
Chapter 34

Sunlight filled the room. I opened my eyes to find both men watching me. 

"Were you watching me sleep again?" 


"You look like an angel while you sleep, Doll."

I laughed. "I know more about angels than you do but I know you mean it as a compliment." I stretched and felt the pull of sore muscles.

"How are you feeling sweetling?"

"Sore but completely satisfied."

'I wish morning hadn't come. I don't want to ever leave her.'

"Bucky, no one is asking you to leave. We can still take some time together this morning can't we."

"I am in agreement with Ariane. I am also in no hurry for you to leave. Having you still here makes her happy."

Bucky stared wide-eyed at us and didn't speak. As the silence drug on and Bucky just laid there looking at me, I looked at Loki worriedly and then back at Bucky. 

"Um, Bucky? Did… did I say something wrong? I thought you didn't want to leave but if I misunderstood, I'm sorry." I started to tear up thinking I had ruined something special by being too attached to him. "I'm sorry..." I whispered as a tear slid down my face.

Seeing me starting to cry broke Bucky free. He reached out and wiped my tears away.

"Don't cry, Doll. Please don't cry. It breaks my heart when you cry. You didn't do or say anything wrong. And I promise you didn't ruin anything special. I love that you are attached to me."

It was my turn to stare. Bucky gazed at me. I looked up at Loki in shock. 

He read what was going through my mind, looked at us both, and we heard quite clearly 'This is an interesting development.'

'Holy shit.' I heard Bucky's voice, but his lips didn't move. 

Loki spoke. "Holy shit indeed. It seems something happened beyond incredible pleasure last night."

"I can hear you both in my head," I whispered. "What does that mean?"

Bucky answered me. "I'm not sure what it means, Doll. I can hear each of your thoughts. How... how do I turn that down?" He looked a little worried.

I giggled and it caused him to grin. "I love your giggle, Dollface."

"Can I show him?" I looked up at Loki. 

"Of course, pet. I am here to help if you need it."

I grinned. "I know you will always be there if I need you."

He tapped me on the nose, "Without a doubt."

I laughed at his words repeated from our first date. I looked at Bucky who had been watching us. 

"Ok Bionic Man, close your eyes and see inside my head."

He closed his eyes, and I felt the weight of him in my mind. He had a different taste than Loki and I was happy that I would be able to tell them apart by their presence. 

"Do you see my wall? All brick?"


"And do you see my door? Well... doors? There is one for you now."


"Now build your own. The doors are our private way to communicate yet keep the rest of the world out. Also, if you want to keep us out, you just close the door."

I watched as he concentrated and built his walls. They were good and sturdy, and I was happy to see he built a door for Loki too.

"Ok Buck. Now that you have the walls and doors, I'm going to actively go into your mind." I felt his spike of worry. "I know we have secrets so I'm not reading, just being there for you to get used to me."

He nodded and I gracefully stepped through my door. I felt Loki nod in approval. I had learned my lessons from Wanda well.

"You feel how you taste, Doll."

I giggled again and this time I knew he felt my joy. "Funny, taste is how I describe Loki too. Although, I'm sure you will have a different way to distinguish Loki since I'm pretty sure you don't really want to know what he tastes like."

"That is a definite no for both of us, my pet. Barnes, I am now going to walk through my door so to speak. I need you to be able to identify me should we ever need to communicate fast."

I saw Bucky brace himself and I felt Loki come through his door. 

"It's funny, you have a smell. It's the smell of winter, of the first snowfall." He opened his eyes and looked at Loki.

Loki nodded. "I have heard myself described as such before. It is my Frost Giant nature. Now, I know what Ariane... tastes like in my head. Yes pet, for me you are a taste. Barnes, I need you to look and see my wall and come through your door. Love, you may have to lead him."

I nodded and mentally grabbed Bucky's hand and showed him how to step into my door so he knew how to do it. I already knew he was the same as how he tasted. 

"Mmmm you both are how you taste. My two favorite flavors now."

I felt the happiness my statement brought to both men. It was different, feeling the undercurrent of emotions from both of them. I let go of Bucky's hand and felt him walk through his door in Loki's wall. 

"Interesting. You have a taste for me, Barnes. You taste of Scotch."

Bucky laughed and withdrew from both of us. "I can live with that."

I grinned up at Loki and sent a thought to just him. His answering mischievous grin was all the permission I needed. I leaned over and kissed Bucky, licking across his lips and the inside his mouth. I pulled back and breathed two words. "Brace yourself."

"For what, Doll?"

"This." I took his cock in my hand and started to stroke him, sending him a mirror image of what I was doing. Loki and I both knew what he was feeling as we had already done this.

"Oh god..." His breath shuddered out. "What... how are you doing that? It's like I can feel it twice."

"It's the link she shares with us. It amplifies what we feel. It can be quite... extraordinary."

Bucky was hard as iron in my hand, and I leaned forward and licked across his tip. He shivered and then cried out as I sucked him in deep, both physically and mentally. After a few moments I stopped and looked up at my guys. It was no surprise that Loki was hard as well. It really seemed to get him going watching me with Bucky. 

"Can you two indulge me in another fantasy? Please?" I mentally laughed at myself. I did an awful lot of begging lately. Not my usual style. Hmm, I made a fair point to myself. I decided to do something more my style. 

"Actually, scratch that. You don't have a choice. Now you can either follow willingly or I can grab you by your dick and lead you that way. What's it to be? The easy way or the hard way?

They looked at each other and then back at me. Loki's face held an edge of danger and Bucky looked amused. 

"No need for that Doll. I'll come willingly."

"Hm, I don't think I shall. I'm not one to follow orders." He stood and leaned against the wall, crossed his ankles, and folded his arms. He smirked at me.

"Oh, so that's the way you want to play it. Ok tough guy."