
(MHA) The Strongest Heroes

Everything except my oc (Evie) belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi.

BakuNoNii · Action
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16 Chs

Deku VS Kacchan

"The villains will go inside and have 5 minutes to prepare. Once that time is over, the heroes will break in." All Might explained further. "Young Bakugo, Young Ida. Try to think of the perspective of villains. This is pretty close to a real battle. Go all out. Don't be afraid to get hurt. If things go too far, I'll stop it."

"Yes sir!" Ida replied.

Bakugo snarled at Deku, gritting his teeth. Bakugo and Ida headed up to the top floor of the mock building and prepared for the battle.

"Even if this is training," Ida mentioned. "It still pains me to become a villain. So our job is to protect this." Ida tapped on the object they would be protecting. "This is papier-mâché."

"Hey," Bakugo spoke loudly. "Deku has quirk, right?"

"Hmm, you saw that extraordinary strength, didn't you? It seems to carry much risk, though…However, you seem to get mad easily when it comes to Midoryia."

"Tch, how DARE he trick me?" Bakugo thought. "That damned nerd!"

"Oh, man," Uraraka said. "It's a ton of work to memorize the building's floor plan. But nlike Mr. Aizawa, there doesn't seem to be a punishment. So we can relax a little- YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOT RELAXED!"

"T- that's because we're going up against Ka- Kacchan. And there's Ida as well, I just feel like I need to be on guard at all times."

"Oh, I see. Bakugo is the who always makes fun of you."

"He's amazing, honestly. He may come off as rude and dirty-mouthed, but his goal, his confidence, physical strength, quirk, they're way more amazing than mine will ever be. But that's also why…I don't want to lose."

"Hmm, a dated battle between men, huh?"

"O- oh, sorry! Uraraka, it's not your problem!"

"It is, though! We're a team! Let's do our best!"

"Ah, yeah!"

"Alright, let's start with the indoor person-to-person combat training between teams A and D!" All Might yelled through the speaker. "Everyone, make sure you think as well."

All Might thought to himself about Deku. Here, Deku was no more than a single student. He won't be able to play favorites and grade strictly.

Deku and Uraraka hopped inside through a window. They had infiltrated successfully, according to Uraraka.

"There's a lot of blind spots, so be careful." Said Deku.

They walked through the metal maze of hallways. They stayed cautious, alas, they didn't know what Bakugo and Ida had planned.

"I still can't control One For All," Thought Deku. "So I can't use it against anyone. If I were to use it on someone, I might end up killing them. We'll just have to make do with the power I have now and Uraraka's Zero Gravity. I have to use my head…All those notes about indoor battles, battles in tight spaces. I have to remember them!"

Suddenly, Bakugo came flying out from around a corner. He growled and aimed an explosion from his palm at Deku.

"Uraraka! Are you alright?" Asked Deku.

"Y- yeah! But what about you?" Uraraka saw that his mask was torn and his face was scratched.

"It's just a scratch."

Bakugo fanned the smoke from his blast away. He stared at Deku, "come one, Deku. Don't dodge."

"I figured you'd come after me first." Deku stood up.

"A surprise attack right off the bat?!" Mineta said, surprised.

"C'mon, Bakugo!" Kirishima punched his hand. "That ain't manly in any way!"

"It's still a strategy." Evie said crossing her arms. After all, there in a real battle."

"Midori dodged it!" Ashido cheered.

"There goes Bakugo!" Kaminari said.

Bakugo charged at Deku, yelling. "I won't do so much damage that this fight is stopped, but I'll get real close!"

Deku grabbed onto Bakugo's arm before he could explode anything. He shifted his feet into a position where he could move freely and threw Bakugo over his shoulder.

"Oh, wow!" Uraraka exclaimed. "He's like a martial artist!"

"What is with this guy?" Bakugo thought as he was being thrown. "Did he…read my moves?"

Bakugo hit the ground hard, flat in his back. He coughed up spit from the impact. The class gasped, surprised at Deku's tactics.

"Kacchan," Deku said while Bakugo started standing back up. "You always start with a big right swing. How long do you think I've been watching you? I wrote an analysis of all the heroes I found amazing in my notebook. Kacchan…"

Bakugo snarled at Deku. He was mad and shocked once again by Deku. He couldn't read the boy who used to be a pebble anymore.

"My 'Deku' won't always mean 'useless.' My 'Deku' means 'you can do it!'"

Uraraka remembered the time when they walked to the station together. She had told Deku that she thought his name sounded so cool.

"Deku just sounds something like, 'I'm gonna win!' Or something like that."

"Tch, Deku…" Bakugo growled. He noticed Deku was shaking. Deku was scared in all reality. "Even though you're scared…that's what I hate about you the most!"

Deku flinched at Bakugo yelling. Bakugo's anger was very visible. Anyone could see it. The class murmured, asking each other questions no one could answer. The only one who wasn't talking was Evie. They went quiet, then stared at her, wondering why she was so quiet.

"Ugh," she sighed. "First of all, stop asking me things. Second, it's really none of your business. Besides, I'm really not the one you should be asking, it's those two." She pointed at Bakugo and Deku through the camera.

Since Bakugo and Deku lived in the same neighborhood, they've known each other since they were little. Bakugo was always one to take risks and could do anything he set his mind to. A rascal who led the neighborhood kids. Good or bad, he was always full of confidence, and Deku thought he was so cool. But once Bakugo's quirk manifested, it accelerated him down the wrong path. Not all men are created equal, this was the reality Deku learned at the young age of four.

"Hey! Bakugo!" Ida yelled through the earpiece. "What are you doing?! Charging straight in?!"

"Shut up and defend! I'm really angry right now!"

"Oh, but Bakugo- ah, he hung up. Going off on his own like that…what is wrong with him? Jeez!"

"What was Bakugo saying?" Kirishima asked. "I can tell anything with the camera in a fixed position and no sound."

"God would you shut up and watch!" Evie rammed her fist into Kirishima's head. "You're so annoying!"

"Ow, jeez! You weirdo!"

"Shut up. Can't you see they're arguing? God, you're so stupid. Maybe it's because you're so hard-headed."

"Hey! You jerk, don't hit me like that!"

"Alright, calm down." All Might said. "He's talking to his partner on the earpiece. You can bring that plus the floor plan and this, capture tape! Once you've wrapped your opponent in this, it'll show that you've captured them."

The limit is 15 minutes, and the heroes still don't know where the nuclear weapon is." Yaoyorozu said.

"Huhhh?" Ashido exclaimed. "The heroes are at a huge disadvantage here!"

"Heroes should be able to turn the tables in any predicament they're in." Evie said crossing her arms. "Besides, Mr. Aizawa said to go Plus Ultra. And, All Might," Evie pointed at the camera.

Bakugo lunged at Deku. Deku called out to Uraraka, telling her to run and find the nuclear weapon. Bakugo kicked Deku from the side. Deku blocked the kick with his arm, while Bakugo started talking smack.

"Looking away, huh?!" Bakugo yelled. "You must be so sure of yourself!"

What Bakugo didn't realize was that Deku had started wrapping his leg in capture tape. Deku remembered his hero notebook number 10, page 18. He was glad that he got to see Aizawa's moves in person.

"What do I do next?" Thought Deku. "If it's Kacchan then he'll probably be impatient and throw his right swing!"

Bakugo took the big right swing, Deku was correct. He moved out of the way just in time, right before the explosion hit him.

"Woah, this guy is amazing!" Sato admired.

"He's not even using his quirk!" Exclaimed Sero.

"Mm, he's always been good at reacting quickly during a crisis." Evie said in her mind. "All that fanboy information his paying off, it's propelling him forward."

"He probably started with a kick so he could catch me off guard." Deku continued thinking. "He's being cautious now."

Deku shifted, than bolted down the hallways of the building. Bakugo chased after him, calling his name, "Deku, come back here!" But he had already lost him.

"I can't as close to him easily anymore." Deku whispered. "I need a plan if I'm going to win this."

"Hey!" Bakugo called out through the halls. "You've been tricking me, huh?! Was it fun tricking me this whole time? You've got some flashy quirk, don't you? Come and get me with it! Cause I'm better than you!"

"Sheesh, he looks really mad now," Kaminari whimpered. "The explosions make him even more scary."

"I had heard rom young Midoryia that young Bakugo thinks highly of himself," All Might thought. "But this is too much."

"I knew Kacchan would come after me first," Deku thought while he caught his breath. "He completely ignored Uraraka for me. If they were to send an advance guard, it would've been better to send Ida, seeing that he had more mobility. I'm sure Lacchan already knows that. That probably means he's running on his own and they're not working together. Our chances of winning would be lowest if we were to have a battle head-to-head. If both Uraraka and I went for the nuclear weapon, than Bakugo and Ida would fight us and we'd lose. And even if both of us stayed we risk losing to much time. This is good, right now. All that's left is for Uraraka to find the weapon."

"Did you have fun tricking me?!" Bakugo yelled while coming out of a corner. "Don't look down on me, you damn extra!"

"Hah, I finally found Ida and the weapon," Uraraka thought. "I just have to wait for Deku to meet me here."

"Hmm, Bakugo is so into it. He seems to be acting liking a real villain. Maybe it's a perspective I should get into as well." Ida inhaled and yelled. "Mwuahahaha! I'll destroy the heroes and anything that gets in my way!"

"He's so serious!" Uraraka coughed.

"Hmm?! You there!" Ida pointed at the pillar Uraraka was hiding behind. "Show yoursel! I k ow you are there!"

Uraraka peeked out from behind the pillar, thinking, "aw, man. I have my position away."

"Hahah! You are powerless against me, hero! You see, I know what your quirk is and how it works. I have removed every single loose item in this room! You can do anything now! Hahahah!"

"Ida is really into it, isn't he?"

"Deku, you bastard!" Bakugo yelled as he sent an explosion into Deku's face.

"Ah, k- Kacchan, I wasn't tricking you!" Deku replied while dodging Bakugo's swings and explosions. "I wasn't looking down on you!"

"Shut up!" Bakugo caught Deku off guard and skimmed his cheek with an explosion. "Finally caught you off guard." Bakugo raised one of the grenade shaped objects that rested around his forearm. "When I sunburned my quirk registration, I wanted item that stored up my sweat, that way I could create bigger explosion than what I can make myself. Once it's stored up, it becomes a giant grenade!"

"What's he doing?!" The class yelled.

"Young Bakugo, stop this at once!" All Might disagreed with Bakugo's actions. "This is too far! Young Midoryia could die from that explosion!"

"He'll be fine as long as he dodges it!" Bakugo pulled out a small metal stick, which set off the grenade. The building shook and rumbled as debris fell. Smoke was everywhere to be seen. Bakugo smirked. He couldn't see Deku, and thought he had been blown off the building. Instead, Deku jumped him from behind, trying to use the capture tape to wrap his wrists. Bakugo made a small explosion, which gave enough force to be forced off the ground. Deku missed the chance to capture Bakugo because of the smoke. Bakugo grabbed Deku's arm once her land and made another explosion, smashing the other grenade against Deku's back.

"Mm," Evie said. "He's a very pissed teen."

"What do you mean, Uzukami?" Asui tilted her head. "He's always looks mad."

"If you look at his face and his actions, you'll see there's a difference from earlier."

"He looks like the same old angry and scary guy." Kaminari shuddered.

"You dunce brain, he's being more cautious and thinking his actions through. He's also got a pissed look on his face, meaning is mad. You stupid idiot."

"Ok, sorry, no need to get all offensive."

"Young Uzukami is right," All Might said. "Bakugo is starting to think things through."

"He's only now thinking, he didn't have to destroy the entire building."

Deku was on the ground m, trying to think. Except, Bakugo wasn't giving any time to think. Deku could plan a strategy or read his moves. These were moves Bakugo hang used in front of Deku, so he didn't know how to fight against it. He could only think of one way, use One For All. But if he could only use at 100% or 0%, it would be dangerous. He finally thought up a way to win this fight.

"Did you think it was funny? Huh?!" Bakugo yelled as he kicked Deku in the side. "You're looking down on me! So what if you've got a flashy quirk, you're still just a pebble in the side of the road."

"You're right," Deku struggled to get up. "I was just a pebble until I finally made it to UA…but Kacchan, you can't look down on me anymore either!"

Bakugo snarled and was ready to throw another hook with a big explosion. Deku threw his arm back as he activated his quirk. His arm bulked up. Kids were telling All Might to stop the match.

"Stop the match-"

Before All Might could finish his sentence, ropes came out of nowhere, grabbing both Deku's and Bakugo's arms. They completely forgot about the attack they were going to take action with.

"So," Evie said with her hands in her pockets as she walked out of the shadows of the destroyed building. "Is this what you're both going to do in a real battle?"

"Uh- Evie!" Deku flinched and tried pulling his arm back, forgetting it was wrapped up in Evie's quirk.

"Get the hell off, purple geek!" Bakugo tried pulling off the ropes.

"Young Uzukami, what are you doing in there?" All Might yelled through the camera.

"She's crazy." Students said. "A lunatic. It's unthinkable."

"Ahh, and what we're you going to do, All Might?" Evie stared at the camera with a look that made All Might flinch.

The point Evie was trying to to make was when All Might would've stopped them. He didn't realize it, but he was now playing favorites. All Might chose to let the match continue for Deku, thinking he would win. Evie didn't want to take that risk. Bakugo was already wanting to destroy Deku with his own hands.

"And you two," Evie glared at Bakugo and Deku. "How long will these grudges be held against each other?"