
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Ch.1 A Duelist reborn

POV Shawn

"Where. . .where am I?" I asked looking around I found I was in a void of darkness.

???: "You are in between universes," a calm voice said I looked around for the source of the voice but saw nothing but darkness.

"Why am I here I was just on my way home and just woke up here," I asked and I heard a sigh and a muttering.

???: "Listen this is going to suck to hear especially from me but you're dead," the voice said and for what felt like a long time there was silence.

"I'm...dead but...what happens now," I asked and this time it was the voids turn to be silent as I felt a wave of surprise and curiosity.

???: "Just like that your not gonna cry or beg me to bring you back to life nothing," the voice asked sounding surprised and relieved.

"No point if you could you probably would have asked if I wanted that and if you can't well what am I supposed to do whine about it?" I asked and again I felt the wave of surprise.

???: "You...are interesting mortal usually when souls end up hear I absorb them ending their pitiful existence in the void," the void said far more casually than anyone should but I nodded.

"Thanks, I guess oh I completely forgot to introduce myself my name is Shawn Johnson what's yours?" I asked holding out an incorporeal hand and I felt another wave of emotions shook, awe, curiosity, and many more I couldn't describe.

???: "My name how long since I have spoken it how long since anyone cared to ask for it and for a mortal to ask and even take shape from here...good job mortal you have earned my respect and my name is Limbo," the void said and I looked down at myself to see a vaguely human body but glowing a bright white.

"Thank you, Limbo so what happens now?" I asked hoping I'm not going to get erased from existence.

"Like I said normal I just absorb souls that end up here but sometimes I put them back on the path to the afterlife but for you, I'll allow you to reincarnate if you beat me," Limbo said and I tilled my head beat him.

"Beat you in what?" suddenly I was standing on a silver disk in the void and standing on the opposite side was a humanoid made of darkness the only light given off its dull yellow glowing eyes.


???: "Before you woke up read your mind and saw you liked to play a game called Yugioh which I found interesting so if you accept and beat me in this duel ill reincarnate you but if you lose I'll devour your soul," Limbo said and after some thought, I smiled and stepped onto the silver field.

"Alright, then let's see what you got," I said and a yellow smile appeared on Limbo as his arm morphed like smoke to form a duel disk like from the anime.

???: "In this place as long as your will is strong enough there is nothing you can't do," Limbo said, and looking down at my arm I imaged a duel disk and in a flash of white light it appeared with a deck of white cards.

Let's Duel!

[Turn 1]

Shawn: 4000 C:5

Limbo: 4000 C:5

Limbo: "I'll go first I summon Black Metal Dragon" On the field, the metal dragon appeared much to my glee.

"Oh my god, this is the best day ever!"

Limbo: "Didn't you just die a few minutes ago," Limbo asked only to get ignored as I gushed over the dragon and a screen appeared in front of me showing the field and tapping on the dragon its status and effect popped up.

"Wow this is incredible It's like Master Duel," I said seeing the popups and Limbo shrugged.

Limbo "I'm glad you like it but you won't be for long because I link summon using the Black metal dragon to link summon Guardragon Pisty," he said and then in a pillar of purple digital light into a familiar square with multiple points one lit up and out of the square came a winged dragon with a red gem in its chest.

<Monster- Guardragon Pisty>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Link- 1>



Attack- 1000

Limbo: "But that's not all thanks to Black Metal's special ability I can add to my hand any red eyes card from my deck and then I tribute Guardragon Pisty to special summon Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.

<Monster- Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 10>



Attack- 2800

Defense- 2400

The dragon appears in a pillar of flames and *Roared* so loud and strong it almost blew me off the platform.

Limbo: "And with its special ability I bring back from the graveyard Black metal dragon and equip it to Drakness metal dragon increasing its attack points by 600," he declared and the dragon growled as its attack points went up.

'A classic move for a red eyes player,' I thought and looked at my hand and smiled 'I could end this match in two turns,' I thought.

Limbo: " I set two cards and end my turn your move," he said and two face-down cards hovered right in front of him.

[Turn 1]

Shawn: 4000 C:5 +1

Limbo: 4000 C:2

"I draw and first I summon Gagaga magician," I said and in a flash of light, the magician appeared.

<Monster- Gagaga magician>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 4>



Attack- 1500

Defense- 1000

"Next, I play the spell card Gagagawind which allows me to special summon a Gagaga monster as a level four so come on out Gagaga girl," I said and in a similar flash of light, a girl dressed similar to the first magician floated in the air.

Limbo: "Intreating monsters neither are strong enough to defeat my dragon," he said and I nodded.

"Apart they don't stand a chance but together that's a different story now I use both to form to form the overlay network...," I said and both gave me a thumbs up and a wink much to my surprise.

The two magicians flew into the air and then became purple-black balls of energy and enters a vortex.

"I overly Gagaga magician and Gagaga girl to summon Number 39: Utopia Double," I yelled and the vortex explored, and out of it was the incorporeal figure of a winged armor warrior.

<Monster- Number 39: Utopia Double>

<Atribute- Light>

<Rank- 4>



Attack- 0

Defense- 2500

"But that's not all I active his effect by using one overly unit I can add the spell double or nothing to my hand and I overly Number 39: Utopia Double to summon Number 39 Utopia!" I yelled out.

The incorporeal figure hardened and became real and now floating on my side of the field was the ace monster of Yuma from Yugioh Zexal.

<Monster- Number 39: Utopia>

<Atribute- Light>

<Rank- 4>



Attack- 5000

Defense- 2500

Limbo: "Five thousand attack!" he exclaimed his yellow eyes widening and I nodded.

"Yep if I overly using Number 39 Double it doubles that monster's attack points when summoned," I said and Limbo nodded

Limbo: "So what are you waiting for let our monsters do battle," he said with the most emotion I heard out of him so far.

"You heard the man Utopia attack," I said and Utopia nodded and jumped towards wings outstretched sword held high over his head.

Darkness Metal Dragon *Roared and faced Utopia a ball of dark flames formed in its mouth until both monster and Limbo were shocked when Utopia's sword shattered.

Limbo: "What happened?" he asked and I lifted my hand.

"I used one of Utopia's overly units to activate its effect and stopped its attack," I said getting a confused look from Limbo.

Limbo: "But why would you stop your attack?" he asked.

"Because I have the spell card Double or Nothing which is activated when a monster's attack has been stopped giving the said monster a second attack and also doubling that monster's attack points," I yelled.

Utopia raised its sword high as its blade extended and burned like a torch.

"Go Utopia rising sun slash!" I yelled and my warrior charged his dragon slicing it in half causing a massive explosion.

[Turn 1]

Shawn: 4000 -Winner

Limbo: 0- Loser

"I won!" I yelled out and noticed I was floating in the air only to feel fatigue wash over my body once the monsters vanished.

Limbo: "Well done now I won't have to consume the soul of someone so interesting," he said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah about that what happens now?" I asked and immediately the feeling of fatigue washed over me again forcing me to kneel.

Limbo: "Right now your being reborn and won't worry you'll have plenty to do," he said before I fell unconscious.

Images, moments, and information from a life that wasn't mine filled my mind mixing and matching trying to become one with the information already in my head.

My skull felt like it was going to explode I wanted to scream in pain and writhe on the ground but I couldn't.

Finally after what felt like hours the information downloaded into my brain finally made stopped and made sense of itself.

My new name was Shawn Valon Im the son of Mary Valon and Mike Valon both of whom have passed away due to a car accident and I lived with my mother's father Jason Dominick a retired archaeologist and historian.

After I turned 16 my grandfather went missing and was never seen again leaving me in the custody of my uncle on my moms' side.

At first, he seemed kind enough but after he learned that Grandpa had left everything to me he became a lot less kind, colder and harsh we became two strangers living in the same house.

Eventually, I got sick of living there saved up some money and eventually ran away and now I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm going off.

"Where am I," I said but not a moment later the memory of the motel I had stayed in flashed in my mind.

I got up and went to the small bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and was surprised by my new look.


As I was looking myself over I almost jumped out of my skin when a pop-up like a video game appears in front of me.

[Yugioh System now active]

[Would you like to start the introduction?]