
Chapter 412 - I Want to Learn Farming

  While trying to condense the spirit seeds of the wind and thunder sword grass, Lu Xuan was also carefully cultivating two fourth-grade sword grasses.

  On the side of the sword peacock, Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, and a deep black wind and thunder sword energy appeared, with black wind lingering, thunder roaring, and arcs jumping.

  Under his control, the sword energy was divided into dozens of sword beams, faintly forming a sword formation, whistling and infiltrating into the sword peacock.

  Nourished by the many sword beams, with a swish, the sword peacock was like a peacock spreading its tail, overlapping, and the sword energy was unrestrained and wanton. The beauty was gorgeous and contained sharp murderous intent. After

  cultivating the sword peacock for such a long time, Lu Xuan's mastery of the "Peacock Sword Formation" has reached a relatively proficient level. It only takes a few moments to divide the sword beams and form a sword formation.

  Because the sword Qianxiao has been cultivated for a long time, it has entered the mature stage. Dozens of sword energy phantoms are flying around the sword grass. The two sword beams are folded up, like thin wings, with a dignified sword intent and extremely fast speed, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air.

  The sword energy in the shape of an owl fell on Jian Qianxiao's spiritual plant, merging with the long sword-like branches. The wings spread out, and the wings were like thin and sharp swords, with an imposing aura.

  "I don't know what kind of light ball reward the fourth-grade sword grass can produce..."

  Lu Xuan looked at Jian Qianxiao beside him, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

  For the next period of time, he stayed in the cave, like an old farmer, diligently taking care of the many spiritual plants in the spiritual field. On

  this day, an uninvited guest came to the door.

  "Baili, I haven't seen you for a while. How come you have time to come and see me?"

  Lu Xuan said gently to a handsome young man. The young man squinted his long and narrow eyes. It was Baili Jianqing who joined the sect together.

  "Brother Lu? Can you sense me with your spiritual sense?"

  Baili Jianqing had a proud smile on his face.

  "Have you broken through to the foundation-building realm?"

  Lu Xuan asked in surprise after scanning his spiritual sense.

  "That's right, I will also be a disciple of the inner sect of Tianjian Sect in the future!"

  "Hahaha, congratulations!"

  Lu Xuan was happy for him and patted his shoulder excitedly.

  "Hehe, maybe I can surpass you in cultivation in the future, and let you call me senior brother."

  Baili Jianqing imagined.

  "Then you have to work hard." Lu Xuan showed a mysterious smile.

  "Hey, Brother Lu, you are already in the middle stage of foundation building? Aren't you cultivating spiritual plants every day? How come your cultivation is improving so fast!"

  "Brother Lu, I want to learn farming!"

  Baili Jianqing wailed.

  He still remembered that when he and Lu Xuan joined the sect together, his cultivation was slightly better than his. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan, who was known as a spiritual plant master, made rapid progress in cultivation after joining the sect.

  First, he quickly broke through to the foundation building realm and was promoted to an inner disciple. After he broke through, he thought he could catch up with Lu Xuan a little, but he didn't expect Lu Xuan to reach the middle stage of foundation building without making any noise.

  "Daoyou Baili, farming is not something you can learn just because you want to."

  "This is called talent."

  Lu Xuan teased.

  Although the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, they were still very natural and comfortable when they got along, and they didn't change because of the changes in cultivation and status.

  "By the way, Brother Lu, I came here this time to invite you to attend my celebration banquet in a few days, so that you, a master in the middle stage of foundation building, can come and support me."

  After chatting for a while, Baili Jianqing handed Lu Xuan an invitation.

  "Okay, I will definitely attend the appointment on time."

  Lu Xuan took the invitation and said affirmatively.


  In a blink of an eye, it was Baili Jianqing's celebration day.

  On a majestic mountain with strange rocks.   

  Baili Jianqing was greeting seven or eight friends.

  He chose this mountain after he was promoted to an inner sect disciple. After some decoration, it has become a good cave in all aspects.

  Most of the seven or eight fellow disciples were acquainted by him in the outer sect. Two of them were in the early stage of foundation building, and the others were in the late stage of Qi training or the perfect state.

  It seems that there is only a thin line between foundation building and it is a natural barrier that many cultivators find difficult to cross.

  "Dear Taoist friends, please enjoy the spiritual fruit and tea first. I have an elder coming."

  During the chat, Baili Jianqing's expression suddenly changed slightly. He said to a few people, stood outside the cave, and waited quietly with a respectful demeanor.

  In less than half a minute, a middle-aged cultivator with a deep breath came in front of him with a sword light.

  "Senior Yu! Welcome!"

  Baili Jianqing greeted the middle-aged cultivator respectfully.

  The cultivator's name was Yu Hong, and he was a good friend of his grandfather when he was in the Tianjian Sect, but the two had very different circumstances.

  One person had no hope of breaking through the foundation building stage, and his cultivation had come to an end. He drifted to a remote and cold place. With a life span of just over a hundred years, he was determined to have many descendants, hoping that his talented and outstanding descendants could fulfill his unfulfilled wish.

  The other person successfully broke through to the foundation building stage and was promoted to an inner sect disciple. His life span reached three to five hundred years, and he even reached the middle stage of foundation building, and there was a possibility of glimpsing the Jindan stage.

  After Baili Jianqing joined the Tianjian Sect, he visited Yu Hong several times, and Yu Hong also took good care of the descendants of this good friend.

  "Jianqing, you are already an inner sect disciple, so you don't need to call me senior anymore. You and I will call each other brothers in the future."

  The middle-aged cultivator said gently.

  "How can that be? Even if I become an inner sect disciple, you are still my elder."

  Baili Jianqing looked firm.

  Seeing that he kept insisting, the middle-aged cultivator showed a trace of helplessness.

  "This is not in line with the rules of the sect. Why don't you call me senior brother in public and call me senior in private."

  The two entered Baili Jianqing's cave residence one after the other.

  The friends in the cave came out to greet him. They all saluted and greeted Yu Hong when they sensed the fluctuation of his spiritual power in the middle stage of foundation building.

  "Brother Yu... Senior Brother Yu, this is Shen Chongwen, and this is..."

  Baili Jianqing introduced everyone to Yu Hong.

  "This is Uncle Yu, who has a high level of cultivation and has entered the middle stage of foundation building for decades. He has extremely terrifying strength in swordsmanship."

  "Uncle Yu!"

  Hearing Baili Jianqing's words, everyone looked more respectful.


  Yu Hong glanced at everyone and nodded gently. He glanced at the two cultivators in the early stage of foundation building twice more, and his expression was a little proud.

  Baili Jianqing quickly served the spiritual fruit and tea. Everyone centered around Yu Hong. Every time he said a word, someone would echo and laugh, making Yu Hong feel like he was bathed in spring breeze.

  Yu Hong also enjoyed this environment very much. From time to time, he talked about a few of his dangerous experiences when he went out on adventures and explored secret realms, which attracted everyone's amazement.

  "Brother Yu, I'm going to be out for a while. A good friend is coming over. I'll go and greet him."

  Baili Jianqing said softly.

  Yu Hong nodded without comment, took the spiritual tea in his hand, and slowly drank a small sip, leisurely and contented.

  Soon, Baili Jianqing led a handsome young man to the cave.

  Yu Hong glanced at him casually, and the teacup in his hand shook violently, almost spilling the spiritual tea.

  "Brother Lu!"

  (End of this chapter)

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