
A little pain, comes a little love

Aizawa adopted Izuku after his parents died. Izuku had a tough life being quirkless, when Izuku made it into UA, things started looking up for him, before he got forced into a relationship with Bakugou. Bakugou was very abusive, before Bakugou broke up with him. Bakugou disabled Izuku. Bakugou told a rumors about him, making lots of people hate him. Hawks became Aizawa's assistant and Hawks started to develop a crush on Izuku.

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5 Chs

The exam! (Part 2)

Izuku was shocked. 'Calm down, Izuku. This happens all the time to heroes from their haters. Calm down or you can't be a hero. So calm your shit! Just find a way to defeat your enemies, like hit the wires!' Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku stopped shaking and opened his eyes to only see robots. Izuku powered one for all, all through his body at 20%. "Lets hope, I don't die!" Izuku yelled, as he went off with great speed, dropping his cane.

He jumped on the big robot and ran up. Izuku was on top of the robot's head. Izuku slammed the top of the robot's head with 25% of his power, making a hole. Izuku hopped in and looked at the wiring. He yanked all the wires. He felt the electricity flow through in and out of the body, he screamed in pain, before jumping out. The robot fell. Izuku dodged the beams thrown at him, he dodged left and right getting some nicks.

Something caught Izuku's attention, it was a shine of purple. Izuku ran to it, worried for some reason. What he saw surprised him. It was a little girl bleeding from her leg. Izuku ran over and checked her leg, it was bleeding badly.

Izuku grabbed the little girl into his arms, powering one for all. He ran up a robot with all his strength, dodging anything in his way. When he got on top, he took out his medical supplies. He looked at the passed out girl, he laid her on the robot head. He started cleaning it, waking the little girl, she started screaming and crying in pain. Izuku wrapped it up quickly and hugged the little girl.

He stroked her hair gently. "Shhshhshh, it's okay. I'll keep you safe. Don't worry about the big robots. They won't hurt you with me around." Izuku said, gently, smiling softly. The little girl looked up with teary eyes. Izuku smiled warmly.

Izuku saw a hand about to crash down on them. Izuku grabbed the little girl and jumped to the ground. "Hold onto me, okay?" Izuku said, softly. The little girl did as said, Izuku dodged with much more speed and if he couldn't the beams would hit him, instead of hitting the little girl. "Hold on tight, lil one." Izuku said, smiling as he smashed a robot's head in with his bad leg using 30% fracturing his bone. Izuku dodged the robot's, he saw the little girl's eyes widen, Izuku looked behind him and saw ice shooting at him.

Izuku covered the girl with his body. Izuku fell with a huge ice piller stuck in his back. Izuku spit up a little blood. He saw the girls look of horror. Izuku smiled at her. "I'm good, little one. It barely hurts, I promise." Izuku said, looking into the little girl's eyes. She nodded, she made pebbles float in the air with all her might.

"It's okay, lil one. There is no need for that. I got you, thank you for trying." Izuku said, smiling. The girl let the pebble's fall. Izuku smiled and saw a beam come flying at him. Izuku dodged just in time. Izuku was now focused on what he was doing again.

Izuku dodged a couple more beams, until the robot's shut down. Izuku ran to his cane. Izuku kept one for all coursing through his body, if he didn't he would fall. Izuku placed the little girl down, patting her head.

"Can you pass me, my cane, please?" Izuku said, chuckling. The little girl smiled and ran to his cane and handed it to Izuku. Izuku powered down and stood up. Soon a woman with the same purple hair as the little girl came running with her hero suit on.

"Hera! Hera! Hera!" The woman yelled, frantic. "Mommy!" The little one yelled, running to her mommy. Dragging Izuku with her by the hand. The woman was shocked at the looks of Izuku, he was covered in wounds, metal in his skin, and a huge ice chunk in his back.

"He saved me!" Hera yelled, happily. The woman bowed. "Thank you, so much!" The woman yelled, Hera jumped into her mother's arms. Soon the rest of the class made it to the scene.

Izuku was about to fall, but Hawks made it in time to caught him. "Take him to recovery girl! I'll take care of things here." Aizawa said, Hawks flew Izuku to the school and ran in.

When he got in her office, Recovery girl was here this time. "Holy mother of Jesus!" Recovery girl yelled, she ran over. Hawks laid Izuku on his side and the Recovery girl started surgery and healing him.

Recovery girl walked out. "What the hell happened to him?!" Recovery girl shouted, Aizawa and Hawks flinched. "Training exercise!" Hawks said, sighing.

"They were supposed to work as a team, but my students left him out there. He got more serious wounds, because he was protecting a little girl." Aizawa said with a pissed off face. "Tell your kids to straighten up! He could have died, it's a miracle that he is alive!" Recovery girl said, pissed.

All Might came running over. "Is young Midoriya, alright!? I just heard what happened!" All Might said, the Recovery girl sighed. "He is fine now, he will wake up tomorrow." Recovery girl said, sighing again.

"I hate all of them. Always finding ways to get that young boy hurt..." Recovery Girl grumbled as she went back into her office. "Do you know why they did that to him?" Aizawa asked, angry. "I heard people saying that young Midoriya cheated on young Bakugou, but young Midoriya wouldn't do that. I also heard they broke up." All might said, Aizawa's eyes widened, then to rage. Connecting the dots.

"It was that bastard's fault! I'm going to rip his head off!" Aizawa said with venom dripping from his words. All Might took a step back, when Aizawa's hair stood up and his scarf was flying around.

"Shit." Hawks said with a little bit of a scared face. "This is why he didn't want him to know..." Hawks mumbled, Aizawa turned around to Hawks, who sweat dropped and put his hands up in surrender.

"You knew!?" Aizawa yelled, "I found out yesterday! He didn't want me telling anyone, unless I had too! I told him to tell you!" Hawks squeaked out, All Might scurried away.

Aizawa turned from Hawks and went sprinting down the hall to his classroom. Hawks sighed relieved, before he walked into the room and sat beside the sleeping Izuku. "Sorry, kid..." Hawks said, sighing.

Aizawa bashed right into the room, pissed off. Everyone in the room froze. "Why the in fucking hell did you leave him by himself?! He could have died out there!" Aizawa yelled, very one was silent, before.

"He should have died out there." Kirishima said, "Yeah, I'm surprised my ice didn't kill him." Todoroki said, bluntly. "He fucking hurt bakugou then cheated, he deserves it." Momo said, people started to join in at that.

Aizawa punch the wall do hard it broke it. "You're all suspended. Have anyone of you thought that Midoriya would do such a thing to Bakugou you should feel ashamed of yourselves. If any of you dare touch or call me son a name I will end you." Aizawa said,

"Bakugou, your staying behind." Aizawa said, "NOW THE REST OF YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Aizawa yelled, everyone ran out, exsept Bakugou who stayed in his seat.

Aizawa was about to grab Bakugou by the throat with his scarf, but Present Mic and Midnight tackled him to the ground before he could kill Bakugou.

Bakugou got sent straight to the police after that, Aizawa went back to Izuku, and the pro's could finally relax.