
Chapter 3.

me and jenna didn't go together because she had some 'important thing to do' as she said, so she would be little late..i arrived at party and it looked fun, there were so many people dancing, drinking, making out, kissing the shit out of each other etc, i decided to get drink. i walked up to the bar and saw handsome barmen. he was muscular and had long hair which was covering his brown eyes.

"Can i have one tequila please"

"Depends on how old are you"

"Oh I'm 18"



"are you new here i've never seen you before". he said with smile.

"Yap im new, is it that noticeable?"

"well yeah, i know everyone here but i saw new face today" he flirted a little.

" okay fine I'm 17 but please it's my first day here"

"You know what i think i can make one exception... drink is on me "


"my name is Nick btw"

"Oh i'm Aria"

"nice to meet you Aria" he smiled.

"this is my first time in Germany and I'm pretty surprised that most of the people speak English"

"yeah it happens like it happened this year especially because we have so many tourists and many people who were American so everyone learned English now"

"that's very good it's actually made my life easier"

"that's very good where do you live by the way"

I looked at him weirdly like almost judging him and he immediately understood what I meant by that look.

" oh right I understand it's weird stranger asking for your address...don't tell me it's okay"

"you're smart"

"when situation requires"

I laughed and I was about to ask him something when I heard someone screaming my name...

"ARIAA ...where were you girl i was looking for you everywhere" i suddenly saw jenna running directly to me, she hugged me so tight i couldn't breathe... she smelled like alcohol..

"Jenna are you drunk?" i asked her not expecting answer because i could see she was wasted.

"noo im sober as fuck"

"Ok you're drunk"

"ok just a little but let me introduce you to my friends first, this is Brian hes very funny guy"

"Hi you must be Aria" said tall guy with pretty hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi yes, nice to meet you"

"aand this is Julianaa" said jenna.

"Hi you can call me julie" said girl with long ginger hair and pretty blue eyes.

"Hey julie"

"I really wanted to meet you Jenna couldn't stop talking about you"

"really what exactly she said"

"he said that you were a very beautiful,cool and she told me when she first saw you she was scared you would eat her"

"what?! oh my God why would she say that"

"typical Jenna"

"listen party just started and she's already drunk I don't think she will last whole night, I think we should take her home she doesn't look good"

"Jenna i have to take you home you're wasted"i told her as Brian was trying to hold her in place.

"Noo i wanna stay heeree" she said mumbling i didn't understand half of what she said... let's kill yourself

"It's ok i can take her" said Brian.

"You can stay here i'll be back soon" said Brian.

"Ok fine i'll wait" i smiled at him he seemed nice.

"NOOO don't you dare have fun without meeee!"

Jenna was still trying her best to stay.

after they left i felt that my heels were hurting my feet and i was sweaty from heat so i went to bathroom to freshen up. i went inside and saw girls gossiping and talking, they didn't see me so i ignored them and went in small cabin to fix my shoes. i could see them and then then i heard one girl talking:

"have you heard about new girl? jt looks like her name is Aria Perez...she just transferred here"

she said it with such a mocking tone.

"Why did principal suddenly decided that she could take new students at this time" second girl said.

"i don't know but i don't like her" said girl fixing her lipgloss.

excuse mee. Girl you don't even know me...

"why though she seems nice"

said other shy girl...looks like it was bunch of gossip girls and their minions...ewww

"im sure she had nose job or something and her butt is also fake, she looks bitchy"

*my nose is perfect because of genetics you whore, but yeah i am bitchy* i thought smiling.

"No don't say that Mia, you don't know if she's bad person"

"Fuck yeah she iis, have you not seen her face when she walked into school? she looked like she owned the place, huh, who the fuck this bitch thinks she is"

"why does it sounds like your jealous"

finally someone who says truth...

what was her problem? i had sudden urge to go up there and bit shit out of her i almost did it though but suddenly stopped because i remembered i shouldn't cause any trouble at my first day. i got suspended from couple of school's in Chicago because of my short temper but this time i managed to control myself....well yet.

"anyways, i gotta go girls and don't forget to get ready for todayy" said that girl Mia and left.

i took a quick glance...that girl Mia was blonde. she had hella freckles. she was little short and curvy. she had this bitchy expression...

"what's happening today" girl asked who defended me from Mias assaults earlier.

"you'll see just follow us" second girl responded.

they finally left bathroom so i could finish my job. i was looking in the mirror and talking to myself.

"i just arrived here and someone already hates me, that's funny, what did i even do? what is this people... but who tf cares"

i finished fixing my shoes and went to look for Brian and Julie i wondered if they arrived already and i saw Brian talking to that barmen. i walked to them and started conversation.

"heyy Brian how is jenna"

"oh yeah i left her home and her sister will take care of her"

"Oh that's good, how was she already drunk? i didn't even knew if she was here earlier than me anyways."

"Once she takes one sip of alcohol it's impossible to stop her, she took one shot before party started and continued here" i laughed out loud..

"you're a good friend i see" i told brian .

"Yeahh trying my best" he smiled.

"Does pretty lady want tequila again?" Nick suggested.

"sure why not" i smiled at him as he gave me..

Brian looked at him weirdly and turned to me again"

"Soo where are you from?" said Brian.

"im from Chicago, i grew up there but i had to move to Germany for....several reasons, how about you?"

"im from New York i grew up there and i moved to Germany...for several reasons" he said mockingly imitating my expression. he was a funny guy.

Suddenly we heard fighting noises from little stage part and when we looked we saw men flying over and other was jumping on him....some men were fighting over fucking beer bottle.

"Ignore it it happens almost everytime here" Brian told me as we drank tequila together.

"Cheers to my new friend Aria Perez who's from Chicago and moved to Germany for several reasons" and he drank it in no time. he was funny i actually liked spending time with him...

"and cheers to my new friend Brian who thinks he's funny" i joked and also drank it in no time, Brian laughed.

"who's party is this anyways?" i wondered.

"You kidding?"


"almost every party which is held in Berlin is by Harrmann twins" he said.

"Harrmann twins?" now who were those.

"Yes, Theodore and Andrew Herrmann's, they basically own the town, they are from rich family and they also have rock band 'Maxsin' there are other members too... thanks god only Andrew is here"

*Harrmann? why is this name so familiar? or I'm just tripping, nevermind*

i thought as i was listening to Brian.

"what do you mean 'thanks god' "

"Theodore...well uh.. he's very tough guy"

"what do you mean?"

"ohh he loves being violent and dominant"


"Yeah... he's rich spoiled brat, it's annoying.."

"What is annoying "

"Rich people controlling everything and thinking they are gods"

"I agree"

We are rich...but my dad is controlling..

he said as i felt so uncomfortable by my dress..

"Hey can you hold my glass i will go change my dress it's too tight for me to dance" i told Brian as i started walking to bathroom but suddenly someone bumped at me and spilled all his drink on me...great.

"heyy can you watch where your going?" i told guy angrily but then i took closer look and it was guy from no number room.

"well, well, well we meet again" said yellow guy.(i call him yellow guy cause i don't know his name)

"yes and you spilled whole ass drink on me yellow boy"

"im sorry i didn't mean to but... yellow boy? "

"yeah...you are yellow"

"is that supposed to be assault?'

"whatever "

"my name is Andrew, Andrew Harrmann"

*Andrew??? He's Andrew Harrmann? Oh my god* i thought as i looked at him in shock.

"Andrew Harrman as, Andrew Andrew Harrmann?"

"yes Andrew Andrew Harrmann, i didn't catch your name though"

"i didn't throw it but Im Aria, Aria presl--Perez...Aria Perez"

"well nice to meet you Aria, what brings you here?"

"I'm here with my friend to celebrate my arrival, she resisted"

"Oh so it's your first day in Germany"

"Yeah it is"

Suddenly someone called his name as he looked away and turned to me again.

"i gotta go i have something to do, see you around Aria... it was nice meeting you"


he said and left. he was not that rude actually, he was just funny,he at least apologized, but wait if he was from rich family and whole city knew him that means that he might know something about Vendetta...he might.

30 minutes later:

I changed my clothes into something more comfortable, i brought extra clothes because I knew I would get uncomfortable soon .i was going to leave soon anyways.

me and juliana were dancing together. She was fun and we get along very well. She was obsessed with cars races and Harrmann twins...she couldn't stop talking about them. but i soon get tired and decided to leave.

"julie i want to leave you coming?"

"yeah sure let me just grab my bag"

"Ok i'll wait"

while i was waiting for Julie i saw Brian who was apparently leaving too and i went to him.

"hey Brian you're leaving too?"

"yes i am, i can take you home if you want "

"oh that's not necessary, but thank you, I'm waiting for Julie and we'll go together"

"okay as you wish"

one girl came up to Brian and started talking about something and i accidentally overheard their conversation.

"you coming for race after party baby?" said girl flirting with him.

"of course i am, when do i ever miss those things" said Brian.

"Great see you there" she winked at him and left. i actually heard about that race couple of times today and i got interested.

meanwhile Julie found her bag and we decided to leave but then i asked her.

"what race is everyone talking about?"

"ohh it's motorcycle race and it's happening every Saturday after party, but only certain people can go,not everyone is allowed, i really want to g

o but...we can't" she said.

certain people? what does that mean. I actually love races. Especially motorcycles so i really wanted to see it..

"We are not going home julie, i have other plans"

"Oh no don't tell me you're going to the race"

"yes i am"