
Chapter 319 - Mid-stage Foundation Building

  In the courtyard.

  A white talisman stopped outside the formation, trembling.

  Lu Xuan noticed the movement outside, and his spiritual consciousness swept over, and the spiritual power pulled the talisman to his front.

  A familiar voice came from the talisman.

  "Daoyou Lu, it's me. Daoyou Zhou and I have found the third-grade soul essence on the nameless island. When we were about to come back, we noticed that the spiritual power was abnormal somewhere in the sea, so we turned halfway."

  "Finally, we found a huge water curtain in the sea, and it seemed that there was a secret realm hidden inside. Therefore, I specially invited Daoyou to come and explore the secret realm together."

  "Daoyou Lu, the opportunity is rare, and you must not miss it."

  Finally, Shi Zhong said earnestly.

  He was not worried that Lu Xuan's joining would affect his gains.

  The appearance of the secret realm made all the cultivators in the surrounding seas know about it. As time goes by, more and more foundation-building cultivators will know about it. Lu Xuan and he are of similar status and have a certain friendship. With the joint efforts, the possibility of obtaining the opportunity of the secret realm will be greater.

  "It's a pity, after all, my true love is wrong."

  Lu Xuan sighed, he pondered for a moment, and politely refused.

  "Sorry, Fellow Daoist Shi, I don't have the idea of ​​exploring the secret realm for the time being. If I plan to come, I will contact you two Daoists as soon as possible."

  Lu Xuan didn't yearn for this secret realm that suddenly appeared in the boundless sea. It was impossible.

  But with the existence of the light ball, he didn't have to fight for an opportunity like other cultivators, and even die.

  "When my strength is stronger, I can accept it after I see that there is no strong threat in the secret realm."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly. The

  news of the huge secret realm appearing in the boundless sea became more and more intense. The next day, Song Yu went to ask for advice.

  "Uncle Lu, I wonder if you have heard about the appearance of a secret realm in the outer sea?"

  Song Yu asked impatiently as soon as he entered Lu Xuan's yard.

  "I heard about it. Why, do you want to get a share?"

  "I do."

  The elegant cultivator admitted truthfully.

  Hearing that Lu Xuan had only heard about it, he quickly took out a second-grade water mirror talisman from his storage bag.

  "Uncle Master, this water mirror talisman has some images of the secret realm printed on it. Please have a look."

  A trace of spiritual power seeped into the water mirror talisman, and a clear image of the secret realm appeared in front of Lu Xuan.

  A tall water wall that was countless miles long, with many illusory dragons and giant beasts flying on it, and an island and a palace on the island could be vaguely seen inside.

  Outside the water wall, there were hundreds or thousands of black dots the size of ants. After concentrating and looking carefully, it was discovered that they were monks flying around.

  "There are so many people, including foundation-building monks on the island, and powerful monks from other places who came here after hearing the

  news. What right do you have to win the opportunity from everyone?" Although the archipelago where Kongming Island is located is a bitter and cold island with thin spiritual energy and closed news, there are still no less than ten foundation-building monks. In addition to the monks from other places who were attracted after the news spread, the number of foundation-building monks can be imagined.

  Song Yu smiled embarrassedly.

  If the Song family had not had Lu Xuan, who was born in a large sect and was at the foundation-building stage, stationed on Kongming Island, their strength would probably be at the bottom of the list, and they really had no confidence to compete with other cultivators and forces.

  "But if we miss this rare opportunity that only comes once in a hundred years, it would be a pity."

  He couldn't help but say to Lu Xuan.

  "I didn't ask you not to go to that secret realm to seek opportunities, I just hope you can be more patient."

  "The water wall is obviously a formation restriction outside the secret realm. If you go there now, you will only be like a headless fly, wasting your own manpower."

  "It's not too late to go when the situation becomes clear."

  "Yes, what Uncle Lu said is very true."

  Song Yu nodded heavily, admitting that Lu Xuan made sense.   

  But when he thought that the secret realm could be cracked at any time, and the opportunities and treasures inside might be seized by other cultivators, he felt anxious.

  After bidding farewell to Lu Xuan, he stepped deep and shallow, looking worried.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan shook his head helplessly and continued to patrol the spiritual field to check the cultivation of spiritual plants.

  Chongning Island.

  "God bless my Ning family! God bless my Ning family!!!"

  In a luxurious hall, Ning Deshan, who looked like a gloomy eagle, couldn't help but sigh to the sky.

  At his feet, Mrs. Ning, who was curvy, fell to the ground, revealing her perfect curves.

  "Congratulations, ancestor! The Ning family finally has a chance to change its fate!"

  She raised her head slightly, exhaled like orchids, and said softly.

  "That's right, the appearance of the secret realm means an opportunity to reshuffle the cards. As long as we seize it, we can sweep away the decline and revive the Ning family's style."

  The old man with the eagle claw-like palm of the gloomy eagle kneaded Mrs. Ning's white chin and said fiercely.

  Recently, the Ning family has been unlucky.

  After planting the accidentally obtained phaseless algae in the sea area where the spiritual fish were raised on Kongming Island, he thought he could introduce the spiritual fish into his own waters without anyone noticing. Unexpectedly, he lost more than he gained. Nothing happened to the

  Song family on Kongming Island. Instead, a large number of phaseless algae appeared inexplicably on Chongning Island, driving almost all the spiritual fish to other places to reproduce.

  However, misfortunes never come alone. Due to the delayed news and insufficient preparation for the invasion of evil insects, a large number of Ning family monks died and suffered heavy losses.

  The two events happened one after another, making the shaky Ning family even worse.

  However, now there is an opportunity to change the predicament.

  As long as you go deep into the newly appeared secret realm, fight for your life, and obtain the opportunity treasure from it, you may be able to get rid of your chronic illness and be reborn.

  "Maybe I can get a treasure that increases my life span from it!"

  Ning Deshan, who is about to die, thought optimistically.


  "I, Lu Xuan, can come to this point today, all thanks to my own hard work and diligent practice."

  "Water Firefly, add to my cultivation!"

  Lu Xuan reached out and touched the surface of a white light ball, and shouted in a low voice.

  Before he finished speaking, the light ball turned into countless tiny light points and poured into his body.

  A thick and pure spiritual power was generated out of thin air in the meridians.

  Around him, a small spiritual energy vortex quietly formed, and a large amount of spiritual energy in the yard gathered and merged into the spiritual energy vortex.

  Lu Xuan operated the "Great Five Elements Gong", controlling the spiritual power and inputting it all into the Dantian.

  A large amount of spiritual power gathered into a drop of spiritual liquid concentrated with spiritual energy, which slowly dripped into the depths of the Dantian.

  He continued to touch the white light balls one by one, and the light balls continued to pour into his body, bringing Lu Xuan various rewards such as cultivation, talismans, and elixirs.

  After nearly a year, the planted water fireflies finally reached maturity.

  As drops of spiritual fluid dripped into his dantian, Lu Xuan felt his dantian swell up. Finally, with a slight sound, his dantian suddenly expanded several times. His spiritual consciousness soared into the sky and returned to his body in an instant.

  "It's the middle stage of foundation building."

  Lu Xuan felt the surging spiritual power in his body and sighed in his heart.

   More updates.

  (End of this chapter)

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