
I’m Stopping The Fight Whether You Like It or Not

"I can't help but wonder why you're both like this," Evie pulled Deku and Bakugo into the air, that way they're feet weren't touching the ground. "I mean, you've just got anger issues," she pointed at Bakugo. "And you, you're just straight up stubborn." She pointed at Deku.

"W- wait, Evie! Where are you dragging us off to?!" Deku yelled as Evie dragged them out of the mock building. "We're not done!"

"Let go, you damned extra!" Bakugo yelled. "I'll blow you into hell!"

"First of all, I'm not a purple extra. Second of all, if I let you go, you're both just going to destroy the building and yourselves. And third of all, this battle was making me suffer inside because you weren't acting like it was a real battle. People would've died from that explosion if this was real."

"What is she saying?" Sato asked. "We can't hear anything."

"She's saying that if this was a real battle, people would have died from that explosion." All Might answered.

Evie stared at a camera, she made a finger gun at the camera, "I know every single thing about all of you. You all hide behind the fact that you want to be heroes. Some of you just want to be popular, some want the money. I know your real motives."

The class had no idea what Evie was saying, they still couldn't hear a thing. All Might in the other hand, knew exactly what she was talking about. She was threatening him. All Might had chosen not to stop the match, therefore, Evie was willing to humiliate his class and himself. She was no longer playing.

"Oh, and All Might," Evie pointed her finger gun up to the sky. "Don't think I'm such a good girl. I'm a lot smarter than you think."

All Might flinched. Never has he come across such a girl. She was saying that she would reveal every single secret All Might kept. Evie had a strange way of keeping those she cares about safe. The class watched as Evie's mouth moved in the camera.

"What is she saying?" They asked.

"Let's pause this class today," All Might took his earpiece out. "Go home for today. We'll continue this some other time."

The class was confused. Either way, they headed back to the locker rooms. All Might continued watching Evie through the cameras. He observed what she was doing with Bakugo, Deku, Uraraka and Ida.

"Uzukami!" Ida began scolding. "What's re you doing with Bakugo and Midoryia?"

"Mm, none of your business, Glasses," Evie replied. "And honestly, All Might should've stopped the battle a long time ago."

"Why is that?" Uraraka asked. "What was happening?"

Evie stared into Uraraka's eyes. A cold stare. Uraraka zipped her lips and scooted away from Evie. Evie sighed. "If you were listening to the commotion at all, you'd know that somebody," she glanced at Bakugo. "Caused an explosion that could've killed people in the real world."

"Oh, uh…ok."

Evie dragged Bakugo as she let go of Deku. She muttered to herself, calling both of them idiots. Evie had such a close relationship with the both of them until middle school, when they applied to UA. She only hung out with Bakugo because he was fun to tease and a strong opponent. And Deku, he had such a determined reason to become a hero.

"You two," Evie looked at Uraraka and Ida. "All Might said to change out of your hero costumes and go home."

Uraraka immediately ran out of the building and walked back with the class to the locker rooms. Ida followed right after, intimidated by Evie.

"Get your damn ropes off me!" Bakugo yelled. "Don't look down on me!"

"Oh, I'm not looking down on anyone," she came nose-to-nose with Bakugo. "I'm simply stopping you from destroying each other."

"I wasn't actually going to use my quirk on Kacchan." Deku mentioned. "I was going to use it on the building so Uraraka could use the rocks on Ida."

"It was still a bad idea. For one, you would've been severely injured. For two, Kacchan would've made it worse. And for three, citizens would be dead now. End of discussion. Locker rooms are meant for people to change in, so get your asses over there before I drag them myself."

Bakugo scoffed when Evie released him. He stomped back to the locker room, and so did Deku. Evie put her hands in her pockets and jumped out a window, slowing her fall with the ropes coming out of her back.

"That was so intimidating," Hagakure said while fixing her tie. "Uzukami is amazing, but she's just too scary."

"I wonder what her relationship is with Bakugo and Midoryia." Said Jiro. "Why would she randomly jump in like. She must be really confident in herself or she's pretty strong."

"Oh, I'm a lot more than just confident and strong." Evie said with her uniform on.

"Ahh!" The girls yelped like dogs. "When did you get here?!"

"I was always right here. And my relationship with Izuku and Kacchan shouldn't mean a thing to you."

"But you literally jumped into a battle that wasn't yours." Asui said.

"And you must have something going on if you were to just randomly jump in." Ashido swung her tie around.

"Hahhh, I still don't see what is so important." Evie grabbed her bag and headed outside of the school.

"Uzukami is weird," Kaminari said while putting his hero costume away. "I think she's dumber than I am after using my quirk."

"Dunno about that," Kirishima said. "She's pretty smart if she got a perfect score on the written exam, and she got recommended anyway."

"I don't get her," Sero said. "Don't you guys know her, Midoryia? Bakugo?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Bakugo said while struggling to put his hero costume away. "She's an annoying extra who doesn't know how to keep her hands to herself."

"But you were just trying to literally destroy Midoryia." Sato mentioned. "Wouldn't that make you a hypocrite?"

"Shut up, extra!"

"She's just overprotective," Deku said quietly. "If she sees her friends actually fighting, it's her instinct to stop them. She doesn't have a dad, which caused her to become a tomboy and whatnot."

"What does being a tomboy have to do with losing her dad?" Shoji asked as the boys walked out of the locker room.

"Well, according to most girls I know, girls don't become 'tomboys' for style. They become tomboys because of a trauma, uh, I think. Something like that."

"Well, she's a dammed wimp!" Bakugo stomped ahead, heading for the nearest station.

"Oh, I'm a wimp?" Evie said while leaning against the UA entrance. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, sweetheart."

Bakugo scoffed and walked off. "Shut up, purple nerd!"

"Ouch, my heart. Why don't you give this lost soul a hug."

"Go hug your lonely ass, nerd!"

Some of the boys held in laughs. It was fun to watch Bakugo blow his cap off in a funny way. They were able to keep their laughs inside, that way, Bakugo wouldn't charge at them.

"Anyway," Evie said. "I'm taking what's mine now." Evie grabbed hold of Deku's wrist and started dragging him off of the school grounds. The boys gave looks of confusion. The all thought to themselves, "what just happened again?"

"Ok, I'm home. You don't have to follow me anywhere." Deku said while entering his home."

"You better not do anything reckless." Evie scolded.

"Ok, ok. I won't, I promise." Deku closed his door waving at Evie.

Evie pulled her hood up. She had changed in a bathroom before riding the train. She put her hands in her pockets and walked through a door. She took the sucker out of her mouth and looked at the people around inside the building.

"Alright, what did you say you need?" Evie stared at the person in front of her. "I'm kin da on a time limit so, please, enlighten me, dear Shigaraki."