
Chapter 320 - The Earth Fire Heart Lotus Matures

  Feeling the rich and strong spiritual power in his body, Lu Xuan was filled with emotion.

  Before he got the white light ball, he couldn't even think about the middle stage of foundation building.

  But now, in less than five years, he has broken through to the middle stage. Even in the Tianjian Sect, his breakthrough speed is not inferior to those favored children of heaven.

  "Both the spiritual power and the spiritual consciousness are more than twice as strong as the early stage of foundation building. Although the improvement in physical strength is not so obvious, it is also much stronger."

  Lu Xuan carefully felt the changes in his body after the breakthrough.

  Then, he looked at the more than ten white light balls left in the spiritual field and picked them one by one. There

  are more than 150 second-grade water fireflies. He left 50 for seeding and picked all the rest.

  This time the picking is different from the past.

  In the past, he would wait until the progress bar below was fully filled, but this time, as long as the water fireflies entered the mature stage, he would pick them all and harvest the light balls at one time.

  The previous picking mode was to allow the spiritual plants to fully mature and try to improve the quality of the spiritual plants after maturity, so as to maximize the light ball rewards.

  Since the spiritual energy of Kongming Island is much thinner than that of Tianjian Sect, it is difficult to improve the quality of water fireflies

  by improving other conditions. In addition, Lu Xuan's mentality is somewhat affected by the secret realm, so he simply picked them all at once. Among the more than 100 light balls of rewards harvested, there are about 20 that give out cultivation. However, because most of the water fireflies are of ordinary quality, the total cultivation rewards they bring are 27 years.

  Among the remaining light balls, the rewards are mainly second-grade elixirs and second-grade talismans. Only a few water fireflies of higher quality have the experience package of the recipe of the soul-enriching elixir, and two third-grade magic water beads.

  "The remaining 50 water fireflies should be able to condense about 200 spirit seeds, which should be enough to cultivate with the spiritual power of the middle stage of foundation building."

  Water fireflies can give out cultivation rewards. If Lu Xuan grows them in large quantities, his cultivation can rise rapidly, but it is not what he wants.

  Cultivating a second-grade water firefly grass is not something that can be done by just planting it in a spiritual field. During the growth process, it is necessary to continuously apply basic spells such as the Spirit Rain Spell, the Wood Growth Spell, and the Earth Attraction Spell, which takes a lot of time and spiritual energy, not to mention two hundred plants.

  In addition, there are many high-grade spiritual plants in his cave, and those spiritual plants each have strange cultivation conditions, which consume a lot of energy.

  High-grade spiritual plants can obtain high-grade rare treasures. Although Lu Xuan just wants to farm quietly, he often has no choice in the cultivation world and must have various powerful means and treasures to ensure his own safety.

  Water firefly grass provides cultivation, and other high-grade spiritual plants provide treasures. It is a two-pronged approach, and both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

  The next batch of more than 200 plants is already his limit after the breakthrough.

  "With my mediocre qualifications, I don't know how many batches I need to plant until the late stage of foundation building."

  He sighed secretly.

  If he practices normally, I am afraid that he will not see the hope of breaking through the late stage of foundation building until his life span is exhausted. With the white light ball, he can catch up with and even surpass those cultivation geniuses.

  With his breakthrough in cultivation and his life and property being more secure, Lu Xuan's steps when inspecting the spiritual field were much easier.

  The demon vine followed closely behind him, and sensing Lu Xuan's joy, the gray vines shook up and down rhythmically.

  When he came to the edge of the pool, a stone the size of a bathtub rolled towards Lu Xuan.

  The stone was black and gave people a dirty feeling.

  When it came to Lu Xuan's feet, a gray-black turtle head suddenly emerged from the stone, and a pair of green bean-like eyes rolled around, looking very lively.

  "This rock-shelled turtle, rolling around in the mud every day, has become a mud turtle."

  "Fat bird, take care of your turtle son, it's too dirty to look at."

  Lu Xuan shouted outside the spiritual field.

  A green light flashed, and the rock-shelled turtle was grabbed by Feng Falcon and thrown into the pool with a bang.   

  Although the young turtle looked bloated and heavy, it floated on the water very lightly.

  The wind falcon flapped its light blue wings, and the strong wind rolled up huge waves, all of which hit the muddy back of the young rock turtle.

  The huge waves washed over, but not much of the mud and sand on the young turtle's back was washed off. I don't know how it merged with its body. The

  wind falcon tilted its head, and its eyes were full of confusion. It couldn't figure it out, so it simply didn't think about it and flew away directly.

  The young turtle was playing alone in the water. The green-horned dragon carp swam to its side at some point, floating on the water, and its gorgeous tail flicked gently.

  The dragon carp had a slender body and elegant movements. Two pale blue fish whiskers swam in the water, and the pointed horns on its head added a bit of extraordinaryness, forming a sharp contrast with the earthy and black rock turtle next to it.

  The two spirit beasts changed the tension when they first met, and lived in harmony in the small pool.

  The green-horned dragon carp even had a faint intimacy with the rock turtle.

  "This green-horned dragon carp seems to have some tea..."

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan laughed secretly, and ignored the green-horned dragon carp and rock-shelled turtle who had superficial friendship, and continued to inspect the spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  He came to the underground cave.

  The Earth Fire Heart Lotus was washed by the hot magma. The rhizome composed of many irregular light red crystals swayed gently in the magma, and the lotus leaves swayed with it. On the red lotus pod, there were more than ten fiery red lotus seeds.

  "The fourth-grade Earth Fire Heart Lotus is mature."

  Lu Xuan looked at the translucent progress bar below that was completely full, and he couldn't help but be happy.

  He used his spiritual power to bring the Earth Fire Heart Lotus in front of him.

  His palm turned into the color of colored glaze, and he didn't care about the hot magma left on the Earth Fire Heart Lotus plant, and directly picked the red lotus pod.

  His mind was concentrated on the light red lotus seeds, and a thought emerged from his mind.

  [Earth Fire Heart Lotus, a fourth-grade spiritual plant, grows in a hot magma environment and is cultivated with second-grade and above fire magic. ]

  [When the lotus seeds mature, they can purify the turbid and polluted breath in the body of the cultivator, reduce the risk of alienation, and resist the invasion of evil spirits for a certain period of time. Long-term consumption can enhance the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator. ]

  [Lotus leaves and rhizomes can be used as materials for refining some high-grade elixirs. ]

  "Good quality, which is already quite good."

  "It can purify the polluted breath and reduce the risk of alienation. After swallowing it many times, it can actually enhance the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator. It is worthy of being a fourth-grade spiritual plant."

  In the process of cultivation and life, cultivators are inevitably contaminated with turbid and polluted spiritual energy. If it cannot be removed, it may cause unpredictable consequences when breaking through the realm, especially those cultivators who have been hunting evil spirits for a long time. There are all kinds of yin, evil spirits, and filthy breaths on their bodies. If they cannot be cleared in time, there will be a risk of degeneration and alienation.

  And this fourth-grade earth fire heart lotus seed can solve these problems very well.

  Not to mention, it can also enhance the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator.

  Treasures that can enhance spiritual consciousness in the cultivation world are extremely rare. Lu Xuan has cultivated so many spiritual plants, but this is the first time he has obtained such mature plants.

  "I can strengthen my spiritual consciousness now."

  Lu Xuan sighed. His physical strength, treasures and magic are far stronger than those of the cultivators of the same level. Only his spiritual consciousness is at an average level. With this Earth Fire Heart Lotus Seed, he can strengthen it in a targeted way.

  (End of this chapter)

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