
Within the Shadows

You know I would never betray you." Ethan looked dead into Lyra's emerald eyes willing her to believe him. With Castion laid out in the other room not able to explain himself she didn't know who to trust. She did know for sure that someone sold her out to the hunters and someone was trying to steal her power. Geek, vampire, glasses... what do all these have in common two word Lyza Hillcrest. Lyza is the first female in over a century to come into full power before the age of 21 and there are some that wish to have that power for themselves but not if Lyza can help it. With the assistance of a few handsome gentleman, of course, Lyza will have to come from the edge to save herself and her clan.

MajesticSlayer · Fantasy
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10 Chs

First Day

Lyza knew she wasn't gonna win that conversation with her aunt but it was worth a try. Arriving at her new school, she parked in student parking, locked her doors and started walking towards her new torture hole for the next year, Highton High.

She walked up to her locker and begin to look for the books she would need. A shadow is suddenly casted beside her. "Hey, aren't you the new kid?" She always hated that question. Just as she was about to give a snarky comment, she closed her locker to see the face that went along with the voice. He was over six feet tall, blue eyes that look like the sea and sky had a baby with specks of grey. He had on a school jacket so he must belong to one of the sports team. He had on denim skinny jeans that fitted him just right without looking feminine and a black shirt but she could tell he had some muscle underneath. After staring for a few minutes past comfortable, Lyza recovered. He looked and her and smirked knowing she was just examining him up and down. "Who wants to know," she replied. "I'm Castion" (Kas-te-un) he said with a smile that can give a Hollywood actor a run for his money. "Well, Castion, you should know this is your school after all," she said with as much sarcasm she could muster while walking away.

He picked up his pace to catch her, "well how about I show you to your first class." "No thank you, I know where I'm going." She already scoped the layout of the school ahead of time so she could know where everything was at including all the exits and possible hiding places. This was something she did everywhere she went. Being a vamp you have to be prepared for anything.

Lyza briskly walked down the hall made a right and then a left. She glanced behind her and notice Castion was still there. Gesh is this guy a stalker or something she thought. He stopped outside of the classroom she went into to talk to one of his buddies. Lyza was relieved, she was a little paranoid after that dream she had three years ago.

Castion POV

All of a sudden I have a weird feeling. Walking down the hallway, I notice a face I haven't seen around here before. So, this must be the new girl everyone is talking about. Guess I will go up and introduce myself.

"Hey, aren't you the new kid?" I just bluntly stated. She closes her locker and gives me this strange look then she starts checking me out from head to toe. I'm not conceited but I know I'm a good-looking guy. She finally responds and I give her my name, "I'm Castion" I always hated my name my parents are old fashion, like old, old fashion. I offer to show her to her class, my mind is her soft plump kissable lips, but she declines my offer. She takes off walking fast jarring me out of my thoughts, and I have to jog a tap to catch up with her. I must admit, I didn't mind the view from the back either. Her low rider jeans were hugging her in all the right places showing of a nice firm tight ass. It had a dip like a tear drop. It is evident that she works out. Soon, I take notice to the direction she is going and I smile. She's headed straight for my first class, I stop outside to talk to one of my friends to see what he has planned for this weekend. He walks off and I go into my class right before the bell rings. I head in her direction and sit down in my seat. "Are you some type of stalker," she asks, guarded as if she's ready to fight. Before I could respond Mr. Glass says, "Ah Castion, would you be so kind as to share your book with Ms. Lyza. Class this is our new student Lyza." Everybody grumbled a hello, she meekly waved but I could see the shock and embarrassment written all over her face.