
Vesryn Pulse Remastered

In a time long past, the human race emerged triumphant over the dragons, sealing their majestic beings into mortal bodies known as dragonoids. Unfortunately, this victory led to the subjugation of the dragonoids by their human counterparts, who harnessed their powers as military weapons through the ominous Vesryn Pulse. Amidst this bleak reality, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Arcadia, a daring guerilla group led by the charismatic Estoff Wraith, striving to liberate the dragonoids and put an end to humanity's cruel exploitation. Within this tumultuous backdrop, the intertwining destinies of two individuals would shape the course of events. Amphere Harrison, accompanied by his loyal dragonoid partner, Airelina Frembell, found himself thrust into the Dragon Knight Academy. Unwillingly thrust into the resistance against the oppressive government, Amphere must harness his newfound dragonoid abilities and emerge victorious in the treacherous Dragon Knights Tournament, all in hopes of earning the favor of the princess. This, they believe, will serve as a crucial first step towards granting the dragonoids the freedom they so desperately deserve. Vesryn Pulse weaves a gripping tale of action and intrigue, centering around a young man unwittingly caught in the clutches of a brutal war. Possessing incredible skills and abilities, he becomes a catalyst for uncovering the dark secrets shrouding the government, Arcadia, and the enigmatic Vesryn Pulse. However, in his relentless pursuit of truth, he will soon discover that the price of enlightenment is far greater than he ever could have fathomed.

ArchlordZero · Fantaisie
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109 Chs

Chapter 13: Elimination Round

Amphere Harrison

The atmosphere in the main hall of the castle was electrifying as the first day of the Dragon Knight's Tournament commenced. Two hundred and forty-three dragon knights, each accompanied by their majestic dragonoids, stood in a grand display of strength and determination. The hall buzzed with anticipation, a palpable energy that crackled in the air.

As my gaze swept across the sea of participants, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer talent and prowess that radiated from their very beings. Every posture, every subtle movement exuded a sense of power and skill. These were no ordinary knights; they were formidable opponents, each vying for the ultimate victory that would secure the passage of the bill we fought so hard for.

Taking my place in the line, my heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nerves. I knew the challenges that awaited me, the battles that lay ahead, and the sacrifices that had led me to this moment. This tournament was more than just a test of physical strength; it was a test of strategy, resilience, and sheer willpower.

My attention shifted to the stage, adorned with thirteen seats that commanded respect. The central seat, akin to a resplendent golden throne, exuded an aura of authority and significance. It was meant for the princess, a vision of elegance and youth, with her flowing blonde locks and piercing blue eyes. Clad in a delicate white gown that seemed to blend seamlessly with her ethereal presence, she wore a golden crown that shimmered and danced with every glimmer of light from the chandeliers above. Even from my place in the line, I could sense her regal poise and the air of innocence that surrounded her.

The twelve seats flanking the throne belonged to the revered Generals, the pinnacle of military leadership within the empire. Dressed in their distinguished blue military tuxedos, they emanated authority and command. Their presence added a sense of gravity to the proceedings, a reminder of the stakes involved and the honor bestowed upon the victor.

As the speeches of the tournament supervisors began, the hall grew hushed, anticipation hanging in the air like a charged current. It was time to prove our worth, to unleash the full potential of our bond with our dragonoids and face the trials that awaited us. The journey would be arduous, but with the princess's gaze upon us, I felt a renewed determination to prevail and secure a brighter future for all.

I turned my gaze towards Airi, noticing the slight tension in her expression, as if she were deliberately making eye contact with someone. Intrigued by her behavior, I followed her line of sight, my eyes scanning the crowd until they settled on a figure that commanded attention.

There he stood, on the grand stage bathed in the glow of the spotlight. General Kyle Leviticus, a legendary figure whose reputation preceded him. Clad in a resplendent military uniform, adorned with intricate gold accents and regal insignias, he exuded an aura of authority and charisma that captivated all who beheld him.

His piercing, icy gaze remained fixed upon us, unyielding and unchanged even after the passage of two and a half years. Time had not softened the intensity in his eyes; if anything, it seemed to have ignited a fire within him, making his presence all the more formidable. The lengthening of his hair only added to his enigmatic allure, lending an air of untamed strength to his already commanding figure.

As I locked eyes with General Kyle Leviticus, a surge of emotions coursed through my veins. Anger, fueled by the memories of the past and the injustice he had inflicted upon Richard, simmered within me. I tightened my grip, my knuckles turning white as a silent declaration formed in my mind. I would not let him escape the consequences of his actions. He would pay for the pain he had caused.

Our intense stare-down created an electric tension, the air crackling with unspoken animosity and unresolved grievances. It was a battle of wills, a clash of determined spirits. In that moment, I vowed to myself that I would not back down, that I would make him understand the weight of his transgressions.

However, our confrontation was abruptly interrupted as the emcee's voice boomed loudly through the speakers, commanding our attention. The emcee's words sliced through the charged atmosphere, momentarily diverting our focus from the personal vendetta that simmered between us.

The emcee's voice resonated throughout the grand hall, captivating the attention of all present. His words dripped with enthusiasm and anticipation, filling the space with an electric energy.

"Good morning, esteemed Dragon Knights of the Academy!" he exclaimed, his voice carrying a contagious enthusiasm. "Welcome to the illustrious Dragon Knight's Tournament, a stage where legends are born and destinies are shaped! Today marks the beginning of your journey towards claiming the coveted title of the Princess' Knight, the one who shall wield the highest military authority in our vast empire."

As he spoke, the emcee's gestures animated the air, emphasizing the significance of the moment. The hall buzzed with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation, the atmosphere charged with a palpable sense of opportunity and challenge.

"Behold, brave competitors, for the tournament shall unfold in two captivating phases," the emcee continued, his voice carrying a hint of mystery. "First, the crucible of elimination awaits you. This very day shall see the forging of heroes as you venture into the depths of the Ancient Forest, a realm teeming with untamed beauty and formidable adversaries."

His words painted vivid images in the minds of the assembled Dragon Knights, conjuring visions of lush greenery, towering trees, and the unknown lurking within. The mention of the Ancient Forest evoked a mixture of awe and trepidation, igniting a flicker of determination in the eyes of the participants.

"Prepare yourselves, for the path to glory is not an easy one," the emcee proclaimed, his voice rising with conviction. "In this elimination phase, only the strongest, the most skilled, and the most resilient shall emerge victorious. Brace yourselves for the challenges that lie ahead, for within those trials, you shall uncover the depths of your own potential."

His words hung in the air, the weight of their significance sinking in. The Dragon Knights exchanged determined glances, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the Ancient Forest. The emcee's briefing had set the stage, fueling their spirits with the promise of honor, glory, and the chance to shape their destinies.

Amidst the buzzing anticipation, a group of dragonoid maids gracefully approached the assembled participants, each holding a gleaming metallic plate in their hands. The plates exuded an air of mystique and purpose, their surfaces polished to a reflective sheen.

As I extended my hand to receive the plate, I felt its cool weight settle in my palm. The intricate engravings and delicate filigree adorned its edges, adding an aura of elegance to its utilitarian purpose. But what caught my attention was the screen embedded in the center, flickering to life with a message that read, "Shield not Equipped."

The emcee continued. "Those metallic plates are called Shield Plates, which absorbs incoming damage to the one wearing it. You have to attach it to your left chest for it to activate."

With a sense of anticipation and a tinge of concern, I pressed the shield plate against my chest, its magnetic properties causing it to firmly attach itself to my armor. The connection was seamless, as if the plate was an extension of my very being, melding with my purpose as a Dragon Knight.

As the plate settled into place, a subtle hum of energy emanated from its surface. I watched in awe as the screen embedded within it underwent a transformation. The previously empty display now illuminated with a bold declaration: "100%." It was a testament to the cutting-edge technology designed to safeguard us in the upcoming battles.

A surge of relief coursed through me, knowing that this innovative shield plate would serve as a formidable defense against potential harm. It represented the culmination of advanced engineering and magical prowess, a testament to the Academy's commitment to protecting its Dragon Knights. With its presence, fatal damage would be thwarted, allowing us to fight with greater confidence.

However, a flicker of concern clouded my excitement as I glanced at Airi, my loyal dragonoid companion. The realization hit me like a sudden gust of wind—this protection was not extended to our faithful allies. The shield plates were designed exclusively for Dragon Knights, leaving our dragonoids vulnerable to harm in the unforgiving arena of the tournament.

A mixture of frustration and worry welled up within me. The bond I shared with Airi ran deep, and the thought of her enduring potential harm without the same level of protection gnawed at my conscience. The tournament, once an exhilarating prospect, now bore the weight of responsibility and the need to ensure her safety.

"The rules are simple. Get your shield reach zero percent during the elimination and you're out of the tournament. Among two hundred and forty-three knights, the last sixty-four dragon knights standing will advance to the next round."

As the realization dawned upon me that the Dragon Knight's Tournament was indeed a free-for-all battle, a surge of mixed emotions coursed through my veins. The concept of engaging in combat with all two hundred and forty-three dragon knights filled the air with an aura of unpredictability and trepidation.

However, a flicker of hope illuminated my thoughts. Though there were no explicit rules prohibiting alliances among the participants, I knew that trust would be a scarce and delicate commodity in this fierce competition. The prospect of forming a reliable partnership, even amidst the chaos and rivalry, became an essential strategy for survival.

My mind immediately gravitated towards Rudolf, a fellow dragon knight whose reputation resonated with strength and honor. His unwavering dedication to the principles of chivalry had earned him the respect and admiration of many within the Academy. If there was someone I could trust amidst this sea of adversaries, it was Rudolf.

"Let the battle begin!"

As the final words of the emcee echoed through the grand hall, an air of anticipation filled the atmosphere. We were promptly escorted to a colossal cargo plane, its metallic exterior glistening under the sun's radiant beams. The vessel stood as a testament to the magnitude of the Dragon Knight's Tournament, ready to transport us to our battleground: the vast expanse of the Ancient Forest.

With each step towards the open doors of the aircraft, a sense of both excitement and trepidation coursed through my veins. As I ascended the stairs, the hum of the engines reverberated in my ears, foreshadowing the impending journey into the unknown. The moment the plane took flight, a rush of exhilaration engulfed me, the force of the ascent pushing me against my seat.

Through the small windows of the aircraft, a breathtaking sight awaited. As we soared above the clouds, a landscape of lush greenery unfurled beneath us. The Ancient Forest, stretching as far as the eye could see, beckoned with its enchanting allure. Towering trees formed an intricate canopy, their branches interwoven like a tapestry of nature's majesty. The verdant hues blended harmoniously, painting a mesmerizing picture that captivated the senses.

As I pressed my face against the cold window pane, a sense of awe washed over me. The vastness of the forest was awe-inspiring, its magnitude stretching across the horizon as far as the eye could behold. Five kilometers in radius, it was a realm untouched by civilization, teeming with secrets and unknown dangers, yet brimming with the promise of adventure.

The plane glided effortlessly through the azure sky, offering us an aerial vantage point of the forest's sheer grandeur. Sunlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting ethereal beams of golden radiance that danced upon the forest floor. The interplay of light and shadow painted a mesmerizing tableau, evoking a sense of mystique and enchantment.

As we descended towards our destination, the anticipation in the cabin became palpable. Conversations hushed, and all eyes were transfixed upon the window, eager to catch a glimpse of the impending battleground. The plane gradually descended, navigating its way through the labyrinthine maze of towering trees.

And then, as if parting a curtain, the forest unveiled itself in all its splendor. The vibrant canopy of emerald hues stretched out beneath us, a patchwork of ancient wisdom and untamed wilderness. The sight was nothing short of breathtaking, the sheer magnitude of the forest's expanse leaving an indelible impression upon my mind.

The cargo plane touched down on a makeshift landing strip, its wheels kissing the ground with a gentle thud. With a collective exhalation, we disembarked, stepping onto the forest floor that awaited our presence. The air was thick with anticipation, the scent of earth and foliage mingling with the palpable energy of the participants.

As I took my first steps into the Ancient Forest, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins. The hypnotic beauty that had captivated me from the plane window now surrounded me, enveloping me in its embrace. I knew that within this enchanting realm, challenges awaited, alliances would be tested, and the echoes of victory would reverberate amidst the towering trees.

"Five minutes before discharge!" The captain said through the radio of the plane.

"Airi…" I muttered, covering my mouth with my hand. "I have a question, but it doesn't have to do with anything…"

"Say it." She smiled at me.

"…Just what is the Crimson Dragonfly?"

"…" Airi made a long silence. She hid her facial expression by bowing and staring her feet.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. " I added. It is a trivial matter, and I don't expect her to say everything to me. I wanted to test her loyalty and credibility.

"…It's nothing for you to be concerned off… I totally promise!" Airi gave off a fake smile.

"Thirty seconds before discharge!" The radio said.

With determination in my heart, I resolved to lift the weight of the somber atmosphere that hung between Airi and me. Realizing the need to divert our attention from the troubling matters at hand, I mustered a vibrant smile and shifted the conversation. Locking eyes with my beloved dragonoid, I posed a simple yet loaded question, "Are you ready?" In response, her face lit up with an infectious smile, radiating warmth and reassurance, reminding me of the unbreakable bond we shared.

"Totally!" She raised both of her fists. "How about you!?"

"Let's do this!"

The moment the platform of the cargo plane swung open, a thrilling rush of adrenaline coursed through our veins. Without a moment's hesitation, knights and their majestic dragon companions leaped off the aircraft, plunging into the open sky. The ground loomed below, a daunting four hundred meters distant, and the absence of parachutes didn't faze us. For we had our loyal dragon allies by our side, ready to break our fall and ensure our safe descent. With unwavering trust in our dragonoids, we embraced the exhilarating freefall, the wind roaring in our ears as we soared towards the awaiting challenge of the Ancient Forest.

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!" Several voices merged in the air. The people who have jumped off had their body glowed with light as their dragonoids transformed into seven-meter tall lizards that can fly!

As Airi and I leaped from the cargo plane, our hands intertwined in a firm grip, the world around us transformed into a chaotic battleground. Dragonoids clashed in mid-air, unleashing a spectacle of elemental fury. Fiery blue fireballs streaked through the sky, spiky missiles whizzed past with deadly precision, and colossal boulders soared through the air, threatening to crush anything in their path. The intensity of the battle was overwhelming, and I could sense the urgency in Airi's voice as she spoke.

"I have a plan, Amphy! But you must trust me completely!" Her words cut through the roaring winds, and I felt a surge of both excitement and trepidation. In the midst of this aerial warfare, I knew survival required more than just our physical prowess. With a resolute nod, I mustered all my trust in Airi, ready to follow her lead and unleash our combined strength in the face of this perilous descent.

With unwavering trust in Airi, I eagerly nodded, signaling my complete reliance on her. In an instant, she swiftly pulled me to her side, her wings unfurling in a magnificent display. And then, as if sensing the imminent danger, her wings enveloped us, creating a protective barrier—a familiar sight known as her "Metal Cocoon" technique.

As we plummeted through the air, defying gravity's relentless pull, the onslaught of projectiles whizzed past us, their deadly intent thwarted by the shield of Airi's wings. The cacophony of chaos faded into a distant clatter as we landed safely amidst the dense foliage of the ancient forest. As Airi released her wings and gently let go of me, a sense of dizziness engulfed me, the world around me spinning as if trying to realign itself after the exhilarating descent.

"Let's not do that again…" I whispered to myself.

As I checked the status of my Shield Plate, a surge of concern coursed through me. The display read 97%—a testament to the unwavering rigidity of the protective barrier. Though I had been fortunate enough to avoid physical harm thus far, the impact of our landing in the forest had taken its toll, diminishing the shield's integrity by three percent.

"Are you okay? Like, totally?" Airi helped me get up. I replied with an empty smile at her. Then she smiled back at me obliviously like nothing happened.

As the haze of dizziness gradually receded, my senses sharpened, and I became acutely aware of our surroundings. Before us stood a cluster of faint shadows, their presence both ominous and intriguing. Six distinct figures materialized from the shadows, their forms gradually taking shape.

[Dragon Knight's Tournament Participants = 243 > 169]