
Chapter 411 - Wind and Thunder Sword Grass Seed

  "It's better to stay in the sect and feel safer."

  Lu Xuan returned to the sect smoothly all the way, feeling the pure and rich spiritual energy in the sect, and greeted the elegant spiritual crane flying around him intimately, and couldn't help but sigh. It

  is precisely because of the protection of such a behemoth as the Tianjian Sect that he can cultivate spiritual plants with peace of mind, without going out to explore secrets, seek opportunities, and worry about intrigues and life-and-death struggles.

  With his special ability in spiritual plants and the magical light ball reward, he has opened up a new path in the sect. While gaining powerful strength, he also has a good status and has met many true disciples, sect guardian spirit beasts, and even Jindan Zhenren.

  "This time, if it weren't for the three true disciples of Ge Pu and the two spirit beasts of the white ape and the phoenix, it would not be easy to solve the evil cultivator who has perfected his foundation."

  "With my current strength, I should have a great chance of winning him, but I am not absolutely sure that I can completely solve him. If I leave troubles behind, it may cause endless harm."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  "It is with such a strong backer that an ordinary spiritual plant master like me can farm and cultivate spiritual plants and spiritual beasts in peace."

  After returning to the cave, Lu Xuan went straight to the spiritual field before he had time to enter the house.

  After not seeing it for a while, many spiritual plants in the spiritual field grew well, and each one was full of vitality and vigorous.

  "Oh, many more water fireflies have matured."

  Lu Xuan came to the blue and slender water firefly spiritual plants, and his spiritual sense swept through them, and found that the translucent progress bars under many water fireflies were completely full.

  "It's time to quickly improve my cultivation."

  Lu Xuan smiled and picked the water fireflies one by one.

  There are a total of 41 new batches of fully mature water fireflies, among which there are many good quality ones, and there are also several top quality ones.

  After picking, 41 white light balls quietly appeared on the surface of the spiritual soil, flickering slightly, attracting Lu Xuan to pick them up.

  Lu Xuan smiled and passed by, and many light balls poured into his body almost at the same time.

  "I, Lu Xuan, can reach my current state by practicing diligently every day!"

  "Light ball, increase my cultivation!"

  Thoughts flashed through his mind.

  [Harvest a second-grade water firefly grass and gain one year of cultivation. ]

  [Harvest a second-grade water firefly grass and gain a third-grade magic weapon, the water-moving bead. ]

  [Harvest a second-grade water firefly grass and gain a second-grade soul-enriching pill recipe. ]


  Among the forty-one light balls, the number of cultivation rewards was slightly less than last time, with a total of ten, bringing Lu Xuan fourteen years of cultivation rewards. The

  rich spiritual power in the meridians appeared like a rising tide, one wave after another, and rushed wildly through his limbs and bones. Lu Xuan practiced the "Great Five Elements Gong" and quickly transformed the surging spiritual power into pure spiritual liquid and merged it into the dantian.

  The remaining twenty or so light balls brought various rewards, the third-grade magic weapon, the water-moving bead, the third-grade talisman, the second-grade soul-enriching pill and the soul-enriching pill recipe. All in all, they could be exchanged for a lot of spiritual stones.

  After receiving a large number of light balls as rewards, Lu Xuan began to carefully cultivate the remaining spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  Five Elements Fruit, Jade Dew Fruit, Cang Yuan Grass, Mi Xian Tao, Huan Yin Bamboo...

  Different spiritual plants have different needs. Fortunately, Lu Xuan is already familiar with them and it doesn't take much effort to satisfy them.

  Only the four arrow vines consumed more spiritual power.

  After all, the instant (man) archery technique has just started, and the proficiency is not high. It takes a long time to condense a crooked invisible air arrow and penetrate into the small arrow vine.   

  The short arrowhead on the arrow vine raised its head slightly under the stimulation of the arrow spirit power, and then instantly stopped, hanging on the vine powerlessly.

  "The stimulation is not enough!"

  Lu Xuan sighed helplessly. There was no other way but to practice the "Instant Arrow Technique" slowly.

  After returning from that blessed land, the other three arrow vine spirit seeds slowly grew tender vines after being nourished and stimulated by Lu Xuan's spirit power arrows every day. The vines were hung with various forms of arrows the size of rice grains, small and very cute.

  In addition to the mutated arrow vine, cultivating many sword grasses also required Lu Xuan to spend a lot of energy.

  Lu Xuan used the most proficient "Four Seasons Sword Art" to cultivate the second-grade ordinary sword grass. This kind of sword grass has only two uses for him at present.

  One is to obtain a large number of sword grass spirit seeds according to the spirit seed condensation method obtained from the sword hall, and then put these ordinary sword grass spirit seeds into the scabbard, stimulate them with wind and thunder sword energy, and obtain the mutated third-grade wind and thunder sword grass spirit seeds.

  The second is to complete the tasks assigned by the sword hall, perform the duties of the sword hall disciples, and regularly hand in mature ordinary second-grade sword grasses.

  As for the third-grade wind and thunder sword grass, Lu Xuan has been trying to condense the spirit seed.

  After all, although a third-grade wind and thunder sword grass is precious, it is completely inferior to the method of condensing the seed.

  The Tianjian Sect's sword hall has been passed down for so many years, and there are only more than 20 complete methods for condensing the seeds of third-grade sword grass.

  If he can figure out the method of condensing the seeds of wind and thunder sword grass, Lu Xuan estimates that he can almost walk sideways in the sword hall.

  He referred to the method of condensing the seeds of ordinary second-grade sword grass, and his spiritual consciousness carefully guided the dark sword light on the wind and thunder sword grass that was about to mature.

  Many active sword lights as thin as hair were slowly gathered together by him, and they were constantly compressed and combined, and integrated into the plant.

  The sword light was sharp and difficult to control. The compression and combination process often ended in failure. In serious cases, it even caused minor damage to the plant itself.

  Lu Xuan was not discouraged. He learned from experience and repeated the above process very patiently.

  Fortunately, he could sense the detailed status of the plant and avoid many failure factors according to the status of the spirit plant.

  Slowly, the many dark sword beams were like domesticated horses, slowly merging into the sword grass under the subtle manipulation of Lu Xuan's keen consciousness.

  Lu Xuan continued to pull the vitality of the sword grass, condensing it on the countless tiny sword beams that were compressed to the extreme, and slowly nurturing it. After

  repeated attempts, Lu Xuan finally saw a glimmer of hope for success.

  Inside a wind and thunder sword grass that was about to mature, there was a subtle aura that was almost undetectable. The aura was sharp and restrained, with a strange sense of coordination.

  At the same time, it exuded an extremely pure vitality, as if something was slowly being nurtured.

  "Finally, I succeeded in taking the first step!"

  Lu Xuan felt the changes inside the sword grass and was happy.

  "Next, we need to cultivate these three insignificant qi into spirit seeds."

  "If successful, we will continue to experiment on the other growth stages of the wind and thunder sword grass and find an effective method of condensing seeds."

  "It doesn't seem to be worthwhile to exchange one mature sword grass for three spirit seeds. However, after gaining experience in condensing seeds, we can make adjustments to some subtle details and there is still room for significant improvement."

  At this moment, Lu Xuan didn't care about the loss of the white light balls.

  As long as he successfully summarized the method of condensing seeds, the reward from the sword hall would be more than countless light balls.

  (End of this chapter)

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