
The life begins..

The story belongs a pre possessing and super bashful girl who always seek for love and waited for her prince to ride a white horse..

But when she fell in for someone it was all opposite she loved him infinite but faced a lot of betrayals and life was full if sorrow but before getting double crossed those romantic moments of her life means world to her.

A girl who was alluring and retiring,who never repudiate her parents, a girl with strong ambitions, who was startled all the time.Who was called Zoe in her town.

She seeks love..

She seeks care..

She seeks attention..

A girl who was a "NYCTOPHYLE".Who is always busy dreamy for her prince charming.Ahh! Zoe lives in the world of fairy tales.Her hazel eyes were deeper then the ocean,Her curly hair are so breathtaking, The dryness of winter on her cheeks enhances the tint,her moisturized baby pink lips are so dreamy.Zoe 18 years old girls who loves to be around the people who loves to interact.

One day Zoe was singing and doing some house hold and suddenly her mother arrived:

"Zoe,my little princess,what are you doing?

"Ohh Mama! I was doing the dishes and had a glance on these beautiful birds,who are chirping so nicely "

"Oh dearest!,We have a lot of work to do."Come join me downstairs. said Mrs.Hatem(Zoe's mother)

Zoe was about to leave as her mother asked her to join but suddenly a bird fell off from the tree.

OHHH NO! Mama!Mama!Mama!

she ran so bad and tried to catch the little bird but couldn't.

Zoe(crying) I am so sorry my little friend,i tried but couldn't catch you i apologise .