
Chapter 318 - The wind is blowing.

  Staring at the surface of the blue gourd, one can feel a sharp intention piercing towards him.

  When Lu Xuan shook it gently, a sword whistling sound came from the inside of the gourd, as if a large amount of sword energy was stirring inside.

  "What is this...?"

  Shi Zhong and the others looked at the sword-raising gourd in Lu Xuan's hand curiously.

  "This is a sword-raising gourd, a third-grade spiritual plant, cultivated by me personally, and of excellent quality."

  "Although it is not a specialty of the sect, it is not common in other places. It contains invisible sword energy, which is extremely powerful and not inferior to many third-grade flying swords."

  "If the two Taoist friends bring the Soul Extracting True Liquid, how about I use this sword-raising gourd to exchange with you two?"

  Lu Xuan threw the sword-raising gourd in his hand, and from time to time, subtle sword energy escaped from the inside of the gourd.

  The two saw the magical power of the sword-raising gourd and were moved.

  They came here this time with the intention of inviting Lu Xuan to go to the nameless island to hunt monsters and search for opportunities and treasures such as the Soul Extracting True Liquid. Although Lu Xuan politely refused, it did not affect the two of them much.

  Moreover, the value of the third-grade sword-raising gourd is obviously greater than the same-grade soul-extracting liquid.

  "If you use this sword-raising gourd to exchange for soul-extracting liquid, you will suffer a big loss."

  Shi Zhong reminded.

  "It's okay, you two have traveled thousands of miles, taken the trouble, and risked your life to get the third-grade soul-extracting liquid for me. It doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss."

  Lu Xuan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  "Okay, then please wait for our good news, and we will definitely get the soul-extracting liquid back for you."

  Shi Zhong and the others promised Lu Xuan.

  The two did not stay in Lu Xuan's courtyard for long. They chatted for a while, exchanged their cultivation experiences and what they saw in the archipelago, and then left together.

  Lu Xuan looked at the two people driving the flying swords and disappearing into the sky, and his smile became even bigger.

  "Let other cultivators help me get what I need, and then exchange the treasures in my hand with them. This can be regarded as unlocking a new posture."

  "No way. Although there are many treasures and rich means, I am still just a weak and helpless spiritual plant master. It is better to stay alive as much as possible."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly that this move could get what he wanted, and he didn't have to bear the risks. All he had to pay was the cultivated sword-raising gourd.

  He had many treasures on him, but not many of them were most suitable for exchanging with Shi Zhong and the others.

  He had important uses for the fourth-grade sword talismans such as the Wind and Thunder Sword and the Great Sun Sword Talisman, the Hidden Spirit Cloak, and the Sealing Yue Jade Seal. Although the Soul-Guiding Lamp, the Thousand-Minion Strange Face, and the Mysterious Yin Pill were valuable enough, they were all evil things. If he took them out rashly, it might arouse suspicion from the two.

  As for the sword-raising gourd, its own function was not enough for Lu Xuan at present. In addition, the Tianjian Sect's cave house was currently cultivating three plants, and more than ten could be harvested after they matured. He didn't feel bad about spending some.

  As for the gourd being worth more than the Soul Extracting Liquid, that was unavoidable. After all, he needed help from others. If he exchanged it for something of the same or lower value, Shi Zhong and the others would naturally not agree.

  But this was only on the surface. For Lu Xuan, the Soul Extracting Liquid had an extremely precious added value in addition to its own value.

  It could be used to cultivate the fifth-grade Dragon Skeleton Grass, and make great contributions to the rich Light Group reward after the harvest.

  The reward for the fourth-grade Mysterious Insect Vine was just like that, so how could the fifth-grade Dragon Skeleton Grass take off?

  "Shi Zhong and the others earned the sword-raising gourd, and I earned the Light Group reward. It's a win-win situation."

  Lu Xuan thought happily.


  In the depths of the boundless sea.   

  Huge waves rose, and from time to time, giant beasts dozens of feet long jumped out of the deep sea and played around.

  Suddenly, the spiritual energy on the sea surface fluctuated violently, and an endless whirlpool appeared. A water wall more than a hundred miles long surged out of the whirlpool.

  The water wall continued to rise, forming an island thousands of feet high. Through the thick water wall, you can vaguely see a huge palace inside.

  On the surface of the water wall, there are many illusory dragons flying and circling, with a huge momentum that can be seen from hundreds of miles away.

  "What...what is this?"

  "Is there a secret realm coming out?"

  "Hurry up! Go to that island quickly before the monks notice it and take the opportunity first."

  Many monks in the nearby sea area saw this scene and couldn't calm down for a long time.

  Such a strange scene shows that the island behind the water wall is extraordinary. If you can seize the opportunity and enter it first to obtain a great opportunity, you may be able to rise to the top and soar into the sky!

  Thinking of this, most of the monks lost their minds instantly, not caring about their low-level or mid-level cultivation, and rushed towards the wide water wall like moths to a flame.

  "It appeared."

  On the stone island, a blood-robed monk flew out of a dark cave, feeling the huge fluctuation of spiritual energy, looking at the direction of the water wall island, muttering to himself.

  "There must be a lot of formations and prohibitions outside the secret realm, we must prepare well."

  "With so much momentum, it is estimated that many foundation-building monks on the island will go to explore."

  The short monk's soft and boneless arms continued to differentiate, turning into soft tentacles, drilling into the blue-gray grave mound, and pulling out gray corpse puppets from it.

  "We are both in the late stage of foundation building, what else do we need to prepare? Even if all the foundation-building monks on this island unite, they may not be able to deal with the two of us."

  "Kill one if you come, kill two if you come, just in time to avenge my blood-coagulated Yin insect king."

  The blood-robed monk snorted coldly.

  In the small courtyard, swords flashed and thunder roared from time to time.

  Lu Xuan was waving the Wind and Thunder Sword and practicing sword tactics.

  Due to limited qualifications, the Starlight Sword Tactics and the Thousand Owl Sword Tactics had been practiced for a short time. Although they were used many times when cultivating the corresponding sword grass, they were still in the entry stage. Whether it was the power of the sword tactics, or the speed and fluency of the execution, they were not satisfactory.

  As for the Four Seasons Sword Tactics, the difficulty of practicing was relatively low. He used the sword tactics to cultivate the sword grass for several years, and obtained the corresponding sword intent from the sword grass light group. Lu Xuan's control and understanding of it can be regarded as profound and thorough. It is

  even more complementary to the fourth-grade Wind and Thunder Sword.

  The Wind and Thunder Sword comes with a powerful wind and thunder force. When it is wielded, there is a lingering black wind, lightning and thunder. The execution of different sword intents has all kinds of magical features. The

  Spring Rain Sword Tactics, the sword intent is continuous, the black wind is gentle, as if it is going to erode into the bones silently, and occasionally the sword momentum changes, thunder explodes, and it rushes like lightning.

  Summer Sword Technique: The wind is blowing hard, as if there are dark clouds pressing down on the city, with lightning and thunder, and a shocking blow is hidden in the violent sword intent.

  Autumn Wind Sword Technique: The black wind and sword intent are integrated into one, bleak and murderous, with murderous intent hidden.

  Winter Snow Sword Technique: The sword intent itself is bone-chilling, and with the blowing of the black wind, the opponent's body slows down a lot without him noticing, and his soul is almost frozen, and even the lightning and thunder spiritual power contains a cold breath.

  Lu Xuan danced more and more naturally and fluently, and the four sword techniques changed freely. The black wind on the wind and thunder sword became stronger and stronger.

  At last, with a clanging sound, he inserted the wind and thunder sword into the Yangxuan sword sheath.

  The sword energy was surging, and the wind was dancing wildly.

  "The wind is rising."

  (End of this chapter)

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