
Chapter 2.

at the German airport.

i was supposed to be met by girl named Jenna who i found out that was my roommate and guide. moment i arrived i was looking everywhere for her...i was kinda nervous because it was first time i was alone in big country...after scanning the whole place i saw her holding big paper with my name written on it. she welcomed me with big smile, she had curly hair, big lips and beautiful face, she was pretty..

"oh my god hii, you must be Aria, im Jenna Smith, it's so nice to meet you" she shaked my hand and introduced herself..

"Nice to meet you too, i'm Aria"

"giirl your even prettier in real life" i smiled.

"aww thank you, your so sweet "

her appearance was screaming 'I am very sweet person' and I really liked that.

"i like your top"


i was wearing black crop top with low waisted baggy jeans and short leather jacket on... i liked showing my body...i mean why not.

"Are you ready to go?"


"Soo do you like in here?"

"I don't really know yet...i just arrived"

"Oh yeah of course... trust me you will be amazed"

"Hopefully "

"you got your luggage?"

"yes but my assistants will take care of that"

"oh assistant? "

"Yes , my dad made me bring them "

"Okay let's go then, there's so many things you'll love in Germany"

she seemed nice maybe Germany was not as bad as i thought...but i haven't seen half of it yet.

she was my guide whole time and we were talking non stop in the car on our way to school to meet principal and choose a room. we soon got along very well, she loved clothes, partys, makeup, shopping and we had many things in common.i feel like she will be good friend, i just arrived and already found friend..wow that's something, Germany was HUGE there was so many beautiful things, facilities to see but we were in a rush and she promised me she would show me around later... I was also surprised because even though I was in Germany many talked English there... I thought I wouldn't understand half of what were people talking about... but thanks God it was not like that...

we finally arrived at school and it was enormous, it was like a castle... it was built with reddish bricks. it had many windows it had garden. it was just amazing. My school was not that big in Chicago...

"what is this place, Hogwarts?"i joked and jenna started laughing. i didn't even know why was it so funny...

"Yeah kind of, you may get lost here" she said when she finally calmed down.

"May? I will get lost here" i scofed and she laughed.

She led me in and we went inside to look for our room.

as we entered big hall i saw students looking at me weirdly. Some whlere giving me dirty looks and some were whispering some things in each others ears...i felt weird..did i do something?

"Do i have something on my face?" I asked jenna.

"No why?"

"i don't know people are giving me weird looks"

"oh it's fine just ignore it, we just haven't had new students for a while now"

"Why not?"

"This school is expensive and some students here are not that pleasant "

"What do you mean?"

"Some students here literally rule the whole place...they bully people, rob them...and they are dangerous so people are not taking that risk"


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you on your first day..."

"It's okay..."

"Just be careful okay..."

"Yeah of course "

"Oh and ignore that looks, they are probably jelous... you're beautiful "

"Oh it's ok i guess, thank you"

Suddenly someone called her name and she turned around to face some girls.

"hey uhm i need to go now i have something to do, our room number is 217 don't forget, go now and i'll meet you there it 20 minutes"

jenna suddenly said and ran towards them...

"Hey wait this place is whole fucking maze i will get lost here!!," I shouted.

"you won't, just goo!"she yelled back. i didn't even know what emergency situation she had that made her leave me alone in this big ass building but whatever i could find room by myself...i hope.

I don't even know anyone here to ask them... it's okay i can do it.

I've been walking in corridor for past 30 minutes and i finally found room 216, and next to that it was room with no number so i thought that must be room 217. It was open. that's weird. so i walked inside and i found some guy sitting on couch watching TV with his friends. what the fuck was going on...

"Uhm excuse me!!"

i said loudly and tall guy noticed me and stood up. He was tall, he had a blonde hair, and eyebrow piercing an was wearing black shirt with 'ALKATRAZ PSHCYO' printed on it...

"you need help?"he told me mockingly.

"i was sent to room 217 and why are you here? "i responded.

"Why are YOU here"

"it's my room?"

"you're mistaken sweetheart, this room has no number because it was specifically prepared for us, the room your looking for is right next to you." he told me and pointed to the room next to me. I was so embarrassed like how did I not notice the room next to me.

"specifically prepared for you? what are you guys some kind of celebrities?"

"ooh got some attitude i see" he smirked.

"whatever, thanks for showing me my room"


i left as quickly as possible. i was so embarrassed,how didn't i see numer 217 next to me. god dammit...

"Hey waiit what is your name?" he shouted but i was already in my room, so i didn't hear him.

i slammed the door behind me and and looked around. the room was so beautiful. it was dark little small, bed with black fluffy blanket in the corner, big wardrobe with mirror next to it. It was another room and big bathroom...there was red carpet. and drawings on the wall. it looked comfy I like it....

I jumped on bed, packed out my stuff, and took a nap but i was soon woken up by my phone buzzing...it was my dad. i picked it up.


"Aria have you arrived?"

"yes i just packed out my stuff"

"that's good, your gonna start your mission from tomorrow"

"tomorrow? Isn't it too early? first i need to get use to environment here dad, it will be haard, pleaase"

"Aria we don't have time "

"We haave...i need time "

"Fine, you have two weeks"

"and yeah i almost forgot i will send you your motorcycle and some other things you'll need, they will be there next week"

"thanks dad, i gotta go i'll call you later"

call ended

yess i will at least have my motorcycle, something to have fun with. i was looking at my phone when i heard knocking on my door.

"Arie it's me jenna, can you open the door"

"On my way"

i opened the door and i saw her sweating she must have been running.

"Why are you soaking wet? were you running?"i asked her.

"yeah i was in a rush, oh can i call you Arie?" she stepped inside quickly.

"Of course"

"where were you by the way, it was not 20 minutes"

"i know im sorry, i was just sorting something out"

"what exactly?"

she came in and sat down on the bed.

"finee there is one party today we are welcoming our new students and you must come"

"i don't know Jen I'm tired from flight and traveling and it's my first day here maybe next time?"

"Noo no no no party is only today and we need you to come, i will introduce my friends to you and you guys will get along, there will be DJ, dancing, little alcohol,bar and so many fun things pleaaase" she was begging me with puppy eyes how could i say no.



"fineee them i'll come".

"YEEESS" she screamd and hugged me.

"You have anything to wear? i can borrow you if you want". she suggested.

"no thank you i have many clothes, when is the party by the way?".

"today, it starts at 9:00 pm, we can go together if you want"

"Sure why not"

"Oh and i have something to tell you" jenna told me with sad face.

"What is it"

"We wont be roommates" she said sadly.

"what? why not?".

"principal decided that it would be better if students had their own rooms because two people would cause big mess" she said.

"what? that's such a bullshit but it's ok it is what it is"

"ok now show me what you're wearing tonight ".

later that evening:

"Arii put it on already it's 8:30 we will be late, i want to see the dress" she said annoyed.

"be patient, im almost done, aaand done" i told her to turn around.

i was wearing tight short red silk dress with beautiful sparkly heels, my hair was straight and i had little makeup on. eyeliner and red lipstick...

"Arii wtf you look amaziiing"she said amazed, she took her phone out and started taking photos of me.

"stop, come oon, you dont look bad yourself too, look at youu"

she also looked really pretty. she was wearing black dress with a stripes.

"okay it's time to go we don't want to be late don't we?"

she said standing up and she took her purse.

"we don't, let's go"

"But we'll have to leave soon…we have school tomorrow"

"Yes but not that soon"


"Not that soon"


"Noo....we may find some hot duudes"

"I'm not going to hook up with some guys... I'm coming because i want my first day in Germany to be memorable"

"Oh my god fiinee"

"Let's go "

I loved parties so... hell yeah I was going to have fun tonight...