
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

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"Clear my head." It has been a month since Sora became a wanted man, it was currently night and Sora was trying his best to clear his mind before he looked up the full moon. to increase his chances of gaining control, Sora was going to empty his mind and enter a state where he was at his calmest.

Slowly opening his eyes, Sora's eyes landed on the full moon in the sky, and instantly his heartbeat began to start racing. Sora tried his best to keep his mind clear, but a primal instant like that of a beast begin filling up his mind,

His teeth enlarged, his muscles grew, and fur began growing all over his body. Sora's eyes turn bright-eyed, while he stood up, transforming into a huge ape with grown fur. Sora slammed his chest, before opening his mouth, shooting beams from it, destroying the forest, and causing all kinds of chaos.

Luckily, Sora mode to a known dangerous forest filled with all types of wild beasts, but within the forest, there were some humans Sora didn't expect would be out there so late at night.

"Elder brother, what type of wild beast is that." A young woman said fearfully while looking at the huge ape, she hide behind her elder brother, who was wearing similar clothing to herself. they were from the same sect, a sect known as the Lightning Storm Sect, a powerful sect that stood on equal ground with the White Swan Sect and might even be stronger.

normally, sect disciples accept missions to hunt down wild beasts, with such missions they bring back the wild beast's body to be rewarded, while the wild beast's body is used to make items, pills, or other stuff.

they have been within the forest for the past few weeks, staying up all night to search for a unique blow bug that can be used to create a boom. but never did they expect they would run into something like this.

"w-we have to run back. The reader is saying it has the strength of 9,000." The elder brother said fearfully, such power was something they couldn't handle, this was too much for them to handle, so they quickly went to the others who came with them to do the same missions, and rushed out of the forest, which was being destroyed by Sora.

A few minutes and soon the Great Ape began rubbing his head, wisdom slowly returning into its eyes. Sora rubbed his head for a moment, before looking around at the damage he had caused, Sighing softly, he sat down with his legs crossed and went on to try and fully clear his mind.

It took a few minutes, but soon Sora's mind was clear, and he began working on what he wanted to do. He wanted to try and return to a human but keep the power of the great ape, which he found harder than expected.

But he quickly found out a few things he needed to make this happen, one he needed to keep a cool mind at all times. second, he needed to focus hard on the idea of becoming a human, and lastly to keep this power he had to hold on to it and not let it lick out.

this was extremely hard to do all of these 3 things, but Sora after a few hours managed to pull it off.

Sora opened his eyes and found himself back in a humanoid form, but he was taller and had fur over his body, leaving his chest, neck, and part of his stomach hairless. Sora's body shook as he tried to hold onto this form, but it was like trying to hold onto a shit, and in the end, you lost control, leading it to split out.

Sora dropped to his knees, breathing heavily. his pupils shrink upon seeing he was low on energy. he couldn't tell if that form sucked him dry, or if it was something else, but for those few breaths, he was within that form, his power level of 33 fists for each of the 3 cultivation systems had shot up to 1,650.

In other words, that form gave him a power-up of 50. no need to think about energy control or even energy merging, just that power level alone would be making Sora almost touchable within the same realm.

{amzaing work host, the system has scanned the form and is current process that forms, by tomorrow morning, the system should have all the information on that form.} the system said to which Sora nodded while forcing himself to stand up, looking at the cause done, Sora called the nimbus and flew off, who knew the question this would have caused.

Sora went off to a mountain, where he went on to hunt for some wild beasts to eat, before sitting back and taking a nap. The morning quickly came, and as the system said, it had the data collected on that form, which Sora was calling the True Saiyan. like the true state a Saiyan should be in.

{the True Saiyan. The true base form of the Saiyans has been lost due to time, and many other things. this form is 10 times stronger than the Great Ape transformations, and the Great Ape transformation is 10 times stronger than a human-like form of the Saiyan. this form is the true form, but with it being 100 times greater than what you are used to, you would find it hard to control this form, and even more sure entering this form when you wish.} The system said leaving Sora quiet for some time.

'the full moon will last for 5 nights... I have 4 more nights to master and learn to enter that form whenever I so wish.' Sora thought with narrowed eyes before he went on to spend the day getting ready for that transformation

"Just what could have happened here... the aura which hangs in the air here," an old man said with horror while standing at the spot Sora was within when he was within The True Saiyan state. the form there scared him, not because of the power there was 1,650, but because that power was within all 3 cultivation systems,

even if the wild beast here had the lowest grade of energy control as well as energy merging, that would be a power level of over 5,000. but he knew that someone or something was capable of cultivating all 3 cultivation systems was not normal, so as a lowball, he would give this thing a power level of 10,000 fists, but it would be far higher. why was he so sure? because those sect disciples who had seen it measured its power, and it was over 9,000.

Sure, such a powerful wild beast was rare, but it was rare that it would appear here. not even an elder like him was needed to take out, those few core sect disciples were more than enough. but the fact this thing cultivated 3 of the 3 systems made it worth his coming out, as the soul path was the most tricky of the 3 paths,

But the wild beast was now all gone, so he couldn't do much about it, so he could only spread the image of the wild beast around so that other nearby sects are careful...

That Night, a Huge Ape appeared on top of a mountain, roaring at the sky. it opened its mouth, shooting past all over the place, but after 5 minutes, it regained reason. this of course was none other than Sora, and unlike last night, he only needed 5 minutes to regain reason.

Sora took a deep breath, and this time tried to enter that True Saiyan State, with past experiences, he did it faster this time and was even able to remain within that True Saiayn State for a few more breaths before he couldn't hold on to it anymore.

this time, Sora eats some pills to restore his energy, before looking at the moon once more. again, he transformed into a great ape, and went on to regain reason in only 2 minutes this time, and went on to try and enter that state,

So, Sora stayed within the True Saiyan state for a little over 10 seconds, before he was forced to leave that state. Sora went at it 8 more times, and each time he lasted longer and longer than the last. by the end when the sun was coming up, he was able to last 30 seconds within the True Saiyan state and didn't have to work so hard to remain within it.

he went on to call that a day before he left to go to a city to buy more pills, he still had more pills, but he wanted to try and do this 5 days a night. and can rest in the morning.

of course, he needed to put on clothing, his old one was destroyed when he transformed. he put them on, and even put on a face covering hid hide his face. he went on to enter the city, and although he drew some eyes, no one bothered him. Who was so bored?

this city he was within was far bigger than White cloud city, it was a 2-star city with a level 4 Qi sea realm experts as its backing. Sora didn't want to cause trouble, so he went straight to the alchemy store,

"I will like to buy 30 energy recovery pills," Sora said calmly to the worker, the worker was stunned at such a huge order, but she nodded quickly and went to go see what she could do. Sora's words stunned those around him, causing him to have many people looking at him.

"So we got a big shot, why are you hiding your face?" A young man with a fan in hand asked with a smile as he walked up to Sora. Sora frowned slightly, but he ignored the young man and simply waited for his stuff. but the young man didn't like being annoyed,

"Hey, are you dumb or something? when this young master bothers to even give you a look, it is a blessing of a lifetime. and you dare to ignore me?" the young man asked with a sharp glare, but Sora returned the glare while realizing his aura, causing the young man to stumble backward in shock.

everyone was also shocked, for such an aura, Sora had to have at least a power level of 500. the young man was talented, but he only had a power level of 150 going all out. so of course, the young man was almost scared shitless, he was standing before someone who even the mayor would have to take seriously and he dared to be so arrogant?

Sora sneered and ignored the young man, and simply stood there waiting. no one dared to bother him again, allowing Sora to have some peace. but with this show of power, the alchemy store owner quickly came to greet Sora personally,

"Young lord, sorry to ask you of this. but for such a large order, we would need to see your face, just in case..." He said not needing to finish his Sora, Sora just calmly looked at him before looking at the bottle holding high-grade pills,

"Sure," Sora said calmly while revealing his face, and once he did, the whole alchemy store went quiet. greedy looks instantly landed on Sora, who haven't heard of this person, and his luck in finding some powerful expert inheritances and allowing his strength to grow.

"Alright, these pills would be..." the Alchemy store owner smiled while turning around to get something, only to suddenly turned around towards Sora with a sword in his hands. Sora's hand flicked slightly, and the guy was sent flying, slamming heavily into the wall, the guy barely had a power level of 600 fists, but Sora was already on guard, and had moved before him.

an alchemist might have high energy control and emerging mastery, but their combat capability was low. Sora energy control and Enemergy merging mastery had improved thanks to him entering the great Ape state and True Saiyan state.

within a state where he had to control such overwhelming energy, Sora's energy control capability had improved greatly, allowing him to show a power level of over 1,000 fists.

"Well, I guess I should loot the whole place," Sora said with a cold smile, they started it, he was just going to end it. with a flash, he took the alchemist storage ring, and went on to collect every pill and herb he could get his hands on, after which he rushed out of the store and headed towards the entrances,

"Don't let him get away," Those within the alchemist shop had already spread the news, so already a crowd was gathering to stop Sora. hell, even the city mayor and other experts were moving out, and Sora had no time to waste on such weaklings.

Jumping up, Sora quickly disappeared, but while nearing the entrance of the city, a huge sword ray came shooting toward him. Sora quickly dodged, before looking towards where the attack came from, there he saw an old man walking towards him with a sword in hand,

"You reached the Skillful stage in energy control, that's impressive," Sora said with a smile, no longer willing to run away. The old man smiled slightly,

"Indeed you are talented, to see through me so easily. my this old man know your name?" the old man asked with a smile, but Sora shook his head,

"sadly I can't say, don't take it as being rude," Sora said calmly, the old man nodded slightly, in understanding, before his eye turned sharp. with a flash, he disappeared and appeared before Sora, with his sword swung towards Sora's head.

'this old man only cultivate the Qi path, yet he went on to spend all his time mastering this, allowing him to get a shocking 6 times boost from his energy control alone,' Sora thought as he jumped backward, almost getting his neck cut off by the old man.

"you have sharp instances," the old man said with a smile, while Sora looked at him with an uneasy look. the old man had a power level of 1,583. while Sora only had a power level of 1,211, the gap was too huge... but Sora didn't want to run away, this battle would put him under far more pressure than the battle with Fu Jie.

"Well, don't disappoint me," Sora said as his eyes burned with the will to fight, the old man smiled slightly, but he was done testing Sora and it was now time to end this. with a flash, he shot towards Sora, Sora had to use his spiritual sense to keep up with the old man, and with a flash, he used Wolf Fang Disc, and clashed with the old man's sword,

sharps flew all over the place, shocking the old man who was clashing with the image of a spinning wolf. to this, there was shock a powerful technique out there which could allow someone to clash evenly with his attack even when so weak...

his eyes instantly glowed with greed, a this was a powerful technique Sora got from the storage ring. One should know, a powerful technique could allow one to unleash attacks far above their normal capability. you might have a power level of 10 fists, but with the right technique, you could even show 2 twice that level of power, or even higher

the two were forced backward, but they quickly rushed at each other. Sora had the Destructo disc. One should know in the anime, Krillin was capable of injuring someone with a power level more than 10 times his own, hell, he could have even killed him if given the chance.

Destructo disc was a simple technique, but it relied heavily on the simplest to make it overpowered. Of course, there were a few weaknesses with this technique, the speed in which thrown out could give others time to easily dodge this, and if not careful, you might just end up cutting yourself... and that would be embarrassing.

Sora didn't use the Destructo disc outright, instead, he was adding the principle of the technique into Wolf Fang Fist, allowing him to clash with the old man, even if he was weaker, and with his spiritual senses, he was capable of guessing what the old man next move might be, allowing Sora to react.

the two clashed countless times, and Sora under such pressure indeed began improving. He had to keep his spiritual senses locked on him, he didn't dare to make a mistake and had to guess the guy ever movement as he couldn't keep up with him, under such pressure, Sora was improving fast

When within the true Saiyan Statue or even the Great Ape state, he had so much power following through him he had a hard time just controlling it, with the experiences, of that, and now him returning such a weak amount of energy, he was of course growing stronger, by the second, in no time Sora power level had reached 1,400, and no longer felt such huge pressure

"Didn't I say not to disappoint me? don't tell me that because the gap is closing that you're thinking of retreating." Sora asked mockingly seeing how the old man was starting to retreat, the old man gritted his teeth in rage, this brat was too freakish

"how long you 4 are just going to sit there, does he look tired to any of you?" He yelled angrily, making Sora's eyebrow raise, but spreading out his spiritual senses which could now cover, 100 meters, he quickly located a few people deep in hiding, all at level 4 Qi refinement.

this city was broken into 5 parts, 4 of which were managed by 4 clans, and the other was managed by the mayor. each force had its powerful backing which was locked away cultivating, and now they were all surrounding power,

"He got a point. I can always run away, and with how far apart you are, what can you all do?" Sora mocked, stunning the 4 who were secretly watching the battle. but Sora was right, so they stepped out and moved in to support the old man,

now it was a 5 on-1, and with all of them having a power level of around 1,500, and with them working together, the power they could unleash was scary, in no time, Sora was covered in all-time injuries, burnt marks, sword parts, spear marks, and fists mark,

But the 5 were not happy seeing this, Sora's instants during the battle were getting sharper and sharper, he was like a monster built for combat, he was skills grew sharper, his strength kept growing, and through it all he was enjoying this.

"what inheritances could have given someone this level of talent? There is something more to this." far away, a young woman with glasses was recording the battle, she didn't care for the inheritance, she knew she couldn't keep it even if she got it. instead, she was more like a reporter, getting the big news of the day, and telling the world.

And Sora was her biggest story yet. how could she miss out on such a huge catch, she had to get everything she could. if one looked closely at her glasses, one could see mini-screens that showed the battle which was taking place from all angels,

In this world, sure they didn't have phones and stuff similar to Earth. but no matter the world, they would always seek to improve their communication capability and so on. They were unique flies that were capable of sharing what they saw, currently, they were around the battle, watching the battle, and through a technique, they sent back what they saw to her, who transformed what she got into a formation that acted like storage,

her glasses were also linked to the technique, allowing her to see through all of the glasses, but zooming out on the whole world would find something similar to the internet,

years ago, a powerful expert created a powerful formation that allowed the whole world to be connected through a unique signal. this is how they could get videos and other stuff, and have it spread out so fast, Sora who is from a small village had no idea of some things,

Luckily for Sora, something like live broadcasting was something no one had ever created, or else he would be in huge trouble if this battle was seen live access the many nearby cities.