
The Start of The Journey

Shin would open his eyes and see a stone ceiling with some water leaking through the cracks. He took his time collecting his thoughts, remembering the confrontation with the guards of the city. When he got up he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He gazed down to see his body was all wrapped up in bandages. Shin sat up but hunched over a little, so as to ease the pain a bit, and looked at his surroundings; he was in a small jail cell, with a hay bed, a hole in the corner, and a small table with a bowl of water on it. He sat down for a while just staring into space, when he heard a knock. A group of guards would walked in, getting in a line at the sides of the doorway as a man dressed in navy blue walked in with both of his arms behind his back. The man stared at Shin before waving his hands at one of the guards, motioning him to grab Shin and slam him on the floor, pinning him. Shin would let out a scream in pain as the man in blue squatted down, grabbing Shin by his hair and staring him down with a dark scowl.

"Glad to see you're awake, Mister Red Demon. What brought you all the way to the capital city of Farelund?" The man in blue said with an evil smirk on his face. Shin stared into his eyes, not knowing what's going on. Finally, he would manage to muster up some courage to talk to the man 

"Where am I, Who are you, and Who am I ?," Shin said.

"Hmmmm, is this what they teach you in the Shadow Kingdom; to act stupid? Well it won't fool me," The man Replied.

"What Shadow Kingdom? I don't know what that is.," Shin said. 

The Man and Shin maintained eye contact for a couple seconds longer.

"It seems he is telling the truth. It doesn't seem to be useful at all send him to the slave dungeon" the man said.

He let go of Shin's head and got up, waving his hand again, this time motioning another guard to lift him up and carry him out of the room. As Shin started to lose consciousness, he made out screams echoing down the hallway. The next time he regained consciousness, he would feel the scorching heat of a flame. Shin opened his eyes immediately, hearing screams. Shin understood the source of the screams. People were being branded, Shin's eyes widened, as he did not believe what was going on around him, but also at the same time, it felt familiar. But before he could collect his thoughts, The Guards would bring him towards a burning flame. A Man would get a hot metal rod and signal the Guards to force his hands open. The Man would place down the heated metal, making a sizzle sound as it came into contact with Shin's hand. They quickly put it into water and wrap it with dirty bandages, and he would be thrown into a new cell filled to the brim with people. He gazed around seeing many different people,causing him to feel intimidated. It caught him by surprise when a boy with blonde hair reached his hand out to Shin smiling. 

"Hi there, my name is Eugene. What's yours?" The Boy said.

To Be Continued...