
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Becoming Famous

"By the time," Sora said softly as he felt his body had fully recovered, how he knew he had fully recovered was because he had broken through.

He had now reached level 5 Copper realm, giving him a power level of 25 fist

He had reached level 3 Qi refinement, giving him a power level of 26 fists, allowing him to watch those at level 5 Qi refinement,

He had reached level 3 Soulr refinement, giving him a power level of 25 fists, allowing him to fight those at level 5 Qi refinement,

Sora cultivated the 9 Divine Lotus Sutra, which was a powerful cultivation art, with this art Sora Qi was stronger and pure than others. and slowly, he was forming one Lotus leaf which showed he reached the peak of the first level of this sutra, once the lotus if formed, it would be brought forth great power.

once all 9 leaves were formed, Sora would be able to summon the lotus and use it to attack, defend, or even trap his enemy. don't look down upon the lotus, and it might come something heaven-shaking, even Sora could only fully comprehend the first level of this art thanks to Uncle teaching,

As for his Soul cultivation art, Sora was cultivating the Undying Soul art. this cultivation art although a grade below the 9 Divine Lotus Art, allowed one to cultivate an undying soul. with this art, one soul would have the strongest defense, unmatched healing capability, and even the power to rebuild one body when the body is destroyed. But that came later down the road, for now at Sora's realm, it gave him a stronger soul, sharper senses, and a powerful mind, and even increased Sora's will.

The Body Cultivation art Sora cultivated was the 3-head 6 Arm Digram, Sora was only at the first level, which only strengthen Sora's body. This gave Sora bones, hair, and so on to be far for durability and stronger than others. it also increased one recovery capability, allowing Sora with the help of the herbs to recover from his injuries in only 2 days.

With the latest breakthroughs, Sora was stronger but thanks to his energy quality and density improving, he could at most still show 469, he needed some time to improve his energy control before returning to face the old man, he was sure the old man would be stronger the next time they faced,

'sucks, the full moon isn't for a few weeks. well, I can wait until then until I put my theory to the test' Sora thought before sitting crossed-legged and going on to training, and so for the next 3 days, Sora stayed like that, only leaving to hunt for the wild beasts to eat.

"old man, I have returned," A voice boomed across the city, causing many people to step out and see who it was. they saw on top of a cloud, Sora standing with crossed arms, looking down upon the city below. Sora ignored all of them and his eyes landed on the old man, who jumped out of the city walls, where they could have their battle.

Sora followed and landed opposite of him, where they looked at each other for a moment, before Sora made the first move, rushing at the old man. Sora could now sora a power level of 567, but Sora quickly found out that the old man had broken through to level 1 Iron rank, and had taken the few days Sora wasn't here to increase his energy control and merging capability, bring his power level to 690 fists,

With such a huge gap in strength, Sora was almost on shots when the old man exploded at the last moment, wanting to end this battle with one move. Shooting backward, Sora couldn't help but smile feeling his left arm which was destroyed by the old man's attack.

"You have sharp senses, it's almost hard to believe you are from a village. but I have a high reason your success has to do with that storage ring." The old man said coldly, stunned that Sora managed to survive that attack.

"damn, you're no fun. trying to end this so fast after I helped you grow so strong." Sora said with a smile, to which the old man sneered, before shooting towards Sora. Sora quickly opened his right eye and so the battle began, with Sora falling on defense without even being able to throw a counter. over and over, he was pushed backward, Sora could see many openings, but what was the point of seeing them if he couldn't take advantage of them?

The injuries he suffered increased by the second, this time being far more serious than last time. the old man had already shattered both of Sora's hands, making both of them useless, forcing Sora to rely only on his legs. As bad as things sounded for Sora, his talent showed through as his energy mastery increased, allowing him to shorten the gap between them, and allowing Sora to have some room to breathe.

"Just die." The old man roared as he slapped forward, a huge palm imprint shooting from his palm and shooting toward Sora.

"where is the fun in dying to someone so low on the food chain?" Sora laughed as he jumped over the palm, sending his leg flying toward the old man who quickly blocked the attack, but was sent sliding backward.

"it seems even your talent has its limits, is this the most you can improve?" the old man asked with a smile, Sora's strength was stuck at 630. Sora had reached a bottle nake,

"yeah, but the gap is within a state where I can defeat you with pure skills alone," Sora said with a shrug, making the old man sneered.

"your arms are useless, and you only have your legs to use. what can you possibly do? you're losing a lot of blood, and are stopping the blood with your energy, splitting your attention, you can't win." The old man said to which Sora smiled slightly.

"Isn't that the pressure every MC needs to break through their limit? Come, I'm the MC here, and you're nothing more than a side character who I will most likely kill and go on with my day. hell, I disdain to know your name." Sora said mockingly, enraging the old man, who exploded in made laughter before he shot towards Sora.

legs and fists clashed against each other, with the two being seemly even, but if one looked closely, Sora was losing slightly. his injury, attention split, and being only able to use his legs put him at a great disadvantage against the old man.

Although Sora was using energy to enhance his leg's power and help defend them from the blows, his legs were getting injured with each clash. Sora was facing great pressure as any wrong move he made could be the end of him, he didn't dare to take another blow as it might force him to flee once more.

but Sora was right, pressure like this is just what a person needs to make a great improvement. Pressure can force a person to bring out their full potential, it pushes one mind into overdrive, something Sora was counting on.

"Wolf Fang Kick." Sora jumped backward, before kicking the ground and shooting forward at high speed. the image of a wolf appeared around it, the wolf let out a cry, while it opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth,

The old man stepped forward and slammed forward with a palm, shooting forth a huge palm imprint to clash with Sora. the wolf clawed forth towards the palm, destroying it but sent the wolf flying backward before it shot forward once more, and attacked the old man,

the old man jumped backward, but claw marks appeared on his robes, before blood sot out, shocking the old man. he quickly looked up and saw the wolf had jumped into the air and was spinning at high speed into the shape of a ball before it came falling towards him,

"Wolf Fang... Disc?" Sora cried out, the old gathered all of his energy to form a barrier, the wolf and barrier clashed, creating a shock wave. the ground below them cracked, creating a large crater, but the barrier couldn't take the attack for long. it was as if it was blocking off an extremely sharp blade that was spinning,

the barrier was cut through, leading his chest open to be cut right through by the remaining power of the attack. Sora landed on the ground, his back facing the old man,

"I guess I should know your name seeing as you're my first kill and all," Sora said calmly, the old man coughed up some blood while looking at Sora back with a death glare, but he suddenly began laughing

"Haha, the name is Fu Jie. I have fallen today, but you would soon be following in my footsteps." the old man laughed as his eyes grew ruthless, Sora turned to look at him with a confused look, and saw the old man was not holding a necklace, which suddenly shot out a beam into the sky, which broke apart and shot out all over the place.

"This battle has been recorded, and now everyone would know who you all. You are talented, but it's all thanks to that storage ring, and now the world will hunt you down. See you in hell." He laughed madly before the upper half of his head slowly began siding off his body, he was able to hold his body together much longer,

"Well, this sucks. but seeing how far that thing is traveling, it should only be other 1-star cities, at most I will have to worry about more small ants coming after me," Sora said with a shrug, to which the old man sneered

"Before the fight started, I gave them all information on myself. those who would come would be either fools or those sure they are stronger than me," He laughed before his upper half fell to the ground, followed by his lower half.

"then that's good," Sora said with a smile, he didn't fear a challenge, just now he managed to add the concept of the Destructo disc with the Wolf Fang Fist martial arts, Sora didn't fear a good challenge, Sora didn't know if it was the Saiyan bloodline or if it was just the thought of getting stronger through battle, it was a feeling one could get addicted towards.

Sora walked over to the old man's body and using his legs, Sora took his storage rings, after which, Sora sent his spiritual senses within and took out some pills which had a healing capability, and eat them with his legs.

while doing this, his eyes were on the city walls, where he watched the guards and many others watching him with horrified looks. Sora ignored them for the time being and was forced on healing his hands, which healed up after a few hours along with his other injuries,

"ha, another breakthrough," Sora said with a slight smile seeing he broke through once more, and again it was by one level. and this time,

He reached level 6 Copper realm, giving him a power level of 37 fists,

He reached level 4 Qi refinement, giving him a power level of 35 Fists, allowing him to fight those at level 6 Soul refinement.

He reached level 4 Soulr refinement, giving him a power level 33 Fists, allowing him to fight those at level 6 Soul refinement,

Although his strength improved, his max-output of power remains the same, at 640 Fists, but given some time Sora's strength might just reach 800+ Fists, which was something that would take more than 3 days,

Sora went on to enter the city, and all the guards avoided him quickly, not daring to get in his way. Sora ignored them all and went to the alchemy store, where he went on to see what he could buy.

He went on to buy many healing-type pills, energy-restoring pills, fasting pills, and anything else which caught his interest. after which, Sora called the Nimbus and left, Sora of course didn't steal. he was not some guy who went around doing as he wishes, just because you have some power doesn't mean you bully the weak, Sora wasn't so bored or needed to make himself feel special by doing such things.

meanwhile, in the nearby cities, many people began getting translations of the battle between Sora and the old man, catching everyone's attention. how could they not after seeing someone with such low cultivation defeat someone so strong, their attention was caught upon realizing the main reason behind Sora's strength was behind his storage.

The news spread like wild fear, and even the sects got their hands on the recording, and many sects disciples from many sects set off, hoping to be the lucky person to catch Sora, among these people who set off was Fang Mei, who unlike the others was hoping to could hide Sora away.

In the past week, Fang Mei had entered the White Swan Sect, although her talent was nothing compared to her elder sister, she was still talented and was taken in by a sect elder as her personal disciple. because of this elder, she managed to jump past all of the exams and become an inner-sect disciple

The White Swan Sect was powerful, but it was nothing compared to the sect her elder sister had joined. ever so, Fang Mei was happy she was out of her elder sister's shadow. She could now walk on her own two feet without having anyone comparing her to her elder sister in everything single thing,

Sora's battle had become so famous that it even had the whole White Swan sect talking about it, and she of course couldn't watch as the only friend she had ever had be hunted by the world. So, she set off searching for Sora, but Sora was nowhere to be found.

{Name: Sora

Age:18 /100

Bloodlines: [Saiyan Bloodline] [Cerealian Bloodline]

Physique: [Saiyan Physique] [Cerealian]


Qi Cultivation: [Level 4 Qi refinement] (Power of 35 Fist}

Body Cultivation: [Level 6 Qi refinement] (Power of 37 Fists}

Soul Cultivation: {Level 2 Soul Refinement] {Power of 33 Fist}


Abilities: [Zenkai Boost] [Transformation] [Cerealian eye]

Technique: [Technique Copy] [Destructo disc]

Martial Arts: [Wolf Fang Fist]


Items: [Power Pola] [Flying Nimbus] [Goku Weighted Clothing]

"Got it," Sora said while holding his hand in the form of a fun, his right eye was open and he was currently looking at a wild beast that was 500 meters away. his finger glowed before he shot a blast forward,

that blast quickly crossed that range, and hit the ground next to the wild beast, scaring the wild beast and causing it to run away in fear,

The Cerealian's right eye is different from their left eye, and grants them incredible sniping capabilities, allowing them to precisely strike foes from afar and up close. While these abilities do not always bring the user's accuracy to perfection, they can still be used to great effect.

Sora was trying to master the art of snipping, but he needed more training. he wanted to have long rage attacks, mid-range attacks, and even close-range attacks. Cerealian right eye allowed him to be the perfect snipper, but he needed to train harder,

Sora was currently in the wood, near the ox village. he was so close to the village just in case someone finds out he was from here and come seeking trouble. So, until the full moon, Sora plan to stay here, he had already reached a good level of energy control, and now had reached a bottle nake, forcing him to put that to the side,

Currently, he could unleash an 830 fist, this was 5 days' worth of training. Sora was starting to realize just why it was so hard for most people to energy control and merge to be high, he needed to put more and more work into controlling these 3 energies and even more so in controlling them.

Sora although could lash out with great power, he didn't want to look down upon others. the old man he fought a few days back was from a small city, yet could flash out with the strength of those 6 levels above his cultivation if he were to enter a higher grade city where others might have even soul cultivation, and have more time to train, he would be in huge trouble, so Sora wanted to focus more on training as this world was nothing like the novels he read about, he couldn't look down upon anyone