

It was the ninth day when I woke up again early in the morning, filled with new spirit when I remembered Vampire and the novel I would write for him. The previous night with my husband was long forgotten, and a new dream to become a famous author overwhelmed my heart, almost making me jump and start writing.

So I got up quickly and started working after freshening up. At this time, my husband woke up and acted like nothing had happened. I was a little disappointed, but I really was habitual of this. I would be more surprised if I were to see him paying me some attention. So I just continued typing on my computer without sparing my husband a single glance.

Just when my husband left the house, my phone rang. It was a message from Vampire. When I thought of this guy, I suddenly remembered how he had kissed me, and I blushed at that. My heart couldn’t help but race at that. I quickly opened the text box.

Vampire: “How’re you doing?”

A goofy grin plastered on my face at this. I couldn’t help but imagine the smiling face of that man, staring at his phone expectantly while texting me. My heart bloomed at this and wrote a reply.

Me: “Just started writing. What about you?”

I waited for a while, but seeing that Vampire didn’t reply, I started working again. After a while, my phone rang and there was another message. I clicked it open instantly.

Vampire: “I’m just missing you.”

My heart suddenly jumped at that, and my phone nearly fell on the ground. This guy…I really didn’t know he could be so shameless! I couldn’t help but blush at that. I pursed my lips and tried to control my erratic breathing, and typed a message.

Me: “You’re so shameless!”

I typed this, but then I thought this message was perhaps very flirty. Did it sound like scolding? I didn’t really want to scold this guy. So I erased the text and wrote again.

Me: “Me too.”

And I instantly hit the send button before I could overthink about it. But when I sent it, I instantly regretted it. What if he would think that I was way too forward, and suddenly call me saying that he didn’t need me anymore? What if he wouldn’t like my straightforward behavior? But before I could think more about it, another message popped up.

Vampire: “Then why don’t you write me if you miss me that much?”

What did he mean by saying ‘write me’ here? I couldn’t help but gape at this particular statement. I suddenly remembered the storyline I was working on for my novel, and remembered that I had named the main character after Vampire. And my novel’s main character was also someone with a sunny personality, similar to my editor.

Since we had already confessed to each other, it wouldn’t be strange to talk like this directly. So thinking about it made me warm in my chest. So I quickly typed out a reply and said, “I’m already writing you.”

And when I sent this text, there was a goofy grin on my face. I couldn’t help but feel my heart thudding inside my chest so loudly that I even felt like it would break all the shackles and rush over to where Vampire was staying!

Just then, I heard a cold voice disturbing me all of a sudden.

“Why’re you smiling so much?” My husband’s sharp gaze swept toward me, squinting dangerously.

I quickly shut my phone and gulped. Crap! Did he see my blushing face for real? Would he notice something? I couldn’t help but feel a trace of fear in my heart. I turned to look at my husband’s scary dark face and shivered.

I have never seen him so angry. But why the hell was he angry? I had already told him that I got a new contract. Shouldn’t he be happier for me?! I really didn’t understand what the hell was going on in my husband’s head all day long. I couldn’t help but glare at him.

And who I was talking to? Wasn’t it clearly Vampire? But this wasn’t something I wanted my husband to know. He really wouldn’t understand. He had never tried to understand me anyway.

When I thought about how my husband had been ignoring me for months, the light in my eyes dimmed. When I really thought about my husband’s behavior just now, I could only come up with one reason: he was jealous of the person whom I was talking to with a grin.

But why would my husband be jealous? This had never happened before! It sounded more like a joke on me. So I couldn’t help but be suspicious. Did he make a mistake and somehow wanted to shift his blame on me? It was because the fact that this guy could be jealous was completely unexpectable!

So I just squinted my eyes and said coldly, “It doesn’t have anything to do with you!”

Lewis stared at me for a while and sighed before picking up his phone and closing the door again. Oh, so my husband had come back to get his phone. I shrugged and looked back at my phone.

Vampire had sent three more messages back to back.

“What’re you writing about?”

“Elise? Are you busy?”

Then after two minutes, he said, “Are you ignoring me?”

My eyes widened at that. No, why was Vampire thinking like that?! I instantly typed a few words.

“My husband came…”

I frowned and removed this text and typed another reply.

“I was in the bathroom. I’m so sorry. Next time, I’ll tell you before going anywhere!”

And then I added a set of kissing emojis and blushed while sending the message. It wasn’t like I hadn’t told Vampire that I was already married, but I was kind of reluctant to start the topic of our married life before this guy. We had just started our professional relationship, and I already had a crush on him.

At present, our relationship was nothing but delicate. So I really needed to make sure that my words wouldn’t make Vampire too embarrassed or awkward. It was better to avoid talking about Lewis altogether before Vampire!

His reply came instantly.

“And here I thought you were bored with me. Don’t you have your husband at home?”

I could practically feel Vampire being self-conscious just because I was already married. At this, I couldn’t help but smile a little. This guy knew that talking about personal life would only make things weird, but he still had to say a few words about my husband. I couldn’t help but feel awkward at that. But I still typed a reply.

“Don’t talk about him. I don’t like him.”

And there! I confessed that my relationship with Lewis was on the verge of divorce. We already hadn’t touched each other for a year. If it weren’t for my husband suddenly kissing me twice, I would’ve told Vampire that he hadn’t touched me for a while.

But it’s still a mystery to me that my husband had suddenly kissed me. I couldn’t help but frown. What was that guy thinking?