
a love contract with my favorite villain

when Fumiko Suzuki was five she made a contract with her friend Arturo Aguirre that if they aren't married at the age of twenty-five then they would married each other. now twenty years later Fumiko is heartbroken and single after a toxic relationship with her ex and she decides that she would stay single forever until Arturo appears out of nowhere with the contract and now Fumiko doesn't know what is worst the fact that Arturo took the contract serious and actually wants to marry her or the fact that he is the most wanted villain also known as "Bloodstain"

TlatoaniPizarro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Villain days contradicts Hero nights

Fumiko wakes up tired and the first thing that she does is turn on the TV. she drinks a coffee and eats a toast with chocolate. she looks at the TV and they are talking about Bloodstain and his criminal life. Fumiko starts to feel desperate when she remembers that stupid contract with Arturo and she feels even worse when she remembers that Jonathan now wants to go back with her. she stands up and she screams.

Jurgen knocks on the door and Fumiko opens the door. she seems to be about to fall asleep at any moment. he mentions that the H.C.P.D. is been attacked. Fumiko runs to her room and she change her clothes ready to go to work.

"why are you trying so hard to be a cop? don't get me wrong I admire that side of you is just that I had never understand why you try so hard with so much tenacity."

said Jurgen emotionless.

"is just that I had always wanted to be a protector of justice just like my dad. my dad has always been my hero but he lost his light the day after his retirement."

said Fumiko with teary eyes.

"no crying on me or awkward backstories. let's just get to work."

said Jurgen barely smiling.

they go to the H.C.P.D. to see a group of criminals known as "the Congregation" destroying the place, most people would feel fear or think twice at this moment but this was just the moment for which Fumiko was waiting for. the moment to shine and prove to everyone of what she is made of.

Fumiko enters in the H.C.P.D. and she kicks the face of one of the criminals. once inside she sees the other twenty-one members waiting to bring hell to the world. Fumiko runs towards them and she fights them one by one with Jurgen at her side helping her and together they inspire the rest of the cops in there to fight back. another twenty members of "the Congregation" get inside of the building and when it seems that things would get complicated Malcolm King steps inside of the building cleaning his glasses and he is clearly furious.

"who the fuck dares to get inside of my territory and complicate things for my employees. I had so much work to do. who the fuck you think you are."

yields Malcolm furiously.

"do I called the ambulance or the mortuary?"

asked Jurgen holding a phone on his hand.

Malcolm with a single punch sends a man flying to the roof. he walks really fast to activate his teleportation power and he appears really fast at the side of every single one of them and he punch each of them in certain point that makes them all fall on the floor unconscious. Malcolm stops moving and he gives a few dollars to one of the cops and he tells him to bring him a coffee.

"okay playtime is over guys. now move your asses that we have work to do. paperwork doesn't fill itself with an abracadabra and those criminals won't get on their cells by themselves."

yields Malcolm with an intimidating gaze.

at the moment at Aristide's secret base.....

Bloodstain, the Drainer, Techno-Virus, the Neon M-F-ing Destroyer, Madame Twisted Mind and Blind Thief are all together to talk about the robbery they would do. Madame Twisted Mind explains every detail of how the bank robbery would be. the Drainer offers cookies to everyone ( Daisuke used to work a lot before but with so many guys in the industry of killing his work decreased so he decided to find a hobby and thanks to Arturo he found the right hobby for him which is baking ) Arturo is eating a cookie.

"this bank belongs to a really dangerous man and the money we are meant to take from it belongs to another dangerous man. if we take that money the enemies of our invisible helping hand are going to become vulnerable and scared but that single job isn't the only point of this work after that robbery he would plan more attacks to them in different ways until all of them become dust."

said Madame Twisted Mind.

"you sound like this would be the first job of many to come and I only signed for this bank robbery."

said Techno-Virus.

"if this job become a success then you are going to meet the boss and he will explain everything to you."

said Madame Twisted Mind.

"I want to clarify something. this job is for the favor that you did for me but I don't want to drag too much attention to myself because I have something private that I want to protect and is going to be ruined if this explodes in the wrong way."

said Arturo in a serious tone of voice.

Blind Thief, Neon M-F-ing Destroyer and Techno-Virus are forced out of the secret base. Daisuke puts some cookies in the table and then he gets out. Arturo is alone with Madame Twisted Mind. she is going to tell him something private about the work and the boss. Arturo smiles proving that he was already aware of some things. Madame Twisted Mind asks him to help her with this job for the old times. Arturo smiles thinking about his past with some sorrow and bitterness.

"you had to let go of the past before you get caught on it and you refuse to walk again in the present. you had to learn to live in the present or otherwise it isn't living."

said Madame Twisted Mind concerned for him.

"that is why I don't want to keep doing this. I don't want to be part of this anymore. I want to create a life with the woman I love but if I am dragged in this chaotic world once more then I don't know what my future is going to become nor if I can have the life that I want to belong to. I don't want to be a monster in her eyes."

said Arturo with teary eyes.

later at the H.C.P.D....

Fumiko is working in a report about a Hero misconduct in the arrest of a well known criminal. she is tired and she wants to finish that as soon as possible. Jurgen enters in the police department with four criminals that he arrested. Malcolm is at his office talking with Biyu about his days as a hero and he explains to her in detail why the world is no longer what it used to be. Fumiko calls some people and she tries to find the location of the hero to talk to him.

Jonathan Miller gets inside of the H.C.P.D. wearing his civilian clothing. he has some flowers on his hands and some chocolates. he even called a mariachi to sing her favorite songs. Jonathan feels like with this he is going to win her heart but he doesn't know her. the moment Fumiko saw Jonathan in there she knew that her day was about to become more heavy and it would be a chaos before the end of the day.

Jurgen was about to drink his daily dose of caffeine when he saw Jonathan and as fast as he could he took Fumiko out of the police department using the back door. she felt relief and she was thankful. Fumiko thanks him with a smile. Jurgen drinks his coffee glad to know that she is better than how she was during the time she was dating that prick. he doesn't want to confess that he might have feelings for her because that is not professional and he is afraid of not being good enough for her.

"thanks, you are my savior. I don't know how you do it but every single time that I feel like hell is going to swallow me whole, you appear and save me from my problems but it is not only that. you also know when I need of a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen to my problems..... I had been thinking that I am selfish to allow you to be the one to be always at my rescue jet I am never at your rescue nor I feel like I had ever pay you for any of the times that you had help me."

said Fumiko feeling inferior.

"no need, we are friends and a real friend does what he has to do for the happiness of other friends without crossing any lines."

said Jurgen feeling helpless.

"thanks. let's go for a coconut ice cream your favorite or you prefer a milkshake from that place in which you always get those odd flavored milkshakes."

said Fumiko with a huge smile.

"I don't know from where you got that private info..... but you know what hell yeah."

said Jurgen smiling at her.

they go together. Jonathan is looking at them furiously with jealousy and wrath. Jonathan throws at the ground the flowers and he steps on them. he gets his phone out of his pockets and he called someone to asked him to investigate detective Jurgen Wagner. Jonathan has decided that if anyone gets in his way he is going to eliminate them no matter who they are.

in the meanwhile at the Miller residence.....

Mark C. Miller is having a meeting with some politicians, businessmen, religious leaders, gangsters and some of the richest men in the country. Mark C. Miller feels pride in letting them know that with their power they can control the whole country and together they can eliminate anyone that opposes their power including Bloodstain and anyone involve in the incident that happen about twenty years ago.

"there was a vigilante many years ago, a forgot his name but I do remember that he became closed to Gluttonyc Justice and that was the reason of one of the first incidents that happen in the past. the last incident was involving his son also known as Bloodstain and after many, many years the son is back on our territory and he has make it clear for us to comprehend that he is mocking us in some sort of way for us to go after him."

said Mark feeling frustrated.

"do you suggest a solution Mr. Miller?"

asked one of the powerful men in there.

"do not worry. I can deal with this problems by myself but Bloodstain is a public figure, that can be a danger to us. I want to catch the fire with my own hands in order to turn it off or otherwise the fire will run wild and burn everything on its path."

said Mark concern for the future of his organization.

Mark C. Miller Jr. stands up. he gives some documents to a pawn and he orders him to give those documents to the gentlemen in the meeting. he walks with firm steps out of the meeting with Lethal Stinger walking behind him like a dog following his owner. Mark looks behind at Lethal Stinger for a second and he smirks thinking about how pathetic a man can be to not had even a drop of pride. Mark asks himself how can a dog with no pride be expected to be loyal?

"how loyal the heart of a dog can be? how masochistic a dog can be to renounce to his own pride? don't take it personal I asked because of those around of me depends the success of failure of my goals."

said Mark expecting for his words to be enough to provoke him.

"I am a masochist dog with no pride blinded by the goals of you my lord and owner. all I do is because you asked me to do it and for the greater good of my league of Villains."

said Lethal Stinger with all honesty swallowing his own pride.

"thanks for your service you can leave now. I don't need of attached dogs to follow my tail day and night. I can survived by myself."

said Mark looking with antipathy at Lethal Stinger.

at night on a seedy bar frequented by criminals.....

Fumiko is on a table with Jurgen and Biyu (all of them are in there to investigate a case and to look the part the three of them are dressed as criminals.... well more like homeless people but the point is to not look suspicious) a man enters in the bar (he is Blind Thief on his civilian clothing) he seems to be waiting for someone for a meeting and in a moment while Fumiko was distracted Arturo and Daisuke are walking behind of her.

"what are you doing in a place like this?"

said Arturo with a seductive voice.

Arturo is looking directly at Fumiko (she is praying for her career that seems to be over) Jurgen presents himself as a friend of Fumiko and then he presents Biyu also as her friend. Daisuke and Blind Thief are walking close to Fumiko's table. Harold enters on the bar and he also recognizes Fumiko.

"who is she? is she a cop? who is she?"

yields Blind Thief touching his gun with his left hand.

"oh she is Arturo's babe. they have a thing that they wanted to keep secret you know Heroes are big assholes and you never know when your lover would be safe."

said Harold with a friendly smile.

"yes that is right. she is madly in love and she thought that her boy.....friend might be cheating on her so she asks us to accompany her to make sure that there was no mistress on the middle of their lovely relationship."

said Jurgen almost grinding teeth.

"why is your girlfriend with a male friend? who is he? is he a cop?"

asks Blind Thief barely calm.

"he doesn't shoot that way. he is a friend who is in here with my other friend trying to find a probable love interest while they help me to make sure that my 'candy apple-soft cheeks' isn't with any other woman that isn't me and no sir none of us are cops also there is no snitch among us so no need to give us stitches."

said Fumiko with a nervous laugh.

"Blood.... Arturo take your girl to her home with her friends this place isn't safe for civilians from the other side of the city and you Drainer go with them and make sure that no suspicious person gets close to them. Harold and I would talk about the "issue" so don't worry he can tell you about the "issue" later."

said Blind Thief in a friendly tone of voice.

Daisuke takes Biyu and Jurgen to their homes while Arturo with a stupid smile is walking his crush to her home. Arturo takes an old coin out of his pockets and he grabs Fumiko's hands to give her the coin.

"I know why you where there but to keep my heart free of any wounds I would pretend that the story of the jealous girlfriend is the only truth."

said Arturo smirking.

"did you just gave me the coin from that time when we were kids? Mr. Aguirre you are a mystery I don't even know if the dangerous beast of the news is even real. if the reporters knew that the great Bloodstain behaves like a child around me he could be the joke of the whole universe."

said Fumiko joking.

"it doesn't matter if we walk like this together every single night for the rest of our lives."

said Arturo feeling his heartbeat.

I had just realized that this story is one character closer to be a reverse harem (if we count Arturo, Jurgen and Jonathan) in a future not so far away..... I might add two more characters to the love interest list.

TlatoaniPizarrocreators' thoughts