
Chapter 62

He swung and the whip bit into my back, instantly drawing blood. It was all I could do to not scream. Scream and they make it hurt worse. He rained blows to my back and blood ran. I heard it dripping onto the floor. I started to lose consciousness when he stopped. 

"Here you go, Charlie. I think this will work well for you."

I felt Charlie pull my feet loose and flipped me, my arms twisting as they were still tied in the same position. He quickly tied my feet back to the table. He walked into my line of sight and showed me the whip. It had a thick handle of braided leather. The whip was a strip of thin supple leather. He drew the handle across my lips. 

"How did you like the whip, bitch? I bet you'll like this even more."

He slid the handle down my body, across my breast, down my stomach. I tightened. I knew whatever he planned was going to hurt. But I didn't expect what he did. Roughly he shoved the handle of the whip inside me as far as it could go. I screamed and struggled. He proceeded to move the whip in and out, fucking me with it as I cried and screamed and begged him to stop. More blood ran as things inside me tore. I passed out.


Final time skip


Seventeen. Broken. Damaged. I was longing to die but they tied me tight each night and watched me during the day. But today was different. Daniel was leaving for a few hours. Leaving me alone with Charlie, something that had'nt happened before. I was terrified. Charlie was more sadistic than his father. I stared out the window as Daniel's truck drove away. I heard Charlie come up behind me.

"Come on now. Time to play while Daddy's away."

He grabbed me by the hair and drug me to the table. I struggled to get away. He punched me in the face, and it dazed me enough he was able to get me up onto the table face up and tied down before I could think again. He had tied me face up but in his hurry, he didn't tie them as tight, leaving some slack. I froze as he brought out the whip. I remembered what happened the last time he had it. Daniel had taken it away from him. But now Daniel wasn't here. Funny how I was looking to Daniel to protect me.

I watched as he shook the whip loose. He grinned and held up a large, long knife.

"Play time. Now, do you see this knife? If you move or struggle, I will shove this knife up inside you and we will see how you like it fucking you. You remember that."

He laid the knife up by my head. Giving the whip a shake, he brought it down across my breasts. I screamed as it tore into my skin. Quickly he rained blows on my body, breasts, stomach, moving so he could have it whip between my legs. This pain was agonizing and all I could do was scream over and over. The more I screamed the faster and harder he hit. When I was covered in open welts and blood he stopped. I sobbed and he came where I could see him. He grinned and dropped his pants. Whipping me had excited him and since Daniel wasn't here, he was going for the forbidden fun. 

"Now I'm going to fuck you and you're gonna like it."

He walked away towards the end of the table, and I yanked hard on my hands, trying to free them. I knew I didn't want him doing that to me so I pulled as hard as I could, scraping my skin off but getting my hands free. I grabbed the knife by my head, and I sat up and stabbed him in the back. He screamed and fell down. I quickly cut my feet loose and tried to stand. It took a moment as the world greyed out from the pain. I heard him move and it got me moving.

I walked around the table with the knife. I had hit something in his back that was vital as his legs didn't seem to be working. 

"Where do you think you're going?" My voice was husky. I hadn't heard my voice in years except to scream.

He rolled over and held his hands up.

"Please, don't."

"Oh yes. I think I will." My vision went red with years of pent-up rage. To give him even a fraction of the pain I had gone through, I leaned over and cut his dick off. When he opened his mouth to scream, I stuffed it into his mouth. His eyes bugged out as he choked on his own dick. 

"Hurts, doesn't it?" 

I stood over him and started to stab and slash and cut. I blocked out his screams and kept going until all I could hear were my own ragged sobs. I was covered in his blood and mine. I was standing over a bloody lump of meat. It wasn't even recognizable as human anymore. Hours must have passed as I heard Daniel's truck pulling into the yard. I took the knife and went to the front door and looked out. Daniel was walking up to the door. I hid behind it. He opened the door and called out for Charlie. I came up behind him and grabbed his head, pulled it back, and slit his throat before he could even cry out. I watched emotionless as he drowned in his own blood. Once he was dead, I dropped the knife and I heard it clatter to the floor. I stepped over his body and headed to the bathroom.

It was the first time I had been in there to use it. I usually just cleaned it. I turned the water on in the shower and stepped in. It didn't really register having warm water for a change. I washed the blood off me, really clean for the first time in years. I wrapped a towel around me and went to the attic. I knew that Daniel's late wife's clothes were up there. I didn't want to wear anything that Daniel or Charlie had worn. I found her clothes. They were a little big but would do. I didn't realize the welts were still bleeding. I was operating in a fog. I walked out of the house, never looking back.