
the members for the bank robbery

Arturo is drinking chamomile tea (he is inside of the conference room for the job) everyone else enters in the room each of them feeling tired and angry. everyone sits around of a table while Madame Twisted Mind explains everything about the job. not everyone is okay with the job. Harold and Techno-Virus seem to have some doubts especially about the boss whom is keeping his identity in secret at the moment and also because they don't know anything about the owners of the bank.

Daisuke sits next to Arturo. he is holding a baking book. he doesn't like the noise so he puts some headphones on to listen music while he reads the book. he notice that the others are telling him that this is important but they said the same thing in the last meeting and there was noting important to learn.

(Daisuke's past) ten year ago in the city of Ut-Obliviscatur.....

Daisuke is walking inside of a temple holding two swords. he walks to the altar. there is someone waiting for him but it too dark to see that person's appearance. Daisuke kneels looking up inside of the darkness waiting for instructions.

"you had done your job there is no doubt.... but you haven't prove your worth jet.... your next mission is to kill the head of the Esposito mafia. his home is full of armed man. now is your time Daisuke to prove yourself as the heir of the Miyagawa clan."

said the man in the darkness.

"yes sir, I won't bring shame to my family. I am going to prove that I am at the same level that my father used to be."

said Daisuke with an emotionless face.

Daisuke walks out of the temple. after two hours he walks directly to the home of the head of the Esposito mafia. he knew that Andrea Esposito lives in a mansion that is surrounded by one hundred guards and there are some members of the Esposito mafia that visit the old man. for many this was a dangerous situation but for Daisuke this was the perfect opportunity to prove himself worthy of his title as an assassin.

Daisuke looks at the swords in his hands and he feels this thirst for blood that is running around of his whole body. his own blood is boiling to kill. his veins burst with adrenaline. he steps in front of the mansion and he waits a few minutes before he attacks. he breathes slowly while he looks around of him one last time before he attacks.

Daisuke walks slowly towards the front door. some guards approach him and Daisuke's eyes turn yellow activating his power and he creates four clones that fight with the guards while he gets inside of the mansion using the front door. about twenty guards are surrounding him and before any of them could grab their guns he slaughter them all with his swords leaving a pool of blood. Daisuke walks upstairs killing any guard he sees in seconds.

in the last floor is Andrea Esposito with a gun and four guards at his side. he is nervously calling every person that he knows asking for help. some of them denied to him any type of help and others are already sending their man. one guard knocks on the door and then he enters with a kid on his arms. the kid is scared and crying while Andrea Esposito is trying to convince the kid that everything is going to be fine.

in every step that Daisuke gives a corpse falls on the floor. the movement that he does with his hands is so majestic that it doesn't seem like the swords are just cutting flesh but is more like a dance with elegance and class. Daisuke whistles and his clones explode killing everyone in the first two floors and causing the mansion to collapse. Daisuke is finally in the last floor. two guards come at him and while fighting them his swords break.

"that lasted more than I thought it would, but sadly for you I came prepare for any inconvenience... this is nothing to me."

said Daisuke with a creepy smile.

Daisuke gets two daggers out of his pockets. he moves really fast cutting the throats of every man that gets on his way. Daisuke opens a door and he is in front of Andrea Esposito and seven guards that shoot at him. Daisuke gets a gun out of is pockets and he shoots in the head at all the guards killing them in seconds. Andrea Esposito and the kid are the last ones alive in the mansion that is falling in pieces.

"you know the rules of our world old man."

said Daisuke with a cold gaze.

Daisuke shoots at the old man multiple times. Daisuke jumps out of the window. Andrea is bleeding a lot and he doesn't have much time left. the kid gets out of the bed and he looks at the old man dying slowly with no way to be saved.

"Don Esposito please don't die?"

said the kid.

"please promise me one thing.... no matter what happens next, please don't seek revenge.... I need you to promise me that you would follow a different path than me."

said Don Andrea Esposito in his last breathe.

"that is something I can't promise."

said the kid with a hollow expression on his face.

actual time still in the conference room...

Alyona is Talking with Madame Twisted Mind about the job that Alyona has to do for them with her power (Alyona's power allows her to control technology in any way that she wishes to like some Hacker without the need to move any finger) Alyona isn't convince about the job but she accepted for Arturo. she doesn't like him in that way but he has done so much for her that it is hard for her to not be worry for him.

(Madame Twisted Mind's secret past) seven years ago in the town of Commonville.....

Madame Twisted Mind is running away from a group of cops, they stop her and then they start to beat her up. one of them takes his gun out and in a moment of silence Madame Twisted Mind close her eyes. she hears a scream and when she opens her eyes there is blood everywhere and one of the cops is been drag to a dark alley while he screams for help. Madame Twisted Mind sighs feeling relief. Arturo steps in front of her and he kneels (he is covered in the blood of the cops he killed) he tries to smile at her.

"who are you? thanks for saving my life."

said Madame Twisted Mind.

"I am a real Villain. I saw what those bastards wanted to do to a girl that isn't even able to use her powers properly."

said Arturo with a strong presence.

"how do you know that I don't have control over my own power? also I think you are younger than me so please try to not called me a girl."

said Madame Twisted Mind feeling many feelings at once.

"come with me I am the leader of a group of Villains and let me tell you that there is no one that doesn't fear us. not even the Heroes."

said Arturo feeling proud of himself.

they entered in an underground secret base in which there are many villains waiting for them. Arturo presents her in front of the group and when he asked her for her name she tells him that she doesn't have any and Arturo whispers in her ear the words "then I would name you" a few days later base on her powers he named her "Madame Twisted Mind" and that become her name and later with help of other Villains with similar powers she learn to control her power to perfection.

those were great days not only because she had a name now or because she learn to control her own power but also because in the leader of that league of underground Villains she found love also he gave her a family and a home when he presented her to the other villains. even when they were all Villains they lived like a community with respect and care for each other.

those were great times indeed but everything eventually ends.... the rest of that story is something to be told later but the point is that Madame Twisted Mind always felt like she owed everything to him and she never stop loving the leader of that league and her former lover Arturo Aguirre.

back to the actual time and again in the same conference room....

everyone is eating cookies and drinking coffee. it seems like they forgot the point of the meeting again and they are using the meeting as a pretext to talk about not important topics that are not related at all with rubbing a bank. Blind Thief has already give up on trying anymore he only knows that the bank robbery is going to be soon.

(Blind Thief backstory now) twenty years ago in Heroic City....

an orphan kid who lives on the streets saw a criminal trying to kidnap a rich kid (the orphan is Blind Thief as a kid and the other kid is Aristide) the orphan kid took an iron stick and with it he hit the kidnapper until he fall on the ground unconscious. Aristide was grateful with him and he asks his family to adopt him as an bodyguard. for ten years he was trained to fight and in other fields.

Blind Thief at the time didn't have a name and he prefer to stay without a name until he could prove his worth to his friend and boss Aristide. after being a bodyguard for some time Aristide asked Blind Thief to become a criminal and to do side works for him so Aristide doesn't get blame for anything. Blind Thief didn't care to get his hands dirty if that meant that he was doing it for the person who gave him a descent life.

Blind Thief stole, killed, kidnapped, and destroyed for Aristide while Aristide kept his ass safe in the shadows giving commands to Blind Thief whom always follow every order faithfully believing that he was doing the right thing if that meant that he was paying his debt and he never questioned any of the orders that he received.

Blind Thief isn't even his Villain name that is a name that he stole (is common for a Villain to kill another Villain and take his Villain name or to be inherited by a family member) but no one except for Aristide knows the truth. said truth is the fact that there is nothing that belongs to Blind Thief not even his Villain Name and only name (it is common for Villains to have their civilian name and Villain name but there are times in which a Villain only uses one single name) Blind Thief doesn't own anything, not even his own life and he doesn't care if that is the case.

the present time in the H.C.P.D....

Fumiko is happy because she is going home early. she only has a document to finish and probably that could had been possible if wasn't for all the documents that her boss puts on her desk. Malcolm smiles with an evil smile, so evil that anyone could think that he is a true villain if wasn't for his past as a Hero.

"why going home early when you have enough time to do some extra work. I mean there is no problem with working if you get payed for it, right?"

said Malcolm followed by an evil laugh.

"yes your Evilness. I would keep working as the good slave that you want me to be."

yields Fumiko furious.

"did you say anything? Ms. Suzuki keep working and no talking."

yields Malcolm while he makes sure that everyone is working.

"he is the devil."

whispers Jurgen on Fumiko's ear.

Fumiko keeps working in silence while Jurgen asks the boss if he wants some coffee (everyone knows that Malcolm prefers to give extra work to his employees instead of allowing them to leave the police department early. he seems to be hard on everyone but deep down he is a nice guy is just that he doesn't know jet nor anyone else.)

Fumiko kept working until midnight and Malcolm told her that she was free to go. Fumiko thanked him and then she left happy for another day working and getting closer to her dream job. while Fumiko was walking on the dark night she looked at the moon and she wished for a bright future in the police department.

Arturo saw Fumiko on the streets and he runs towards her. he calls her by her name and she looks at him surprise to see him. they walk together on silence towards the same direction. there is for a moment some sort of awkward silence. Arturo thinks about graving her hand but he stops himself and he looks at her face.

"I don't know what but there must be something on your face, on your hair, on your voice, on your personality, on you or otherwise I don't understand how is possible to be this crazily and madly in love with someone since my childhood. I had on the past some girlfriends but I had never felt this for anyone else. just you."

said Arturo looking at her eyes.

"I don't know how to feel about you because I don't know you. I don't know if you are either good or bad. if you want to play with me or stayed at my side.... so I asked you to not expect much from me."

said Fumiko with honesty.

"don't worry I am not asking anything from you just to accept that sooner or later you would had no choice but to accept my madly in love heart."

said Arturo with a broken voice.

"today the moon is beautiful. isn't it?"

said Fumiko almost whispering.

both of them are looking at the moon while Arturo is walking her home.

there is going to be later a small arc about Daisuke's past and I used this chapter to give you a taste of the Drainer and even when he seems cool he is an assassin after all. (also Madame Twisted Mind's past with Arturo was meant to be a contrast to Blind Thief's past with Aristide)

TlatoaniPizarrocreators' thoughts