
World of Swords

Xu Yue had countless possibilities for the future, but unknown to anyone, her destiny had already been decided. Will Xu Yue manage to escape destiny or will she follow her fate? Even if she manages to escape, how can she be sure that she has truly escaped the confines of fate? Follow Xu Yue in her journey to become unfettered. If want to ask any questions, or merely just talk check out the discord server. https://discord.gg/jK3swFGNZh

Aersuy · Fantaisie
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343 Chs

Final Battle

As she looked at the teen who was floating where one of the Three Thousand Regions had existed not too long ago, a furious look appeared on Xu Lanfeng's face, causing her to suddenly take out her sword and appear next to him.

In an instant, a serious expression appeared on the face of the Apostle, as he dodged the sword slash as well as the punch that had just been thrown towards him.

Just a moment ago, the Elemental Daoist had suddenly appeared next to the Apostle and had thrown a punch towards him, but thankfully, the Apostle had managed to dodge it.

At this very moment, though, a young girl suddenly appeared in the distance, causing Xu Lanfeng and the Elemental Daoist to slightly hesitate and put up their guard.

As she looked at the girl using her spiritual sense, both comprehension and slight fear appeared on Xu Lanfeng's face.

The reason for this fear was the fact that, Xu Lanfeng was sure that this was not one of the Three Invaders from over fifteen thousand years ago, rather, this seemed to be someone new.

But the very moment the young girl wanted to take action, an old beggar suddenly appeared in front of her and waved his hand, causing a huge Yin-Yang symbol to appear behind him.

A moment later, the old beggar suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, causing chains to suddenly erupt from the Yin-Yang wheel.

No, 'erupt' was not the right word to describe what had happened, rather, it seemed as though the chains appeared from thin air and caught the young girl without giving her any time to react.

In fact, it seemed as though the chains had always been there, in fact.

As she stared at the old dirty beggar in front of her, who was currently touching his beard, the apostle couldn't help but fall silent.

'Shen Xi should be able to realize that I do not have all of my power at the moment, why would he tie himself up here?' thought the apostle as she stared at the beggar.

Unlike what his looks showed, this old beggar was in fact Shen Xi, the oldest living Ancestor of the Yin-Yang Temple.

Originally, the apostle had expected that she would have to resist Shen Xi or that Bald Turtle for as long as she could with her current power, but she did not expect the former to simply stall for time.


At the same time, in another part of the Three Thousand Regions.

At this very moment, a teen could be seen standing in the sky, staring at the three beings in front of him.

"Ao Xie, Cheng Guiqing, Tian Guozhi, I did not expect you three to defend the Three Thousand Regions, I'm quite disappointed in you three," said the teen, causing Ao Xie to suddenly smile.

"A dirty slave like you thinks he has the ability to mock me, just wait until your master falls, and I get my hands on you," said Ao Xie, causing a confused look to appear on the faces of the other two, who did not know what Ao Xie was talking about.

A moment later, though, a completely enraged look appeared on the face of the teen, causing him to suddenly appear right in front of Ao Xie.

Using his fastest speed, the teen smashed his fist towards Ao Xie's face, causing everything around him, other than the three beings, to suddenly disappear.

At the same time, though, a faint smile appeared on Ao Xie's face, as the dragoness knew that this 'apostle' had taken the bait.


"Reverend, you should abandon your ways and return to the righteous path," said an old monk as he stared at the young boy in front of him, causing the latter to shake his head with no expression on his face.

Time then began passing, with neither the old monk nor the young boy making any moves, rather, both of them simply stared at the other and waiting for the other to make a mistake.


As she looked at the Origin Sword Sect behind her, which was now surrounded by several hooded figures, Xu Yue shook her head, knowing that the sect would be able to manage on their own.

Right now, Xu Yue was needed somewhere else.

Only a fraction of a moment later, Xu Yue suddenly appeared above a certain inconspicuous region before letting out a snort, causing an enormous formation, which covered nearly the entire region, to suddenly shake.

The moment the first signs of battle began, Xu Yue had suddenly realized what that feeling meant.

Her vision of the future had been clouded by something, and only a moment later, she immediately knew where she needed to be.

The moment the formation revealed itself, Xu Yue suddenly clenched her fist and let out a punch towards it, causing it to shake once again, as tiny cracks appeared in the location Xu Yue had punched.

At the same time, even though Xu Yue had tried her best to restrain her power, only a fraction of a moment after that punch landed on the formation, a wave of destruction suddenly spread out.

Usually, Xu Yue would have been able to control that wave, but at this moment, because of her hurry, Xu Yue knew that she did not have any time to do so, and as such, let it destroy everything several million Li around her.

Even though hundreds of billions of lives had just been lost, Xu Yue did not have any time to pay attention to that, as she once again prepared to let out a punch towards the formation.

Just a fraction of a moment later, though, Xu Yue disappeared after being sent flying several hundred billion Li.

Only an infinitely small fraction of a moment later, a young girl suddenly appeared above Xu Yue who was still recovering from the attack and let out another punch towards her.

But before the punch could land, a shield of fire suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yue, allowing her to dodge the strike.

Immediately after that, the young girl raised her eyes and stared at the enormous golden Phoenix flying towards her.