
Within the Shadows

You know I would never betray you." Ethan looked dead into Lyra's emerald eyes willing her to believe him. With Castion laid out in the other room not able to explain himself she didn't know who to trust. She did know for sure that someone sold her out to the hunters and someone was trying to steal her power. Geek, vampire, glasses... what do all these have in common two word Lyza Hillcrest. Lyza is the first female in over a century to come into full power before the age of 21 and there are some that wish to have that power for themselves but not if Lyza can help it. With the assistance of a few handsome gentleman, of course, Lyza will have to come from the edge to save herself and her clan.

MajesticSlayer · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Three years later...

"Aunt Val, can I please not wear the glasses this time. People will think I'm some stuck-up rich kid," Lyza whined.

"Now Lyza, you know this is for your protection as well as the protection of other," her aunt replied.

"I know, but it doesn't mean I have to like it," she muttered. "I heard that," her aunt responded. Damn vamp hearing Lyza thought to herself. The only thing that was private were her thoughts. She grabbed her keys, grabbed her bottle of O2 negative and was out the door before her mouth got her into trouble again.

Lyza was a shy geek, at least that's what people always thought of her at her old school, but that persona was so far from the truth. Since getting into trouble back at her old school her parent decided to send her to live with her aunt in Oregon. She decided to keep up her geek face so she wouldn't attract that much attention. She was smart and could have advanced ahead years ago but Lyza didn't want the attention of being a small kid surrounded by others three times her age. Being a vamp was hard enough she didn't want the added pressure.

[Somewhere hundreds of miles away]

In a conference room sat five people, the leader, his first in command, his second in command, the analyst, and a witch. The murmurs were low as if expecting someone in their own encampment to be spying. Tap, tap, tap, came a knock at the door. "Come in" boomed the leader in a clipped tone. The leader eyed the person who just came in and said,

"Warrior, we have new intel that there will be a major power source in Oregon. We need you to go ahead, scout out the area and report anything unusual. Or see if you can find the object of this new power source. You will be attending Highton High during your stay so no one will get suspicious. Now go and do not forget your job."

"Yes," was his only reply.

I don't know why the leader is always riding my ass. If he felt like I couldn't do it then why not send someone else, he wondered. He was so deep in thought that when he rounded the corner, he bumped into someone. "I'm sor…" but the words died on his lips after seeing who it was. "What are you doing over here Grey?"

"Minding my own damn business," Grey spitefully replied. Just as they were about to go at it, they saw Amanda coming and no one got on Amanda's bad side. Grey hurriedly went on by his business while the warrior continued to his living quarters to pack.