
Wolf Demon & Dragon Hero (OCxBNHA)

There's a one black mask, that exist from really long ago. Legends say, there's a evil spirit within the mask. The mask will possess you when you put that on your face. The evil energy inside the mask will give you the ultimate power that can fulfill your desires. With the mask, you could've become either no.1 hero or no.1 villain. That mask is called "Dark Wolf Mask"

GreedRyuga469 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs


Public Safety Commission, President's Office

Miruko : Why too many heroes? Is there something interesting?

Mt.Lady : Am I really need here?

Ryukyuu : I'm not sure but we might need your help, Mt.Lady.

Mountain hero surprised

Mt.Lady : Wait senpai, are you the one who request me?

Ryukyuu : Yes.

Mt.Lady : Thank you, Ryukyuu-senpai.

Gran Torino : So, what's taiyaki?

Endeavor : It's about Zen-Aku, isn't it?

Hawks : Yes, Endeavor. We all here just because of one man who's stronger than every heroes of japan.

Mt.Lady : Wait, every heroes? What about All Might?

Toshinori : I might stronger than him. But, he killed a man that even I can't beat. I'm sorry.

Heroes shocked. Flame hero look to skinny oldman

Endeavor : All For One, is he stronger than you?

Skinny oldman look to flame hero

Toshinori : He's strong as me.

Flame hero shocked but showed no reaction on his face

Hawks : Let's talk about Zen-Aku. Detective, please.

Then, the detective stand up

Tsukauchi : Zen-Aku, a man in wolf armor. He called himself Org Rouki. No one know about his existence until USJ accident.

Hawks : Let's talk about his first appearance.

Tsukauchi : His first move was six months ago. Killing a group of murderers before they kill a victim woman.

Nighteye : Are you sure that it was the very first case?

Detective sigh

Tsukauchi : I'm sorry, we couldn't trace him any further than that case. We don't even know that he have wolf like head until USJ. Only thing cctvs can capture was a purple blur.

Miruko : Man, he must really hate cameras.

Hawks : You can continue now, detective.

Tsukauchi : His quirk was unknown. He can teleport, charging blue colored electric from his hands, have enhanced senses. And if we're not wrong, he can sense danger too. We still don't know about his strength. His durability was second to All Might. Also, immune to fire.

Miruko : Now I want to fight him.

Tsukauchi : He have 2 blades. First one was crescent moon shape black blade. It have 2 special moves. First one was called Crescent Waves. He swing his blade with super speed and yellow energy waves came out. Those waves are razor sharp. Second move was called Moonlight Sonic. The blade edge shinning yellow then he shoot that yellow energy wave. That wave was strong as All Might's Smashes. If I'm not wrong, we even felt earth quake when he use that move.

Endeavor : That move, don't let him hit you with that move. Even if he's holding back, once it hit you, the fight was over.

Tsukauchi : His second blade was black colored small flute blade. It also have the shape of crescent moon and have circular shape three empty slots. He haven't used that blade in fights. He usually used that blade to play flute in the forests.

Mt.Lady : I thought his mouth was sealed.

Gran Torino : I see, he still have soul.

Mt.Lady : What do you mean?

Gran Torino : Human who doesn't love animals or music, don't have soul. Because they don't know kindness nor love.

Mt.Lady : Ohh......

Endeavor : It seems, wolf head was just a part of his armor.

Ryukyuu : But his horn, it look like a real one.

Mt.Lady : Does werewolves have horns?

Hawks : No, but orgs might have. It must be the reason he called himself org.

Tsukauchi : We thought he don't use that blade because he don't have special moves with that blade or don't want to stain blood on it. But, we're wrong.

Endeavor : Wrong about what?

Tsukauchi : The first one.

Endeavor : Did he showed something to you?

Tsukauchi : Not me, it was Ryukyuu.

Then, other heroes look to dragon hero

Ryukyuu : Two days ago, I meet him in the forest. And then, a villain appeared. He have giant body. Just like Mt.Lady. I'm no match to him. My hands are broken. His skin was hard as rock. Even Zen-Aku's Moonlight Sonic couldn't hurt him. I thought we're lose. But then, Zen-Aku put a crystal ball on that flute blade. He said demon beast summoning. Then, he play the flute.

Heroes confused

Miruko : Wait, seriously? Playing flute in the middle of the fight?

Ryukyuu : Yes.

Endeavor : What happened next?

Ryukyuu : When he stop playing, a giant wolf robot appeared on the top the mountain. It's howling just like a real wolf.

Mt.Lady : Really?

Ryukyuu : Yes, and it have same size of you. That wolf robot have razor sharp claws and fangs that strong enough to hurt that villain. But before it kill him, black liquid swallowed him and he's disappeared.

Skinny oldman and old hero shocked

Gran Torino : That's......teleportation quirk...... the one that All For One use.

Toshinori : How can this be?

Ryukyuu : That villain said Zen-Aku killed his master.

Nighteye : I see, All For One's remnants.

Ryukyuu : Wolf robot disappeared and Zen-Aku start walking away. I tried to stop him but the ground collapsed and I lost my consciousness. Then, I woke up in the hospital.

Miruko : Zen-Aku saved you?

Ryukyuu : Yes. Not just saving me, he also used medical herbals to heal my wounds.

Dragon hero took out a black leather like thing and showed everyone in the room

Ryukyuu : I don't know what this leather came from. But if I'm not wrong, it was his cape. He must cut his cape for the lack of bandages.

Heroes shocked

Endeavor : I've never thought that he would done those things.

Toshinori : He even cut his cape to treat her wounds. That's really......

Gran Torino : Impressive, I guess.

Hawks : Honestly, I'm surprised too.

Mt.Lady : Are you sure that he didn't do anything to you?

Hawks : That's unnecessary question.

Mt.Lady : Huh, why?

Hawks : If he want to do those things, there's no reason to bring her to the hospital. He can left her in the forest but not just saving her and treat her wounds, he even bring her to the hospital.

Mt.Lady : But, isn't that too much generous for a person like him.

Hawks : Yes, but......she was just a victim in that fight. She wasn't his enemy. And if I'm not wrong, fighting him isn't your goal, right Ryukyuu?

Ryukyuu : Yes, I just want to talk. I want to know his reasons and also, his identity.

Hawks : And it seems, Zen-Aku noticed your objective. That must be the reason he saved you. He might think that it was his fault that you got hurt.

Endeavor : Are you telling me that mass murderer saved hero just because he felt bad?

Hawks : Well, it was possible.

Nighteye : You said he used crystal ball. Only one?

Ryukyuu : Yes, only one. Two slots left.

Nighteye : Then, you're saying?

Ryukyuu : Yes, he have two another jewels. And that means he can summon another two giant robot animals.

Heroes shocked again

Mt.Lady : Three animal robots that have same size of mine??? How do we gonna fight him? He's too op.

Nighteye : The real question is, should we really fight him?

Everyone in the room look to serious hero

Nighteye : Think about it, we have thousands of heroes but crime rate never goes down. Two days ago, he saved a little girl from the head of yakuza. His group was called Shie Hassaikai. They're making quirk erasing bullets with that girl's DNA.

Ryukyuu : Wait, DNA???

Nighteye : Let me explain, I was watching that group for the months. Because I found that they're selling quirk erasing bullets and quirk booster drugs. But I don't have evidence nor witness. That's why I'm waiting. Two days ago, a boy called Midoriya Izuku found the little girl. Overhaul said it was his daughter but it was not true. That little girl was his niece but not blood related. That boy really brave. He saw bandages on that little girl and don't give her back. Fortunately, before Overhaul could hurt them, Zen-Aku arrived and killed him. He didn't harm the boy nor the girl. Not just killing the leader, Zen-Aku even killed the whole yakuza house hold. We found that the corpses and the lab. They actually creating quirk erasing bullets.

Endeavor : So, your point was?

Nighteye : If Zen-Aku didn't arrived, the boy would be killed and we'll never know about the girl. They could create perfect quirk erasing bullets which could make us quirkless for the rest of our lives.

Heroes shocked

Nighteye : And that little girl, she's still 6 but she couldn't talk like normal 6 years old kid. She's been trembling for whole two days and Midoriya was the only one she didn't scare. She have bandages over her whole body. She said, apple was the only food she know.

Heroes terrified and some of are angry

Ryukyuu : Oh my God.

Nighteye : Think about it, Zen-Aku wasn't our ally. But not our enemy too. I know that he's killing machine, but he didn't harm any innocents.

Mt.Lady : You mean "haven't"

Nighteye : Even if he harm innocents, we could do nothing. I don't want to say this, but he might stronger than All Might. He's like Shinigami. No one could capable of beat him nor stop him. He even surpass my quirk.

Toshinori : What do you mean he surpass your quirk, Mirai-kun?

Nighteye : All Might, I used my quirk on you six years ago. And I saw Kamino accident. I know that All For One was alive.

Skinny oldman shocked

Toshinori : Y-you knew? Why didn't you tell me?

Nighteye : You know the reason, All Might. I can't say it again. I'm sorry.

Skinny oldman stayed silent

Endeavor : Just get to the point.

Nighteye : I'm sorry. As I said, I saw Kamino accident but not this one.

Toshinori : You mean, the future changed?

Nighteye : I don't know. It was possible that future was changed. I know about USJ attack too, but not this one.

Endeavor : What's the difference?

Nighteye : Zen-Aku didn't exist.

Ryukyuu : How can that be?

Nighteye : Zen-Aku didn't exist in the future I saw. All For One alive.

Toshinori : He lived???

Nighteye : He took Ragdoll's quirk. She become quirkless.

Ryukyuu : Oh no.

Nighteye : All Might win Kamino fight. Shigaraki Tomura got away. League of Villains still active. All Might retired. Endeavor become number 1 hero.

Hawks : So, I was number 2, right?

Nighteye : I don't know.

Miruko : So you're saying that the future changed. The question is......starting from when?

Mt.Lady : Is there any point asking that?

Hawks : Yes, it was. If we know the answer, we can trace Zen-Aku's very first move. Also, his origin and identity.

Endeavor : I don't think it was possible.

Hawks : Ho, did you have some theory in your mind?

Endeavor : If the future was depend on his power, we could trace his origin just like you've said. But, if the future was depend on his existence, knowing the answer won't change anything.

Mt.Lady : (I can't follow this topic anymore)

Nighteye : I have two answers. For Endeavor's theory, if the future was depend on his existence, my quirk have a big problem.

Ryukyuu : Can you explain it?

Nighteye : I saw alternate future six years ago. And that fact give me two possible answers. If the future was depend on his existence, Zen-Aku born after I used my quirk. And that would means, he was 5 years old child.

Gran Torino : 5 years old mass murderer? I'm really glad that I don't have any child.

Ryukyuu : What about second one?

Nighteye : My quirk nature changed. Instead of seeing the future, I can only see the alternate future.

Hawks : Wow, that's perfect answer for Endeavor's theory. Even I can't deny. So what about my theory?

Nighteye : As for your theory, his first move was between last six years.

Hawks : Can't you narrow it down even a bit? Six years was too much. We have to find every murderer case of last six years.

Nighteye : I'm sorry. I can't help you beyond this.

Hawks : *sigh* it can't be help, I guess.

Nighteye : Whatever the answers was, his power was beyond us. Instead of fighting, we should use him.

Endeavor : How?

Nighteye : Just let him.

Endeavor : Are you saying we should let him kill anyone he want? Are you out of your mind?

Nighteye : He killed thousands of criminals. He's mass murderer. But, can we stop him?

No one answered

Nighteye : Do we have power to stop him?

No one answered

Nighteye : We have no choice but to let him do anything he want. He might be a mass murderer, but also the one who saved japan. He might be a monster but he have power to fight the evil. We don't have that kind of power. Losing will be only thing we'll get. Japan might be fall if we try to fight him with everything we have.

Endeavor : So, we'll just watching him killing people everyday?

Nighteye : Not actually. We'll find his weakness.

Mt.Lady : Weakness? I don't think he have one?

Nighteye : He might be strongest human. But that doesn't mean he don't have weakness. No, not food and water. I mean his limits. His strength and durability have limits. In Kamino, he have troubles facing All For One alone. He even bleed when All For One attack him. If All Might didn't present, I'm sure that he would die. Americans said "if it bleeds, we can kill it".

Toshinori : Can I say something?

Hawks : What is it, All Might?

Toshinori : Zen-Aku called me Yellow Warrior. And he would kill me if I fight him.

Endeavor : You what?

Ryukyuu : Yellow warrior?

Hawks : He called you yellow warrior?

Toshinori : Yes, he called me like that. He called me yellow trash at first. But after he killed All For One, he called me yellow warrior. And he will kill me if we fight.

Hawks : He acknowledge you, All Might. Zen-Aku acknowledge you as his rival.

Miruko : So, that means he won't hold back. Is that because he saved Rag Doll? Then, should I save someone in front of him?

Ryukyuu : I......I have something to say too.

Miruko : What? Did he called you somekind of warrior too?

Ryukyuu : He called me Unknown Warrior.

Miruko : Unknown? Did you saved someone in front of him too?

Ryukyuu : No. I don't think that was the reason.

Miruko : Wait a minute. He called All Might as yellow warrior and he will kill him. But to you, he called you unknown warrior but he saved you. What the hell? What's the difference?

Mt.Lady : Gender?

Hawks : Well, I think he have gender equality. He killed female criminals too.

Tsukauchi : To be exact, total 500 females criminals are killed by him.

Mt.Lady : 500??? Oh my God! (Oh no, he might immune to my sexiness. He might kill me like those criminals. I thought this is my big chance to become popular. But this is actually big chance to die. I must find the way to get away from this mess)

Hawks : I don't think any link exist between these two heroes.

Ryukyuu : I think we should wait for another one.

Miruko : Another what?

Ryukyuu : Another warrior.

Endeavor : That's good idea. But, how long?

Gran Torino : We have no answers but only question, huh?

Nighteye : That's why we shouldn't fight him now.

Hawks : So, what do you think about this?

Bird hero look to old woman who was stayed silent for the whole time. Old woman look to serious hero

President : Nighteye, we'll go with your plan this time. But, you have one mission.

Nighteye : Tell me.

President : You must use your quirk on Zen-Aku.