
Chapter 413 - Qing Fu Lu

  "Brother Lu!"

  Lu Xuan saw from afar a middle-aged cultivator with a deep aura coming towards him, with an extremely eager smile on his face.

  "Friend Yu Daoyou,"

  he said with a hint of doubt in his eyes, and greeted the middle-aged cultivator.

  He had some impression of this middle-aged cultivator. His surname was Yu, and he was in the middle stage of foundation building. He had met him several times in the blessed land jointly developed by the three sects, and they were nodding acquaintances. After returning to the sect, they had no contact.

  "I didn't expect that Brother Lu could remember me."

  The smile on Yu Hong's face was even more sincere and enthusiastic.

  He was very impressed with Lu Xuan. Back then in the blessed land, Lu Xuan relied on his profound attainments in spiritual plants to help a group of fellow disciples solve a major problem of the arm jungle strange formation.

  He also noticed that Huo Lin'er and Jian Wuxia, the two true disciples, usually had a high vision, but treated Lu Xuan very intimately. They even accidentally learned that the Jindan Zhenren specially left a special talisman for Lu Xuan as a life-saving item.

  Due to various factors, his attitude towards Lu Xuan, a spiritual plant master, has also changed greatly. He wanted to make friends with him, but he couldn't find any opportunities.

  "Jianqing, do you know Senior Brother Lu?"

  "Yes, I joined the sect with Senior Brother Lu."

  Baili Jianqing was still immersed in Yu Hong's overly enthusiastic attitude towards Lu Xuan, and answered subconsciously.


  Yu Hong couldn't help but take a deep breath. Unexpectedly

  , the two of them had such an experience. He was very familiar with the time when Baili Jianqing entered the sect. In other words, Lu Xuan was promoted from an outer disciple to the middle stage of foundation building in less than 20 years?

  So young, and valued by the sect's true disciples and even the Jindan, his future is limitless!

  "Senior Brother Lu, Grandpa Jianqing and I were once from the same sect, and we have a very deep friendship."

  He took the initiative to introduce to Lu Xuan the origins of him and Baili Jianqing.

  "I see." Lu Xuan nodded.

  "Yu..." For a moment, he was in a dilemma of not knowing how to address Yu Hong.

  "It's okay, let's talk about our own things. You can just call me Junior Brother Yu."

  Yu Hong's face was wrinkled with laughter.

  After Lu Xuan sat down, the focus of everyone's topic unconsciously shifted to him. After learning about his identity as a spiritual plant master, they all sighed.

  After the banquet was over, Lu Xuan found Baili Jianqing and threw a green mottled gourd up and down with one hand. When the gourd rose and fell, there was a faint sound of sword ringing from it.

  "I know you like things related to swords, so this sword-raising gourd will be a gift for you to break through the foundation-building stage."

  In Baili Jianqing's constantly burning eyes, Lu Xuan gently threw the gourd to him.

  He has more than ten sword-raising gourds in his hand. This time, he came here to specially select the best quality one from them and give it to Baili Jianqing.

  "Thank you, Brother Lu!"

  Baili Jianqing caught the sword-raising gourd, and his spiritual consciousness felt the sharp and invisible sword energy in the gourd, and he couldn't let it go.

  The sword-raising gourd can release the invisible sword energy that is nurtured in it. It is extremely powerful in killing. Although it is formed by spiritual plants, it is better than most third-grade magic tools. It is the most suitable for Baili Jianqing, who has just been promoted to an inner disciple.

  Lu Xuan did not stay in his cave for long. After reminiscing about the past and recalling the past, he returned to his own cave.

  As soon as he entered the streamer array, the cloud-stepping lynx came out from nowhere, stood in the dense woods and looked at Lu Xuan from a distance, and then pretended to pass by him casually.

  After Lu Xuan pulled the two tufts of hair on the tip of its ears, it let out a low roar, and walked away silently without any change in its green eyes.

  Then, a gray vine crawled to Lu Xuan's feet like a gray snake, trying to get into his sleeves.   

  "No, no, no! You've grown so big, and you're still digging holes everywhere!"

  Lu Xuan hurriedly stopped the demon ghost vine, took out a flame fruit from the storage bag, and stuffed it into the top of the vine.

  After returning from the blessed land, he regularly fed the demon ghost vine some spiritual fruits every day as a reward for it to find the flesh spirit god and arrow vine and other spiritual species in the blessed land.

  After the demon ghost vine's appetite was greatly satisfied, it wandered leisurely in the spiritual field every day, marking the parts of the spiritual plants it

  liked. It has a special liking for two spiritual plants .

  When it is bored, it stays under the fairy peach, enjoying the intoxication brought by the pink miasma and the strange feeling of the vines constantly differentiating like tentacles.

  If the magic bamboo next to it is noisy, it will use the tentacle branches to stuff them into the many cracks of the bamboo, filling them up so that they have no chance to call out.

  Lu Xuan came to the edge of the small lake and saw the rock turtle covered with thick mud armor jumping happily in the small lake, looking dirty and naughty.

  The green-horned dragon carp stayed quietly in the corner, enjoying the pale white spiritual energy rising from the small lake.

  Lihuo Jiao stayed quietly at the bottom of the small lake, guarding the fifth-grade dragon skeleton grass, to see if he could absorb a trace of subtle dragon energy.

  "Huh? Where is the fat bird?"

  Lu Xuan was puzzled. The Fengshun, which was the most enthusiastic in the past, did not see its round belly today.

  His spiritual sense swept across the entire mountain, and in the depths of the forest, he found a pale blue fat bird with a rising aura.

  "Huh, is the rank going to break through?"

  Lu Xuan was delighted, and in a flash he came to the side of the Fengshun.

  When the Fengshun saw Lu Xuan's figure, a trace of joy flashed across its round eyes.

  Lu Xuan's arrival made it more confident of success in its promotion.

  It stretched out a pair of broad pale blue wings, and the pale blue spiritual light on the wings surged, forming a series of whistling winds and airflows.

  Soon, the aura in the Wind Falcon reached a limit, and its wings flapped gently, causing a strong wind to sweep, blowing the trees within a range of more than ten feet around it to the ground.

  "Tsk, tsk!"

  It chirped crisply, and the sound was resolute, and all the spiritual power in its body entered its body at the same time.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness was nervously paying attention to the status of the Wind Falcon, ready to support at any time.


  The crisp chirping sounded through the sky, and the Wind Falcon turned into a green light and swept across the mountain peak. The speed was so fast that it was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

  Lu Xuan felt the joy in its heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  The second-grade Wind Falcon was raised in the rich and pure spiritual environment of the inner sect. It was fed with second-grade or even third-grade spiritual fruits and treasures like spiritual stones. After years of accumulation, it was finally promoted to a third-grade spiritual beast.

  He came to the place where the Wind Falcon had stayed before, and gently touched the slightly flickering white light ball that appeared out of thin air.

  Countless tiny light points instantly poured into Lu Xuan's body, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [The second-grade Wind Falcon was promoted to a third-grade spiritual beast and obtained the fourth-grade magic weapon Qingfu Lu. ]

  A pair of light blue shoes appeared in Lu Xuan's hand. There were many dense light blue spiritual patterns on the shoes. They were as light as nothing, as if they would be blown away by the breeze at any time.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the light blue shoes.

  [Qingfu shoes, a fourth-grade magic weapon, made from the leather of a fourth-grade Qingfu monster bird, with many runes for lightness, acceleration, and air-breaking. They were as light as a feather, and could reduce the weight of a cultivator and greatly increase the cultivator's speed. ]

  (End of this chapter)

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