
When A Mage Revolts

Kubei was just an ordinary pencil and button pusher working a day job, hating his boss and making horrible speeches when one day he fell asleep after pushing an all-nighter. When he woke up, he was bound to a chair, facing three creepy robed women and in a body way too young and way too weak to be his own. As he slowly came to, he realized that he was no longer in the same universe as he was before. He had teleported to the Kingdom of Helius, where an all-powerful church rules its lands and wages war against the elusive group known only as Mages. Armed with an incredibly cocky neural interface that just won’t shut up and his own sheer wit, our MC will find himself not just fighting to survive, but maybe even something bigger than himself.

Yin Si · Fantaisie
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942 Chs

The Tree of Time

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Yup, it’s a gingko," the System answered.

"Why did you say that you did not recognize this leaf? Is there something wrong with you?" Benjamin almost shouted angrily at the System.

"‘Gingko’ is the name of the leaf where you are from. I don’t know what is its name in this present world," the System replied seriously. "According to Benjamin’s memories, he never came across this leaf, that I’m sure."

Benjamin paused, immediately realizing how difficult this could be.

Gingko was commonly found in his world of origin. Gingko plants populated the floor level of the house he used to live in. The leaves would often scatter on the ground. He even picked up a particularly pretty one to use as a bookmark. All in all, he would not consider gingko unique and unusual.

When he saw that the medium of his curse was a gingko, he was quite delighted. Fire spell, and a gingko? Would this mean that he could easily break Michelle’s curse?