
A New Friend

Shin would just stare at the blonde boy taken a back to the act of kindness he never would expect in a place like this.

"Do you talk by any chance or are you a mute ?" Eugene saying jokingly.

"Oh- hi I'm Shin" He would say but wouldn't take his hand because it was sensitive from the branding.

"Well nice to meet you shin, I wish we could've met under better circumstances but have to make do with what we got. Eugene would vent sitting down next to Shin. So what did you do to get you here, I'll go first since you're not much of a speaker I got caught stealing." Stated Eugene his attention now on Shin

"Well, I don't really know I don't remember anything expect for how I got here." Shin would respond having a very conflicted and confused look on his face.

"Well that's okay because this is perfect timing for you to come here , glad to have some company been getting bored with all these old people." Eugene would jest letting out a laugh and slapping his company's back.

"Is this you're first time in jail ?" Shin would ask.

"Sadly you're friend Eugene here had many run ins with the law here, but some other friends helped him get out. Eugene would exclaim ready to change the subject. So Shin how do you know you're name is Shin if you don't remember anything else ?" Eugene would ask

"Well to be honest, I don't I just remember that name it's the only memory other then today that is clear." Shin would respond

"Hmmmmmm, tough break for you but at least you remember that because name is an Important part of a persons Identity." Eugene would utter.

"Yeah good thing I could remember that." Shin would utter back.

"But just to say if you didn't remember you're name I could always name you Eugene the second since it has a nice ring to it." Eugene would pun.

"Maybe it would be a nice name." Shin would laugh. Before the conversation could continue a guard would open the cell gate and walk in with a clipboard.

"Alright, if I call you're name you are being let free for either it being you're first offense or small crime or you being bailed out. The guard would state as the whole cell stared wishing their naked was called. "Those that will be free is Richard, Ayla, Eugene and Shin. If you're name wasn't called you may be freed another time, or be here forever and don't try to act as someone else, we know how all of y'all look like." Eugene and Shin would stand up as so did the two other people.

"Welp it seems we are free, isn't that good luck we don't have to be shut in the hell hole." Eugene would exclaim walking towards the gate and be escorted to the general population. The flash of light would make Eugene and Shin cover their eyes since the jail cell was pretty dim. Shin would look around and see a bustling city with many carriages and many types of different things spices, weapons, jewelry, even other people, he would be amazed since this is his first experience that his memories allows.

"Welcome to the city of Graywharf aka capital city of Farelund. Eugene would say as he raised his hands showing the city. Let's hurry we don't want to be stuck in this traffic of carriages and humans and I have a place to stay."

"What is the place ?" Shin would ask.

"My home and where my family is the orphanage" Eugene would replay as he started to jog with pace.

To be continued...…