

When I went home, the first person I saw was my husband, who was sitting in the living room with a dark expression on his face. He was simply staring off into the space and just as I entered, his face turned darker when he glanced at me.

His expressions made my heart thump against my chest, and I instantly lowered my head. I didn’t want him to see my face. What if he would see my expressions and feel something was off?

But when I thought about how weird my thoughts were, I couldn’t help but want to facepalm myself. Damn it! Why did I have to think at all?!

I was already married, and here I was thinking about how my husband was looking angry. If he knew what I did just now, he would become even furious.

Wait, would he really become furious? When I remembered how he had been giving me a cold shoulder, I really wanted to laugh bitterly at myself. What furious? I was already assuming that he would be happy to get rid of me.

I pursed my lips and decided to say something before things would become awkward between us. What could be better than telling him about my recent achievement? Anyway, I really didn’t expect anything from this guy at all. He had been cold to me for so long that I would feel awkward if he ever tried to even carry affection in his eye while glancing at me.

So after calming my emotions, I smiled and said, “Guess what happened today?”

“What?” He replied coldly. His gaze was still on my face as if he was trying to see through me. I really wanted to shake him awake and say, ‘What the hell happened to you? Huh? You’re a guy who never looked at me for an entire week before just because I wasn’t following him!’

I didn’t think much of it since I was sure in my heart that this guy didn’t have any lingering feelings for me in his heart. If he had, he would have surely said something all this time instead of ignoring me as if I was nothing but an ordinary roommate.

Even thinking about it hurt my chest. So I forced a smile and said, “I finally got a contract!”

My husband frowned and looked at me in confusion. I rolled my eyes at that expression. I just knew he wouldn’t believe me. So I pulled out my phone and showed him the contract that I signed with a grin.

“See now? I told you before that I wasn’t wasting my time! But you never listened to me!” I pointed at the words that my contract was successful once again and said, “Ain’t I awesome?!”

My husband didn’t say anything as if he still didn’t understand what I was talking about. His facial expressions were still the same as before, and I couldn’t understand what he was thinking. At this, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

Really, what the hell was I expecting from him? Again and again, he had done nothing but break my heart ruthlessly. He was still against my heartfelt desire of earning money through novels. I really wanted to become a famous novelist, but my husband never supported me. And he even acted coldly, making me feel as if he stopped loving me for some reason.

A bitter smile finally formed on my lips as I shook my head. “You know what? Nevermind. I’ll just do my work.”

But before I was about to go away, I felt him grabbing my wrist as he pulled me back. I suddenly jumped and found myself sitting beside him on the sofa. “Wha-”

“Shh.” Lewis shushed me and pulled out a small square box from his pocket. I was stunned at this, and couldn’t help but gasp.

What the hell happened to my husband? He was starting to act strange everyday! He held out the square box in his palms and said, “This is for you.”

I didn’t move and kept staring at the box for a long time. How many months had it been ever since I received a gift from this guy? I pressed my lips in a thin line, trying to suppress my emotions. I had waited and waited for a long time, and still, this guy acted so cold to me that my heart ended up becoming a barren land.

Now that Vampire had somehow made the seed of love sprout in my heart, why was my husband coming to me again? Did he want to take me back only to give me a cold shoulder later?

I swallowed the lump in my throat at that. I really didn’t want to deal with the guy whom I couldn’t trust with my heart. Just as I was about to get up, he pulled me back again, opening the box himself.

It was a silver necklace with a red stone shaped in the form of a heart. He instantly leaned toward me and hooked the necklace on my neck. But before I could lower my head to see the necklace, I suddenly grabbed my face and kissed me.

I was shocked, but I didn’t react. It wasn’t like I had never kissed my husband, but it had been a long time ever since he had been affectionate to me. He had never presented me a gift after we got married. And he had never even kissed me like this just after giving me a gift.

But I only stayed frozen for a moment, but I didn’t kiss back. What would I do kissing him back? I didn’t feel even a sliver of warmth in my chest. I still remembered all the things he had said to me in the past; how he treated me for a year just because I refused to follow his career plan; how he rejected my advances when I wanted to have sex with him; how I cried all night thinking my husband didn't return my love; how I slowly became colder and colder, not even identifying myself.

I remembered it all, and I couldn't forgive Lewis for doing this to me.

But just when I thought he would back off, he deepened the kiss as his body hovered over me. His hands cupped my chest, and he started playing with my body.

For a moment, my breath stuck in my throat, not willing to get out. I was too afraid and shocked.

Why? Why was my husband confusing me like this? He showed me a cold shoulder for a year, not even behaving anywhere near how a husband should, and now, he acted like he really loved me with all his heart.

Tears formed in my eyes at that, and I struggled, pushing him with all my heart. Thankfully, my husband didn't want to force himself on me either. So he backed off easily with a disappointed expression on his face.

I didn't dare to look at him as I covered my body, curling up on the sofa. Soon after this, I heard him exhaling and he quickly got up, leaving the room.

My mind was still confused, but somewhere in my heart I felt immense guilt.

I sighed and went to the bedroom. After changing my clothes, I laid on my side of my bed only to find out that my husband was already asleep. After lying on the bed, I closed my eyes, but I still wasn't able to fall asleep.

I couldn't help but compare my husband and Vampire. With Lewis, I have stopped feeling anything at all. But when I would be with a Vampire, I would feel like a little teenage girl who has fallen in love for the first time.

I really had never been so confused in my life.