
Within the Shadows

You know I would never betray you." Ethan looked dead into Lyra's emerald eyes willing her to believe him. With Castion laid out in the other room not able to explain himself she didn't know who to trust. She did know for sure that someone sold her out to the hunters and someone was trying to steal her power. Geek, vampire, glasses... what do all these have in common two word Lyza Hillcrest. Lyza is the first female in over a century to come into full power before the age of 21 and there are some that wish to have that power for themselves but not if Lyza can help it. With the assistance of a few handsome gentleman, of course, Lyza will have to come from the edge to save herself and her clan.

MajesticSlayer · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Lyza slowly sat up with an agonizing headache trying to figure out what time it was.

She slowly looked around realizing she didn't know where she was at or how she got there. There were trees lined up in rows but there were no roads, no moon, and no people. As she looked around a second time, she noticed a fainted light coming from behind her. Deciding to follow the only source of light she could see Lyza got up and went in that direction.

All of a sudden it sounded like footsteps behind her but when she looked back, she didn't see anything. Lyza quickened her pace in hopes of reaching the light faster. Grrrrr, grrrr, grrrr is the sound behind her while feeling a hot breath on her neck. Afraid of looking back again Lyza takes off at a breakneck speed. Wishing more than ever she had her full vampire powers. She felt she was no match for whatever was chasing her. Just as a clawed hand was about to reach out and grab her she finally reached the light. Instantly the noises stopped and Lyza dropped to her knees to catch her breath. "Yeah, what type of vampire runs out of breath," she angrily thought to herself.

An ethereal figured appeared before her, "do not be afraid my child, for nothing will hurt you as long as I am here." Lyza didn't see her lips move more as she heard the voice in her head. "Who are you, where am I?" she questioned. "That is not important, what is important is what I have to tell you, you are in danger but the aid you will need shall seek you and the one you don't will try to deceive you."

What, this Lady must be out of her shit Lyza thought. "No, I am not out of it," the lady didn't want to curse, "but wish to see you well my child for you have a necessary role in The Decion. Shocked, Lyza mouth dropped open at the fact that the Lady could hear her thoughts and creeped out.

"Now go, it is not time yet for you to fufill your destiny."

"Wait, what. What destiny, who are, what's The Decion. I don't understand?!"

"You will" the Lady replied and suddenly she rushed forward and grabbed Lyza's arm. She immediately felt the deepest cold in her life and next she was burning up. She didn't understand what was going but the next thing she knew she was sitting up in her bed. Panting heavily, she was drenched from head to toe in sweat. Oh my gosh! What a hell-a-fid dream that was. As soon as she thought that she looked down and saw the strangest mark on her arm.