
Chapter 1.

They say life is unpredictable, you'll never know what will happen to you... sometimes things have to go very wrong before it can be right...but what exactly is the "wrong" ... how many wrong things can heart handle before it gets better, and in what condition will heart be after all that...it is hard, but not impossible...we have to create our own fairytale...well at least try.

Hi I'm Aria Presley, just so you to know how I look. I am tall I am skinny,I have small waist, long slim legs, black long hair butt length, full lips, very little freckles, long eyelashes,big almond eyes, small button nose, sweet but also mean look... well I was really insecure as child so when I turned 15 I started to work on my appearance. and I took that very seriously. so now everything I have and how I look like I'm really happy by that. it's from my hard work I was working out taking care of myself and thanks God that I got better...

I'm living with my dad John Presley and my mom Ashley. I also have a brother ,older brother Cole Presley. he was a sent in New York to study because he didn't want to join my dad's business...

I like motorcycles like so much. I feel like it's my only way of escaping reality... anyways we will know more and more about me soon...

to not talk much this is how my story just started...my life was going well in Chicago but I didn't know that my dad's 'normal' meeting would change my entire life forever...

6:00 in the morning...

*ring bell

"It's time to wake up Mrs Presley, your gonna miss the family meeting" said old man with big smile. his name was martin and he had been servant in Presley's house for over 15 years....

"W-what meeting?"i said with sleepy eyes got up slowly stretching my arms.

"FUCK, fuck, fuck i almost forgot"

i quickly jumped out of my bed, put my clothes on, got ready and ran downstairs to see my family waiting for me in big dining room, they were sitting at big table with neatly prepared food and servant took me to my seat. they looked furious especially my dad...

"Im so sorry i overslept, i was learning for my test whole night"i said.

"How many times do i have to tell you that every meeting we have is important and you're just ruining everything with your stupidness, dont let this happen again, understood?" said father angrily.

"im sorry,it won't happen again " i said with my head down and tried hide my fury and sadness, why couldn't he just understand that i was super tired last night.

my father and i never had good relationship...he was aggressive, fierce, he misunderstood everything and..he was abusive and controlling,but he wasn't always like this...one time when i was in 6th grade i heard him screaming at my mother next room,i didn't even know why.i still remember his screaming...that voices are still living deeply in my consciousness and they will never leave me...


"Joohn-stoop please it huurts-pleaaase, i promise i won't happen again it was just mistake,calm down pleaase!!"

"you should have kept your mouth shut you bitch"

i walked in the room with my pink little pijamas and i was holding my teddy bear i didn't know what i was doing. so walked in the room and saw my dad screaming at my mom.

"dad? why did you scream at mom?and why is she crying?"i said with tears in my eyes not knowing what to do.

little girl who was terrified inside. I couldn't do anything but to obey I was scared of my dad mom was too but we couldn't do anything. my mom tried to leave him couple of times, but it didn't work. he had the money and he was just not letting us go. so we had to live like this. now imagine the situation little girls standing in the room watching her parents argue and scream at each other. and you can't do anything to just stand there and stare and be terrified inside...

"come here Aria"

said my father with calm voice but i was still afraid, i didn't move.

"I SAID COME HEREE" he screamed at me and i walked up to him shaking...

"be a good girl and have obedience so you won't end up like your mother understood?"

"Y-yes f-father"i responded with shaking voice. this violence and screaming continued every day i was crying in my room silently every night, it continued for days, weeks,months..years..my mother couldn't say anything and i was so mad....I was just 9.

end of flashback

soo yeah i had awful childhood but i had no choice and my father became more calm and restrained over years, we started getting along so i had to deal with my crazy family but i would never forget of what he have done. I thought I could but that's impossible...

back to the meeting

i sat at the table, it was awkward silence but then my father started talking...

"your going to Germany Aria". my jaw dropped.

"WHAT?" i almost choked on my food.

"something happened,my business is failing, most of our money was stolen from our bank account. I received death threats they found our family and I'm concerned,I need your help, it's time"

"Wait wait... I don't understand, who is send death threats "

" it's Vendetta, i don't know how did they found us or what did we do, but they are after us"

my pov:

"Vendetta Gang? really? Why them? father has big business he sells cars,apartments ,buildings and many things like that, he also has communication with important he has many business partners. my father forced me to join his company and we were working on some things together because he needed someone to control the business after him so I didn't have much choice I had to agree ,that's why I know so many secrets and he's always telling me things like that, about Vendetta they are biggest criminal gang in the world, they are from German I've heard so many bad things about them: the kidnapped people they stole money from Banks they've killed people and so so many bad things, I have never seen them, their identity is always hidden and somehow they managed to do their job so smooth that nobody can catch them police has been trying to catch them over 5 years now without any success.Their name means 'danger'. I've never seen so professional and dangerous people before...what did they wanted from our company, and what do they want from my family? couldn't it be some random gang? NO god had to do me a favour and destroy my life...

"You will enrol into their high school and find them there-"

Before my boss/dad could say anymore, I cut him off.

"Woah, woah wait a second....They're just a bunch of teenagers?!" I gap my mouth open in shock.

My dad furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes. They are 7 teenagers and will be in the same year as you."

I nearly burst out laughing but I also nearly have a panic attack...

"You've got to be kidding me. 7 teenagers are running a huge-ass mafia gang!"

"yes and they are not alone they have bodyguards they have very big security system and they are much stronger than they were years ago"

"okay but what do they want from our family and why are they sending you death threats what is happening..."

"I I don't know much but you have to go our family needs your help Aria."

"but John you're going to send your daughter to another country that's not good, I don't know how I feel about this I'm a little concerned and terrified"

"first of all she's going to be fine and second of all it is none of your business"

my mom didn't say anything after that but I could see she was worried I was too... by this sudden information..

"ok but how can i go to Germany? at this time? it's almost summer and i had my whole weekend planned, it was just so sudden" i said angrily but my father just didn't listen.

"you have to go there, find their identities and then take everything from them what's possible, you have to find them and send information about them to mee, also you have to go in a few missions because they're planning so many things. bad things I already have one agent send there in their group and thankfully they don't know anything about it" pffhh i sighed in disbelief.i couldn't believe it.



"you know what to do..."

oh no i knew what these sentence meant..

later that night:

'you know what to do ' this sentence meant that it was time to use all my skills that my father taught me. he's been training me whole childhood, this training contained: shooting, knife throwing, boxing,fighing, motorcycle riding,car riding,i knew every types of gun, every types of car, I've been trained and prepared for every type of dangerous situation I've been hurt couple of times... well many times....aaand so on, funny right? not very exciting things that father would teach his child at very young age...but my father was anusual. he was not a normal dad. i ran upstairs to pack my stuff because i was leaving next day. i ran to my room quickly but corridor had no end not gonna lie my house was huge and i was already drained..

I finally managed to my room and find envelope on my bed, i opened it and it was letter from some school...

"What the fuuck, MOOOM" i was shocked what was this shit.

"what is it honeyy" she responded from downstairs.

"Can you come upstairs please"she entered room

"What is this?"i showed her a letter which was on my bed. Wrapped in red paper.

"Oohh thaaat yeah we uhh we kinda sent your documents to school already"

"What? why i thought i would not mix up with people yet "

"it will help you to find Vendetta leader and you will learn and get more education"

"And why is my last name written as Perez? it's uglyy"

"enough it's already decided, and by the way Perez is pretty last name I don't know what you didn't like"

"come oon it's ugly why Perez" i rolled my eyes.

"enough it's already decided, and by the way Perez is pretty last name I don't know what you didn't like"

"come oon it's ugly why Perez" i rolled my eyes.

"enough it's for undercover, nobody should know your real name, now go pack your stuff and then go to Martin.

"Uugghh i have to pack but I'm too lazy and tired,let me at least take a little nap"

"finee but make it quick...Martin is waiting for you in dining room, he will give you list of stuff you'll need there"

"okay mom"

"Aria I'm worried about you I don't think this is a good decision. you've never lived alone, and I'm scared I'm really worried but there's not much we can really do"

"I know mom don't worry I'll be okay"

"I know you will you are my strong girl, I love you"

"I love you too"

my mom Ashley. she was a very emotional person she's the kindest person I've ever seen and I feel so sorry of what happened to her. I feel sorry for her to living with my dad... but if she's safe and okay I'm fine with it...

i was laying on my bed looking at my decorated ceiling with empty head and then quickly i fell asleep.

i loved my room, it was my comfort place, it was so sad that i had to leave it, why did they suddenly decided that i could live in Germany alone, im 17, i've never lived alone, but it's ok it is what it is, i can do it... I've always been careful and I know what to do I can do it...

i soon woke up and start packing...i packed many things as possible not gonna lie i was a little fashionista so i put tons of clothes, my skincare products, my everyday sfuff and many other things. I literally packed whole house...i went down to see Martin waiting for me.

"Hi martin"

"hey little mis"

"my mom told me you were going to give me some list"

"Oh the list i almost forgot,here"

he handed me the list and it was soo many things i had to buy.

i suddenly had sad moment again on thought that i would leave this place and let out loud sigh.

"what's wrong mis?"

"i can't believe I'm leaving, how can i leave this place?" i said with sad face but then Martin started talking.

"listen Aria" old men held my hand and started...

"I've known you for your whole childhood, i was there when you learned how to walk, how to talk, how to draw..and everytime when years passed i was slowly noticing that you liked to do everything by yourself, you wasn't letting anyone come near you cause you wanted to do it independently, I know it's hard to leave place where you grew up and to go and live in Germany alone but i also know how strong you are and i know that you won't disappoint your father, you can do it and i know it" he said with big warm smile.

"aaww thank you Martin, sometimes i think your the only one who truly understands me"

"anytime little mis" i got back to my room and finished my stuff.

that's it,i was ready to leave Chicago..that night i fell asleep looking out of my room window overthinking everything,it was rainy day and i was wondering what would happen when i arrived in Germany...well, we will find that out tomorrow.

in the morning

*ring bell

"Mrs Presley, you have to get ready, your plane will be here at 8:00!!" said Martin with smily face,as always.

i got up with half opened eyes and messed up hair.

"w-why so earlyy?"i said with sleepy voice.

"your father asked me to get you prepared before 8:00"

"Fiineee i'll get up" i jumped out of my bed changed my clothes, did usual morning routine and went down to eat.

"Your food is ready mis" said martin.

"thank you martin, what is it?" i pointed at the bowl full of food.

"it's your favourite yogurt with fruit, some sandwiches and orange juice" he said.

when i was done eating i told martin.

"Your food always amazes me Martin, i will miss your cooking when i'll leave" he gave me a warm smile and hugged me.

"Ookay it's time to leave, go get your mom i will take care of your suitcases"


i found my mom then ran upstairs took one more glance at my room. i sighed took a good look around and left. It was hard leaving a place where i lost many tears, thoughts. where I had many good or bad memories....

everyone was waiting for me in the garden: dad,brother.mom (he visited us for 5 days),grandma, servants...they all hugged me said goodbye and i couldn't help but i teared up, i was leaving place where i grew up, where i had lot's of good or bad memories,i was leaving my friends,my school..my old life. worst thing is that I didn't even get to say goodbye... I I didn't have time

. my dad told me i was supposed to stay there for a while so i couldn't see my family for long time...

I said goodbye to everyone and driver took me to airport and sat near to window in plane, i also had assistants with me, jerry,Austin and Giselle... I thought my dad would send me there alone. I was surprised when he said that I could bring my few assistants....

i was looking outside whole time and listening to music,it was raining and it made everything even more sad,but i was hoping that once i arrive there i would have lot more fun. i promised myself to have the best time i've ever had and not disappoint my dad, actually it was first time i cried, im not completely heartless person but i rarely cry, anyways i played one song on loop and continued daydreaming....who knows what will happen to me when I arrive there... I'm starting a new life...