
1st Sorrow

Zoe,ohhh my princes why are you so sad?asked Mrs.Hatem.

Mama!How could Seezo leave me alone,he is the only best friend of mine.I love him so much,please ask him to come back.

Please don't howl my girl.Dying is a part of life,this is one of the most painful ritual of the world.Everyone has to die one day , don't be silly.

Go and wash your face your school is going to be resumed from tomorrow be ready.

No , I don't want to go to school,and Zoe ran upstairs.

Zoe was whimpering so bad . 6 in the morning Mrs.Hatem knocked Zoe's room's door.

Zoe,come on wake up sweetheart and get ready for your school.Zoe got ready but she seems to be distressed while having her breakfast her mother was about to ask but the school bus arrived.

After few days Mrs.Hatem realised that before the vacations zoe used to sit on the front seat of the bus with all the other girls but now she was at the very last seat and alone.A week passed and Mrs.Hatem went to visit Zoe's school to meet her teachers,there she met Mrs.Daisy who was Zoe's class teacher.She told her that Zoe had changed a lot , she doesn't even participate in the class interactive sessions nor answer any of my questions.She sits alone in the class and do not talk to any of the person.

Mrs.Hatem was confused because she never had an idea that Seezo's death would bother her this way.Her teacher said that Zoe is always absent minded in the class .If someone tries to have a conversation with her she just listens and do not answer.

Mrs.Hatem was so so disturbed by the changing of Zoe's behaviour and now looking forward for the solution.