
(MHA) The Strongest Heroes

Everything except my oc (Evie) belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi.

BakuNoNii · Action
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Class Rep

"Don't give me that tone," Shigaraki scolded.

"I'll give you any time I want," Evie said while sitting down at the table. "I'm only here because my brother works with you guys."

"I heard my dear sister call me." A teenage boy said, floating upside down next to Evie.

Name: Elios Uzukami

Villain Alias: Kontororu

Quirk: Control

He can control anything and everything he wants, whether it's physically or emotionally, even mind control is within his reach

"Get out of my face," Evie pushed Elios's face away. "I'm kinda on a schedule here, so pick up the pace and tell me what you want."

"The teachers at UA are planning on bringing students to a place called USJ. For rescue training." A man with a misty figure said.

Name: ???

Villain Alias: Kurogiri

Quirk: Warp Gate

His quirk allows him to create and manipulate a dark dog that acts as a portal, transporting anything that comes in contact with to another location

"And you already know, our ultimate goal is to eliminate All Might." Kurogiri continued. "We want you to keep the students out of the way."

"I wouldn't go as far as killing him, as long as I'm not held responsible if we're caught."

"I wouldn't do that to my baby sister," Elias made Evie come closer and hugged her. "You're too innocent in my eyes."

"Yeah, thanks…I guess. That was way too cheesy, though."

"You won't be held responsible, all you have to do is keep the students out of the way." Shigaraki said. "Everything else will be taken into our own hands."

"Fine. It's not like I really have a choice anyway."

"Thanks, baby sister!" Elios waved to Evie smiling as she walked back outside. "We appreciate it."

As Evie walked home, she ran into Bakugo. He was growling and kicking stones out of his way. It started to rain, which made it even more gloomy for Bakugo. Evie smirked, thinking that she would be able to tease him. So she skipped over to Bakugo, pulling her hood up so she wouldn't get wet.

"Hey, hey, Kacchan!" Evie jumped onto Bakugo from behind. "How's it going, buddy?"

"What the hell is wrong with you, damn nerd!" Bakugo yelled at Evie, causing everyone around to stare at him. "Tch, get off of me."

"Aww, are you still mad about earlier? I wasn't going to just sit around. I'd rather interfere than watch my two closest friends mess each other up."

"Well, why do you care? You're so close with that, nerd, Deku."

"Do you still require my attention? Hmm, Kacchan?"

"Shut up!"

Bakugo started to blush slightly. Whenever he was with Evie, he would get a strange feeling, and there would be a pit in his stomach. He never felt like that unless Evie was around. His "friends" from his junior year would tell him that it was love, they told him just to tease Bakugo. Except, Bakugo didn't doubt the fact that he liked Evie, he just hid the feeling underneath his urge to be better than everyone.

"Ok, ok," Evie disturbed Bakugo from his thoughts. "I'll stop teasing you. But you've just gotta tell me why you look super gloomy in this rain. It makes you look like a loser, which you probably don't want."

"Who are you calling a loser?! Your such a little shit!"

"Oh, my poor soul, why can't you be nice? It makes me feel so sad."

"You and your poor as can be sad somewhere else," Bakugo grabbed Evie's wrist and put her on a bench. He sat down on the opposite side of Evie. "If you stop my battle with Deku again, I'll blow you to bits."

"I don't see how that's possible, but whatever helps you sleep at night."

"I mean it, you shit!" Bakugo swiped his hand at Evie.

"I know you mean it." Evie dodged his hand. "But you guys shouldn't be taking part in this petty stuff. If her catches up to you, you'll just have to work harder. No one is going to say you're the best anymore. You're going to have to work through this. Plus, you're bestie since kindergarten will help you out if you come across some troubles." Evie hopped off the bench.

"What the hell goes on in your tiny brain?"

"A lot of things, none of which you need to worry about. Only thing you should focus on is your temper and your goals."

"Tch, you get your ass over here so I can beat you to a pulp!" Bakugo jumped off the bench and started chasing Evie.

"Make me, explosive boy!" Evie ran from the small explosions.

The next day during lunch, Deku was eating with Ida and Uraraka. He started blabbering about different heroes and all he knows about them. After all, he was a fanboy and loved heroes very much.

"Maaaan, when will you ever shut up?" Evie put her can of soda on Deku's head. "It's like there's no off switch.

"S- sorry, Evie." Deku said while wiping the cold water that dripped from the can away. "But I just love heroes so much. There the best!"

"Yeah, it's all you ever talk about."

"Uzukamiii!" Ashido yelled from a table. "Come sit with us!"

"Gotta bounce, don't screw up again today. I'll beat your ass, Izuku!"

Evie ran over to the table Ashido was sitting at. Along with Ashido was Bakugo, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero and Jiro.

"Hello, my sweet peeps." Evie put her soda on the table and sat next to Bakugo.

"Get the hell away from me, purple geek!" Bakugo was about to push Evie away when her ropes grabbed his wrist while she took a sip of her soda.

"Touch me and you go flying like an airplane, Kacchan." Evie winked.

Kaminari stared at Bakugo then at Evie, repeatedly. "Are you guys, like, dating?"

A death stare was suddenly shot at Kaminari from both Evie and Bakugo. It was clear that they weren't dating now. Evie let go of Bakugo and smiled.

"Nope, we're just close friends, aren't we Kacchan?" Evie pinched Bakugo's cheek.

"Pft," Bakugo rubbed his cheek. "Whatever,"

Mineta snuck up behind Evie, snickering and thinking to himself. "What a hottie, she's such a beautie. That short yet fluffy and bouncy, purple hair. The uniform she wears, even if it's for boys, the cold stare. Everything about her from the body to the personality. It's all such a dream-"

Mineta was snapped back to reality when ropes locked into his ankles. They pulled him to Evie. He hung upside down as Evie spoke to him. "

"Please, do me a favor and pipe down with your mumbling. It's really gross for a girl."

Bakugo, who was right next to Evie, sent shivers up Mineta's spine. Bakugo was glaring at Mineta with a fire in his eyes that couldn't be put out. Mineta zipped his mouth and pointed finger guns at Bakugo, nervously. Bakugo was giving off an aura that Ashido and Kaminari had mistaken. To them, he was saying that Evie belonged to him.

Evie let go of Mineta and he ran off like the shortie he is. Kirishima stared at Kaminari and Ashido snickering. One thing they were aware of was that Bakugo wanted no other guy to touch Evie.

"Dude, that was so manly," Kirishima said. "Chasing that guy off is impossible."

"He's a perv," replied Evie. "Pretty sure even I can realize that, even though I'm wearing a guys uniform."

"He doesn't bother me." Jiro said.

"That's because you don't have anything on you." Ashido said while patting Jiro's chest.

"Ah, hey! So not cool!"

Aizawa held his sleeping bag as the class sat in their seats as fast as they could.

"It took you all eight seconds to sit down." He said. "Today you're picking a class rep."

"So normal!" The entire class said.

"I'm not done talking. You'll chose the main rep and then the vice rep. Do it however you like. I'm taking a nap." Aizawa pulled his sleeping bag on and laid down on the ground.

"How should we do this?" Deku asked.

"We could vote!" Ida suggested. "That way we get the whole class's opinion."

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" Hagakure agreed.

So, the class took their votes. When they counted all the votes, Evie ended up with the most, three votes, and Yaoyorozu came in second with two votes. Everyone said they were ok with who they ended up with. Ida, on the other hand, was devastated. Even though he was the one who suggested the way to decide class rep, he still only got one vote.

"It's ok, Ida," Uraraka comforted. "You would've been a good representative."

Suddenly the alarms went off. Students were in the halls running around, panicking. Deku and Ida poked there heads outside, trying to figure out what was happening.

"H- hey!" Deku caught one of the student's attention. "What's going on? Why'd the alarm going off?"

"Someone broke through the gate!" The student answered and pointed out a window at the front entrance.

It was no longer a gate. People were trying to enter the UA grounds. They had cameras and microphones. Ida could barely see the people. They looked like reporters. He could also se that no one was paying attention to what was happening outside.

"Uraraka!" He called. "Could you get me above the crowd?"

"Huh?" Uraraka exclaimed.

Ida pointed at the ceiling. Uraraka looked up to where Ida was pointing and nodded. She tapped Ida's fingers and he started floating above the crowd. He lifted the bottom part of his jeans so his engine was visible and usable. Once he activated his quirk, he went spinning forward until he reached the wall above an exit door. He held a pipe near him and yelled to get the school's attention.

"Everybody! Calm down!" The students looked up at him, going quiet. "It's just some reporters! There's nothing to worry about! We're at UA High School, is this how we should be acting? Please, relax and get back to your classes."

Students only then realized that there was nothing to panic about. They were giving sighs of relief and clapping, admiring Ida's actions. Ida also sighed of relief.

Evie's ropes grabbed Ida and they set him down. Uraraka de-activated her quirk, that way Ida wouldn't float anywhere. Ida fixed his glasses, they were out of wack after all the spinning he had just been through.

Everyone went back to their class and continued with their day. Evie and Yaoyorozu were up at the front of the class. It was quiet.

"Ughhh," Evie groaned banging her head on the table in front of her. "Ok, fine. I guess I'll start talking. I'm giving my position to, Glasses."

"Huh?" The class said, confused.

"My name is not Glasses!" Ida yelled, pointing at Evie while fixing his glasses.

"Yeah, whatever," Evie shrugged off. "I don't really see a use of me being a class rep. Besides you all saw how he reacted during that chaotic incident. It was smart and quickly thought of. Plus, I'm just too lazy to do this job."

The class groaned and dropped their head in their desk when they heard Evie say that. It was unbelievable for them.

"I will gladly take the job!" Ida said proudly. "Thank you very much, Uzukami!"

"Don't take it to heart, and literally, don't mention it."

Ida stood at the front next to Yaoyorozu with a big smile on his face. He started with a big speech and talked about god knows what, nobody really understood what he was saying. While Ida was giving his speech, Evie looked out the window, watching some of the teacher fox the gate. She knew who had destroyed the gate.

"Shigaraki," Evie thought. "You need to stop listening to Elios. He's likes to play dirty, and you're following him. Don't think I'll just let it off like this."