breakfast first.

But Mama!

Zoe! be a good girl come have your breakfast .

Okay Mama...

Zoe was so bothered by the absence of Seezo.

6 in the evening she went out for a walk as per the schedule but she was so aggrieved without him.

Ohhh Seezo!

Where are you:(


chu chu chu

Seezo, Seezo is that you??where are you??

Behind the lake there was a dark tree,and Seezo was lying beside it,fully wounded..

Ohhh my goodness..

Seezo who did this?

Tell me who hurt you?

Suddenly a little boy with blond hair arrived with a bowl full of water in his hands.

Hello! young boy what is your name?asked Zoe

Hello! i am Arri, i was playing and suddenly this little bird fell from the tree and was wounded I ran to bring water for him.

Take this make him drink it.

Aww Thankyou so much Arri..

Seezo ,Seezo hey??

Open your eyes..

look Arri is here with water for you.

Please Seezo..

open your eyes..

BUT he didn't..

Ohhh my loveliest friend may you rest in peace.

Zoe was so disheartened by the death of Her best friend although it was a bird but still..

She ran home whimpering like hell.

Because it was the first ever sorrow to her life.