
Chapter 61

I was thirteen now and back at the hospital. This time it was a broken leg. The doctor looked at my chart and looked hard at Daniel.

"Mr. Cortland. This girl has been here with both arms broken twice, broken ribs, three broken noses, a fractured wrist, four concussions, and now a broken leg. It is hard to believe that she is that clumsy."

"Oh, I really am Doctor. I lose my balance and fall." I blinked up at him, willing him to believe me. 

He studied for a moment and sighed. "Ok. We have the leg set. She needs to be on crutches for about six weeks."

I silently sighed. I was glad he didn't push about my injuries. I was already going to have to figure out how to work with the leg in a cast. But I had worked with worse. And it was true, I did fall down the stairs a lot. I just didn't mention it was because Daniel had thrown me down the basement stairs after a hard beating. I hated the basement. I was always too weak to move, and the rats were always drawn by the scent of my blood. I couldn't fight them off and they would bite me all night.


Time skips again.


I was fifteen. It had been a long day with its usual beating. I was outside trying to wash the blood off when Charlie came outside. I froze. I thought they were both in bed. I had taken my shirt off to rinse the blood out of it when he came out. There was a look in his eyes I didn't like. He marched forward and grabbed my arm. I started to try to pull away as he dragged me into the house. 

"Dad. Look what I found. Seems the little bitch has grown up."

He threw me on the floor in front of Daniel's feet. Daniel reached down and pulled me to my feet. I tried to cover myself, but he slapped me hard in the face, busting my lip open. 

"Move those arms girl. Let's see what we have here. Don't move or I will hurt you in ways you haven't felt yet."

I dropped my arms at my sides and closed my eyes. I held back tears of shame. I stood there with my breasts naked. He walked around me and took a long time studying my body. 

"Charlie, come strip these pants off. I want a full look at her."

I cringed as I felt Charlie's hands brush my stomach as he untied my pants. He slid them down my hips and they hit the floor. I was now completely naked in front of them. My face went red then pale as they both studied me.

"Well well, the little girl grew into a lovely cunt." 

He reached out his hand and roughly squeezed my breast then cupped me between my legs. 

"I think we just opened up a whole new world of fun, Charlie. Get some rope and clear that table. You stand right there, girl."

Charlie moved to go get rope and swept everything off the table to the floor. Daniel grabbed my arm and led me to the table, pulling roughly when I tripped over my pants. He threw me onto the table face up and quickly tied my hands and feet to the table legs, leaving me bare and exposed.

"Now boy come here for a lesson. This is what a cunt is used for. Your pleasure. Now you can do whatever you want as long as you keep your dick out of her. I don't want any bastard babies from her. And leave her mouth alone or you are likely to lose your dick."

I closed my eyes and tears slid down the sides of my face and I felt Charlie come closer. I jumped when I felt him touching my skin. He grabbed my breasts roughly squeezing hard enough to leave bruises. He started to pinch me along my sides and stomach. I twisted away against my bonds as I felt his hands move lower. I cried out when Daniel hit my stomach with the strap. 

"Hold still girl."

Charlie laughed and slid his fingers between my legs. I screamed as he roughly shoved several fingers inside me. It felt like I was being torn apart. I cried and pleaded as he kept trying to get his whole hand inside, but I was too small, and his hand was too big. He was angry until he pulled his hand free and saw blood.

"You didn't give me what I wanted. Stupid whore. Dad, flip her over. She deserves a beating."

Laughing Daniel untied me enough to turn me over and then I was tied down tightly. I felt the first lash of the strap and I bit my lip. I had been beaten earlier that day and my back was still a raw mess. I lost count of how many times he hit me. It felt like hours before they left. They left me tied to the table all night, unable to move. I cried and wished they had gone too far and killed me.


Time skips


Sixteen now. I had finished cleaning. I was still naked. I was not allowed clothes anymore. I always saw them watching me move as I worked, and it scared me. I knew one day they would go farther than they had done before and I wanted no part of them inside me. 

"Girl. Come here."

I closed my eyes for a moment to blank my face. It was time for the table again. I walked in to find them waiting. Roughly Charlie grabbed me and threw me face-first on the table. It seemed to be just a beating this time. It was strange to feel relief at that. Until Daniel walked in my eyesight with something new. A whip. A real whip, not the strap. Now I was scared. It looked like it would hurt more. He shook out the length of the whip. He gave it a swing and it made a cracking sound. I jumped and he laughed. 

"Time to try this baby out."