
a love contract with my favorite villain

when Fumiko Suzuki was five she made a contract with her friend Arturo Aguirre that if they aren't married at the age of twenty-five then they would married each other. now twenty years later Fumiko is heartbroken and single after a toxic relationship with her ex and she decides that she would stay single forever until Arturo appears out of nowhere with the contract and now Fumiko doesn't know what is worst the fact that Arturo took the contract serious and actually wants to marry her or the fact that he is the most wanted villain also known as "Bloodstain"

TlatoaniPizarro · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

a day in the office

Fumiko is on her way to her job. the sky is so bright. the weather is in the right point isn't hot nor cold. Fumiko has this feeling like something good is about to happen. the moment she arrives at the H.C.P.D. Malcolm asks her to followed him to his office something that might be scary for others at times but, Fumiko had a good feeling and she doesn't had a reason to be scare because she has never failed to do her job. Fumiko follows him to his office and there is a moment of silence.

"I am going to be honest with you. you are an excellent employee, and you had done your job properly since day one. and the reason I had never let you work in the field before, was because I know you since you were a little girl. and I had that image of a fragile little girl. so I was afraid that letting you work as a police officer might be too dangerous, but yesterday I was proven wrong by you when you fought alongside Detective Wagner and you prove to me that you are a better cop, than most of those idiots with a badge so I am going to do what I should had done a long time ago. I am going to give you your badge soon."

said Malcolm proud of her.

"thanks, that is the best speech that I had ever heard."

said Fumiko feeling joy.

Fumiko goes to her desk and she is working in some documents, she is usually angry or tired but not today. no today she is full of energy and joy because she is going to be a real cop soon. Fumiko even thinks about calling her father but then she stops to think for a moment and she remembered that her dad was always against the idea of her been a cop.

Chiko Suzuki always wanted the best for his daughter but for him working for the government wasn't the right choice for her. even if Fumiko doesn't know her dad was afraid that if she chooses the same path that he took then she would be unhappy if she has to make a choice like the one he took which led him to his retirement.

while Fumiko is working Jonathan walks slowly towards her and he stops in front of her desk. he puts a box of chocolates on her desk and she looks at him. her happy day was ruined the moment she saw his face. Jonathan puts a ring on the desk and he asks her to put the ring on. Fumiko would had be happy in the past but now is the present and she feels offended by his actions. he was the reason why she cried and suffer a lot in the past and he is trying to erase the past with an abracadabra and a ring that is probably worth a few millions.

"you can put it on now or later it doesn't matter, but I hope you like it and if it isn't of your liking I can get another one for you."

said Jonathan with a stupid smile.

"no, I am tired of this games that you always play. one day you are the most romantic man of the world and you are super nice and sweet and the next day you are cold, you push me away and you treat me like an object. I can't be, no I don't deserve to be treated in that way and if I loved you in the past, it was in the past."

said Fumiko looking down with teary eyes.

"is that really what you want? if we are honest then tell me what does that detective has that I don't have? and please don't make excuses that I had seen you with him, I am sure he is more than just a friend. since when had you being unfaithful to me with him?"

said Jonathan aloud trying to play the victim.

"he is just a friend and I don't need to explain anything. why don't we remember all those times in which I saw you with those whores and you told me that it was important to keep your manhood alive. you had shared your bed with so many woman while he were dating and you called it your "duty" as a man just because I couldn't be with you because I was working. you might be the second best Hero in the city but as a man you are a joke and please don't come near me ever again."

said Fumiko with a broken voice about to cry.

"I am so sorry, I do love you but sometime.... I do stupid things. I am going to give you some space for the moment but I am not giving up on our future."

said Jonathan in a calm tone of voice.

at the moment in a warehouse owned by the Bellucci mafia.....

Don Gratiano Bellucci is with Madame Twisted Mind. there are some bodyguards surrounding them. Don Gratiano asks to his bodyguards to give them some privacy while they talk about private matters. Don Gratiano leads Madame Twisted Mind to a table full of Italian dishes. Don Gratiano sits in a chair and he asks Madame Twisted Mind to try some of the food. he insist telling her that it was done by the best chef from his homeland.

"Don Bellucci if you allow me, I want to speak about Short-Tempered the sick game that he wants to play. if we let him do this the city would be in chaos."

said Madame Twisted Mind worry for her own safety.

"he has always been in my shadow trying to gain recognition and if the youngster thinks that this is going to give him recognition then let him be. I want to see how far is he going to advance without my intervention in his personal affairs."

said Don Bellucci with a firm voice.

"fine. I would be his shadow just in case things go to hell so I can protect him. I also wanted to add that I manage to put Bloodstain under Aristide's command. I know you want to give him some freedom to act so I acted on my own to find at least two strong shields to keep his neck in its place just in case."

said Madame Twisted Mind feeling nervous and tired.

"you said two. Bloodstain and who else?"

asks Don Bellucci curious to know more.

"Bloodstain and the Drainer. both of them are good friends so it was easy to confirm the participation of both. if you excuse me I had work to do."

said Madame Twisted Mind.

"eat first, don't let the food be wasted. I can swear that you would never find dishes like this ones. Italy my homeland is the home to the finest dishes that the palate can ever taste. this country has Italian restaurants but none is as good as they are in my homeland. I think I am getting a bit sentimental."

said Don Bellucci recalling the old days.

at the moment in the studio of the Violet Swirl...

Mark. C. Miller Jr. steps inside of the studio for a interview with Walter Grey. the interview is to talk about Jonathan's recovery and the future of the city. Mark knows that Walter is a wolf who eats alive in his interviews those whom are mentally weak with brutal surprises, but in this case that isn't going to happen because both of them are aware of the power that Mark holds. Walter starts to make the questions with a friendly face and the first questions are easy and simple.

Mark is nervous thinking about his stupid son. the last time he spoke with his son they had a fight because Jonathan wants to start over with Fumiko and the fact that she is the daughter of Gluttonyc Justice is a big problem and she is more than a rock in his way and if he tries to do anything suspicious he is sure that Gluttonyc Justice can eradicate his whole bloodline.

Walter asks Mark a few questions about his political party and the things that he has done for the city. after some time asking questions that are too simple or neutral Walter sees an opening to talk about the real question that he wants to ask. while Mark was distracted Walter asks a crew member to put a video in which Jonathan appears screaming at Fumiko and is clear the moment in which he push her while he leaves with another woman.

"this footage is from the time in which your son was dating with his last girlfriend, by the way she is the daughter of well known hero Gluttonyc Justice. that isn't the only video of him mistreating a girlfriend or cheating on her. do you care to explain how can an educated politician like yourself be the father of a man like him? well man is a bit of an exaggeration."

said Walter feeling proud of himself.

"I don't know. I gave love and a proper education to my son. if he behaves like a bastard that has nothing to do with me. he is no longer a kid and if he is a disgrace to society is because that is the path that he took..... but I do want to offer to my old friend Chiko an apology and not only to him but also to the fathers of those girls with which that bastard has been playing around. he is my son but since a young age he became a rebel impossible to control."

said Mark C. Miller Jr. showing sadness in his face.

somewhere in a store in the north side of the city.....

Biyu is following a group of thieves that are running away with some jewels and diamonds. Biyu punches the air creating the Pink Effect ( the Pink Effect is the name of Biyu's power. every time that she punches the air it creates some sort of air fist with a pink color and that fist attacks everything in front of it. the only problem with that power is that Biyu doesn't have much control of her own power and it can create a lot of damage. because that is a power that can't be control easily she can't depend of her power alone which has become the reason why she is just a bronze hero) the thieves are not able to move and the pink fist hits them with so much force that they are flying on the air.

a hero with speed powers is able to catch every jewel and diamond on time avoiding any damage. Biyu thanks her comrade while she pretends to be smiling when in reality she is furious for her lack of control over her own power. she has dreams of being one of the greatest heroes in the history of heroes but every time that she fails to control her power she feels like her goal is becoming less and less realistic.

Biyu receives a message from Fumiko and she feels relief. the only reason why she haven't give up on being a hero is because her friend with no power is fighting so hard to become the closest thing to a hero. when Biyu learned about who is the father of Fumiko she couldn't believe it. even when her father was one of the strongest and most famous Heroes of his times Fumiko is trying so hard to create her own legacy without being afraid of not getting out of the shadow of her father.

Biyu takes the thieves to police department hoping to see her friend in there. Fumiko isn't in there and Biyu asks Jurgen where Fumiko is? Biyu knows that Jurgen has a crush on her friend but because he has a problem in believing in his own worth he is always afraid of confessing his own feelings. Jurgen tells her that she is doing some work about a Hero accused of excess of violence when trying to captured a well known Villain who is rich and powerful.

Biyu is not the type of person who cares about the life of other people but because Jurgen and Fumiko are both her friends she is worry because she knows that they like each other and jet they are afraid of confessing their feelings. Biyu asks Jurgen if he intends to ever confess his feelings but he doesn't answer he is looking down on the ground with sadness in his gaze.

somewhere in a dark alley on the most dangerous zone of the city....

a man is running scared and he falls on the ground. he looks around of him afraid of someone that he can't see at the moment. he stands up and he keeps running until he feels some sort of pain in his neck. he falls on his knees at the moment that he realized that he is bleeding from his neck. he doesn't know in which moment he was wounded, he only knows that it is that assassin that was send to kill him.

the Stuntman walks in front of him with a gun on his right hand and a dagger on his left hand. the stuntman walks slowly towards him. the man can't see his face but he knows why he was send to kill him and he wants to negotiate for his life but he can't speak at the moment while he keeps bleeding out from his neck.

"the reason why I cut you on the throat first was because I knew you would start to asked for mercy or even offer money but I am a man of my word and I follow a code of honor and your words would be nothing less than an insult to my code of honor."

said the Stuntman while hiding his face in the darkness.

the Stuntman hides the gun. he stabs the man in the chest with the dagger. the man shows horror on his last breathe. once the man is dead the Stuntman puts two coins of gold on the eyes of the man before he leaves.

Biyu's Hero name is Pink Fist because that is the shape her power takes and that makes sense. Also every Hero is put inside a different classification and depending of that is the type of missions they are allow to take like for example Biyu is bronze so she can only take small task like capturing thieves or tailing small criminals.

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