

I was just about to leave when I heard his anxious voice calling behind me. “Wait!” But I didn’t glance back and was just about to open the front door when Vampire reached out and shut the door instantly. I looked back only to see the waiter collecting the bills, and I assumed that Vampire had already paid for us both.

But before I could open my mouth to say anything, Vampire suddenly pulled me closer. His hand wrapped around my waist as he leaned toward me, capturing my lips. This thing happened so fast that I didn’t get time to react. I suddenly remembered the time when my husband had kissed me the last time.

At that time, I hadn’t felt any palpitation in my heart, and there was no warmth of love. It was only a dull regret that the man I had loved once was no longer my love. But now, my body reacted completely differently!

I could feel my heart suddenly beating so fast that it almost felt like it would jump out of the chest! A sudden wave of excitement along with goosebumps spread around my body as my chest felt a surge of warmth that I hadn’t felt in a year!

What was happening to me?

Vampire’s hands were already on my cheeks as he kept kissing me. His lips moved and sucked my bottom lips. When he finally separated, there was a thread of saliva between us. I was gasping for breath, completely stunned from what had happened just now.

But I couldn’t ignore the fact that I kissed back enthusiastically. I couldn’t even look at him, but the fact that my heart was still beating fast, and the heat on my face didn’t recede even after we were separated told me the truth that I had fallen for him already.

I felt his finger caressing my lips before he said, “I’m sorry.”

I still didn’t reply, but I also couldn’t move. I just kept looking down, staring at Vampire’s chest that also heaved up and down. In my mind, I kept thinking about only one question:

Just why? Why did Vampire had to kiss me like this when I was about to quit? Before today, I never dared to imagine anything like this. I had believed that this was just another one-sided love, and nothing else. But what happened today changed my thoughts about this guy.

Before I could say anything, Vampire pecked my lips again and said, “I’m really sorry. Can you forgive me? I didn’t think you would be hurt. I was just trying to make this work for both of us, you know?”

I didn’t even focus on what Vampire was talking about. All my thoughts were about how this guy kissed me just like that. I licked my lips. I could still feel the lasting taste and feeling that I felt after kissing him. It was so mesmerising that I was still frozen on the spot.

I really wanted to feel this again, but I was too shy. Even thinking about it made my cheeks pinkish. My ears turned red as I lowered my head even more, trying to hide myself, but also didn’t want to go elsewhere and leave Vampire behind.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but blurt out. “You kissed me.”

Vampire was surprised after hearing those words but he quickly composed himself. It seemed as if he knew what he was doing. So he just opened his mouth and said, “Do you want me to kiss you again?”

Shameless! If I wasn't so shocked, I would have glared at the guy. Unfortunately, I was so surprised at his words that I even forgot to breathe. At my reaction, Vampire simply laughed and cupped my cheeks to kiss me for the second time.

At this time, my heart crazily started beating against my chest, screaming that this guy was the one! I weakly clung against him, grabbing his shirt to support myself. If his hands still weren’t around my waist, I wouldn’t have been able to stand on my feet.

We kissed for a long time before separating. My chest was heaving as I gasped for breath. “You kissed me again!”

“Do you want to….”

Before he could finish this sentence, I quickly cut him off. “I-It’s fine. Let’s just sit.”

And we got back to our seat. I blushed the entire time because I realized that we were kissing right in front of such a large audience. Everyone was whistling and screaming out cheers after seeing our kiss at the entrance. I blushed at that and lowered my head, wishing to hide my body on the spot.

“Hey, hon, look, I know I did wrong. So can you forgive me?” Then he paused as if he was thinking about something and grinned. “Or do you want my third apology?”

I quickly covered my mouth, blushing furiously. “I-It’s fine.”

After we settled down again, Vampire suddenly said, “Elise, look, if you don’t like the fact that I changed your story, we can keep the original one. I don’t want to pressure you like that.”

I felt a trace of warmth in my heart when I heard his apology for the hundredth time today. I glanced at his apologetic face that even had a touch of affection, and my heart melted. At his expression filled with intense emotions, I couldn’t help but feel my heart thud against my chest again. I knew that the more time I spent with this guy, the higher were the chances that I would fall deeper and deeper in his love.

But I couldn’t stop myself now. So I quickly opened my mouth and said, “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have been rude to you like that.”

Vampire shook his head and said, “It wasn’t your fault. If it were me, I would have reacted the same way.”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t even read your suggestions carefully. After seeing that you had changed a few things, I got angry and…” I didn’t want to think about it. So I just blushed and lowered my head. “I’ll look into it, but I can’t promise that I’ll implement everything. I might only change a few things.”

Vampire’s expressions softened at that and he grabbed my hands, caressing with his thumb. “Don’t worry, Elise. I understand. I’ll agree to whatever you want.”

We both went silent for a while. At this time, I had already calmed down, and I couldn’t help but ponder over one important thing: Why did Vampire have to kiss me like that? It clearly seemed like he had feelings for me, but why wasn’t he saying anything?

I glanced at him and couldn’t help but blurt out. “Why did you kiss me like that suddenly?”

Vampire smiled and took a deep breath before saying, “Actually, there’s something I didn’t tell you before.”

“What?” I was confused as hell about this. So I kept staring at him blankly.

He pursed his lips and hesitated before he parted his lips. “Actually, the moment we met for the first time, I was already attracted to you.”

My eyes widened after hearing that. Why didn’t I see this coming?

“And my feelings for you kept increasing, especially when you bluntly confessed to me that day.”

“Vampire, don’t say anything anymore. Otherwise I…” I paused and blushed, looking down at my hands.

He moved closer to me and wrapped his hand around my shoulder, pulling me into a warm embrace. “You don’t have to say anything. Let’s just stay like this and meet whenever we can, okay?”

I agreed and we stayed for a while before separating at Chaoyangmen district, promising to see each other once again at the same place.