
Vesryn Pulse Remastered

In a time long past, the human race emerged triumphant over the dragons, sealing their majestic beings into mortal bodies known as dragonoids. Unfortunately, this victory led to the subjugation of the dragonoids by their human counterparts, who harnessed their powers as military weapons through the ominous Vesryn Pulse. Amidst this bleak reality, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Arcadia, a daring guerilla group led by the charismatic Estoff Wraith, striving to liberate the dragonoids and put an end to humanity's cruel exploitation. Within this tumultuous backdrop, the intertwining destinies of two individuals would shape the course of events. Amphere Harrison, accompanied by his loyal dragonoid partner, Airelina Frembell, found himself thrust into the Dragon Knight Academy. Unwillingly thrust into the resistance against the oppressive government, Amphere must harness his newfound dragonoid abilities and emerge victorious in the treacherous Dragon Knights Tournament, all in hopes of earning the favor of the princess. This, they believe, will serve as a crucial first step towards granting the dragonoids the freedom they so desperately deserve. Vesryn Pulse weaves a gripping tale of action and intrigue, centering around a young man unwittingly caught in the clutches of a brutal war. Possessing incredible skills and abilities, he becomes a catalyst for uncovering the dark secrets shrouding the government, Arcadia, and the enigmatic Vesryn Pulse. However, in his relentless pursuit of truth, he will soon discover that the price of enlightenment is far greater than he ever could have fathomed.

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Chapter 12: Chevalier Unit

Rudolf Azregon

Within the hallowed halls of the Dragon Knight Academy, where knowledge and magic intertwined, a sense of tranquility enveloped the classroom. The air hummed with anticipation as our professor, a figure of wisdom and authority, meticulously inscribed a labyrinth of formulas upon the grand chalkboard. The scritch-scratch of chalk against slate provided a soothing cadence, as if the very walls whispered the secrets of the arcane.

Yet, amid this serene atmosphere, my restless spirit rebelled against the monotony of numerical incantations. My mind craved an escape from the structured confines of academia, a respite from the confines of rote learning. Disinclined to mimic the diligent scholars around me, I reclined in my seat, allowing my gaze to wander.

Through the pristine glass pane, the outside world beckoned, vibrant and full of life. Rays of sunlight danced upon the velvety leaves of the ancient oak tree, casting a mosaic of dappled shadows upon the courtyard. I yearned for the freedom that lay beyond those walls, where adventure awaited, unbound by the rigid rules of academia.

As my attention waned from the window, it shifted to my seatmate, Amphere, a peculiar character lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts. His unfocused eyes fixated upon his pen, a lone sentinel amidst the chaos of his scattered imagination.

The aftermath of the turbulent registration for the prestigious Dragon Knight's Tournament lingered in the air, casting a shadow of unease and uncertainty over the Dragon Knight Academy. The incident, orchestrated by the enigmatic figure known as the Black Phantom, had left a trail of confusion and disruption in its wake.

Amphere, his once-vibrant spirit dampened by the recent defeat, wandered the hallowed corridors of the academy, his footsteps a symphony of contemplation. The weight of failure pressed upon his shoulders, burdening him with doubts and questions that seemed to multiply with each passing moment. His usually animated countenance was now marked by a furrowed brow and distant gaze, lost in the labyrinthine corridors of his own thoughts.

"Hey, whazzup?" I patted his shoulder. He jolted in shock and dropped the pen on the ground.

"W-What?" He gave off this angry stare at me.

"You have been out of the real world lately. Is something troubling you?"

He picked his pen up and then pressed the soft end of it in his forehead like he's calculating something on his mind. Then he spoke "Not that of a big deal, but…Have you ever heard of the Crimson Dragonfly?"

"I have no friggin idea." I shook my head. "Why?"

"It's nothing."

Amphere's silence hung heavily in the air, an invisible barrier that shielded the true depths of his thoughts. Though he attempted to divert the conversation, his guarded demeanor betrayed the weight of the subject that consumed his mind. It was evident that the mention of the Crimson Dragonfly held a significance far greater than he was willing to reveal.

Undeterred by his initial response, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this enigmatic term than met the eye. The way his hand trembled slightly as he clenched the pen, the furrow that etched deeper into his brow—it all hinted at a secret burden, a mystery that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.

As the final bell resonated through the halls of the Dragon Knight Academy, a wave of anticipation swept through the students. The classroom, once a sea of studious concentration, now transformed into a bustling hub of excited chatter and eager footsteps.

With the formalities of the day behind us, it was time to reunite with our loyal companions—the dragonoids. The academy's curriculum deemed it necessary to segregate the training sessions for knights and dragonoids, a decision that elicited mixed feelings among the students.

As I made my way to the designated meeting spot, a sense of longing accompanied my every step. Deep down, I yearned for the chance to merge the worlds of academia and camaraderie, to see the dragonoids beside us in the classrooms, their presence breathing life and vibrancy into the otherwise monotonous routine. Yet, societal norms dictated a different path, relegating the dragonoids to a subservient role, treated as mere animals rather than the intelligent beings they were.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as knights and dragonoids converged, a colorful tapestry of varied personalities and majestic creatures. The dragonoids, their scales shimmering under the warm glow of the setting sun, exuded a sense of inherent wisdom and strength. They were not mere companions; they were partners, bound by an unbreakable bond that transcended the boundaries of society.

As Kyrie, my dragonoid companion, appeared before me, her eyes gleaming with a mix of loyalty and excitement, a surge of joy surged through my veins. We were a team, united by a shared destiny and an unspoken understanding. The limitations imposed by societal norms may have separated us during the classroom hours, but outside those walls, we were free to revel in the companionship that fueled our spirits.

The final bell served as the catalyst for our freedom, a gateway to unstructured adventures and unrestricted bonding. With no looming assignments or rigid schedules, Kyrie and I were granted the gift of time—an invaluable treasure to be spent however we desired. The possibilities stretched before us like an open field, waiting to be explored.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I realized that, in this moment, the world was ours. No more textbooks or lectures—just the boundless potential of an afternoon drenched in sunlight and the company of a cherished friend. As Kyrie and I set off, a sense of liberation embraced us, igniting our spirits with a youthful vigor and an unspoken promise of unforgettable escapades.

"What're you planning? You two seem awfully happy, totally!" Airelina asked me and Kyrie.

"Where going on a date~" I proudly held my hips with a smile on my face. Kyrie's face began to blush as she shyly pinch my shoulder. She kept muttering "Don't say that, it's embarrassing!" on me.

"D-D-Date!? T-Totally!?" Airelina's face reddened too. She looked at the pokerfaced Amphere then she sulked and slurred. "Well, that's how a hundred compatibility rate for you… I'm actually jealous, totally…"

"We have to treat your wounds first." Amphere scolded coldly.

Ever since the intense battle with the enigmatic Black Phantom, Airelina, the once formidable Futuretech Dragon, had been plagued by a series of perplexing changes. Her metallic form, once a testament to her strength and resilience, now betrayed her with erratic behavior and malfunctioning parts.

Each passing day brought new challenges as Airelina's body succumbed to unexplained malfunctions. It was as if her mechanical components rebelled against her, causing her to falter and collapse at the most inopportune moments. In a cruel twist of fate, her wings, once a symbol of freedom and power, became feeble and unreliable. No longer could she soar through the skies with grace and agility.

"D-Don't you mean you're going to send me to Croft again!? Like, totally!?" Airelina held a frightened face. "I don't want to! Totally! She's going to experiment in my body again!"

"Who is this Croft?" I whispered to Amphere.

"Croft is a friend of Duchess Corasell. She's not a doctor, but her father's uncle's son's friend is an expert at dragonoid medicines."

"You know what they call that!?" Airelina shouted at Amphere's left ear. "A total stranger! Totally! I won't let that woman touch my body ever again!"

"Stop whining and let's go already!"

Amphere, aware of Airelina's vulnerabilities, swiftly reached out to grasp her tail, his grip firm but gentle. Airelina resisted, digging her fingers into the soft earth, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and defiance. She resembled a cornered animal, desperate to protect herself from an unseen threat. Amphere, being the more physically powerful of the two, effortlessly pulled her away from the scene, leaving behind a trail of deep scratch marks etched into the ground.

Observing their interaction, a mixture of amusement and fondness welled up within. Their relationship transcended the boundaries of mere friendship, hinting at a deeper connection that teetered on the edge of something more intimate. The affectionate care they displayed towards one another mirrored the bond shared by Kyrie and the narrator, a bond built on love and mutual understanding.

However, society's judgmental gaze cast a shadow over their connection. While no explicit rule prohibited romantic relationships between humans and dragonoids, the fear of societal scrutiny loomed heavy. The very fabric of society dictated that such unions would be met with disdain and prejudice, forcing those involved to navigate the complexities of their affection in secrecy.

Yet, despite the potential repercussions, the love that Airelina harbored for Amphere burned brightly within her. Her devotion was palpable, radiating from every fiber of her being. The only obstacle standing in their way was Amphere's obliviousness, his inability to recognize the signs that Airelina's heart beat in sync with his own.

In a world where acceptance was a precious commodity, their unspoken love existed in the fragile spaces between the boundaries society imposed. It was a bittersweet truth that tested the strength of their connection, a reminder that sometimes the greatest battles were fought not against external foes, but against the judgments of others.

We walked hand in hand, our fingers interlaced, as we approached the grand gate of the Dragon Knight Academy. It had become a familiar sight, the gazes of curiosity and judgment following our every move. Teachers, knights, and dragonoids alike couldn't help but be drawn to the unconventional nature of our relationship. Some nobles, guided by their narrow-minded perspectives, would cast disdainful glances in our direction, their disapproval evident. Yet, their opinions held no sway over the love that burned within me for Kyrie. Their prejudices were inconsequential compared to the warmth and joy she brought into my life.

As we neared the gate, my attention was abruptly captured by the presence of a tall, imposing figure. His long, black hair cascaded down his back, framing a face that exuded an aura of both power and mystery. His chilling gaze bore into my very being, and though it sent a shiver down my spine, I sensed no malevolence emanating from him. Adorned in a striking blue military tuxedo, emblazoned with the emblem of a shield and wings upon his back, he was unmistakably a Knight General—an esteemed rank held by few.

"General Kyle Leviticus."

"Good day, Sir Rudolf Azregon." He made a smile. What would a heroic knight like him want to do with me? Before I could ask that, he reached his vest and showed me a sealed letter. "You have been invited by the Chevalier Unit."

Our planned date had to be postponed, as we found ourselves being led by the enigmatic General towards the prestigious headquarters of the Chevalier Unit within the vast expanse of the Dragon Knight Academy. The Chevalier Unit, an elite assembly of individuals, was established under the esteemed leadership of the legendary hero, Kyle Leviticus. The mere thought of being a member of this renowned group ignited a spark of aspiration within each of us, myself included. To work alongside Kyle Leviticus himself would not only be a great privilege but also a testament to our worthiness as dragon knights.

As we stepped into the grandeur of the Chevalier Unit headquarters, my eyes were immediately drawn to the intriguing figures that populated the room. Taking my attention first was a brown-haired man, exuding an air of relaxed confidence as he reclined upon his desk. His piercing gaze locked onto us, hinting at a deep well of experience and knowledge that lay beneath his calm exterior. Beside him stood a silver-haired dragonoid, her body adorned with numerous bandages that wrapped around her like a protective cocoon. The sight of her injuries sent a pang of sympathy through my heart, painting a vivid picture of the trials she had endured in service to the Unit. Her resilience was nothing short of admirable.

Amidst this group of formidable individuals, my eyes fell upon a strikingly beautiful woman, her lustrous blonde locks cascading down like a golden waterfall. Her regal presence commanded attention, and I instantly recognized her as none other than Reina Stephanie Fleuret, the esteemed student council president and a renowned model. The aura of grace and authority that surrounded her was undeniable, further accentuated by the presence of her dragonoid companion, Eva. Clad in a vibrant and enchanting magical girl ensemble, Eva emanated an air of whimsy and power, serving as a testament to the inseparable bond between a dragonoid and its human counterpart.

In the midst of this extraordinary assemblage, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and awe. Each member of Kyle Leviticus' team represented a unique strength and presence, embodying the ideals and spirit of the Chevalier Unit. The encounters with these exceptional individuals further solidified my determination to join their ranks, as their very presence inspired a sense of purpose and commitment within me. With every passing moment, my resolve grew stronger, fueled by the desire to prove myself and contribute to the illustrious legacy of the Chevalier Unit alongside these remarkable individuals.

As Kyrie and I anxiously settled into the front row seats, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. Suddenly, the doors swung open, revealing a vision of breathtaking beauty. It was Elumina, an astonishingly radiant dragonoid woman whose presence alone seemed to command attention. Her lustrous blonde locks cascaded down her back, shimmering like strands of liquid gold, and her iridescent scales gleamed in the soft glow of the room. As she gracefully made her way to the front, every eye in the room was drawn to her, captivated by her ethereal elegance.

Standing by her side was none other than Kyle Leviticus himself, the legendary hero and leader of the Chevalier Unit. His commanding presence filled the room, his aura radiating strength and determination. With a poised and confident demeanor, he prepared for the presentation, his eyes focused and his hands deftly arranging the materials before him. The anticipation in the room intensified, for it was widely known that any presentation by Kyle was bound to be nothing short of awe-inspiring.

This is the fabled Chevalier Unit, an illustrious assembly of extraordinary individuals whose collective prowess and unparalleled abilities command utmost respect. As I surveyed the room, it became apparent that the six members present were a true force to be reckoned with, each radiating an aura of unwavering strength and proficiency in their respective domains.

"I have seen your abilities as a Dragon Knight, Sir Azregon. And now I have a ridiculous offer for you." The General smiled at me. "I have decided to recruit you in my team for one easy condition."

"…" Kyrie and I behaved as we gulped. This is an ultimate opportunity indeed!

As the monitor flickered to life, two distinct visages illuminated the room. The first face belonged to Sir Estoff Wraith, a seasoned warrior whose battle-hardened countenance conveyed years of experience and a deep well of knowledge. Every line etched on his weathered face spoke of countless battles fought and victories won, marking him as a formidable figure in the realm of military strategy and tactics.

Beside Sir Estoff, the regal and poised figure of Duchess Marieflorine Corasell graced the screen. Her penetrating gaze held an air of authority and wisdom, the mark of a leader well-versed in the intricacies of politics and diplomacy. Adorned in an elegant attire befitting her noble station, the duchess exuded an aura of command that demanded respect and deference.

As Elumina gracefully approached, she extended her delicate hand, presenting us with folders brimming with confidential documents. Each folder bore the ominous label "Confidential File: Arcadia," hinting at the weighty secrets and hidden truths contained within. The weight of responsibility settled upon us as we accepted the folders, fully aware of the magnitude of the information they held.

"These two people are suspected of being involved in the terrorist group Arcadia. You already know them because they are close friends with your best friend; Sir Amphere Harrison. But don't be deceived; they might be plotting something which we do not know about. I know that this is ridiculous but your best friend's life is in danger if ever it was proven that they are involved with the terrorist group. So I want you to investigate them and report to me in a daily basis."

As the weight of the situation settled upon me, I couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and determination. The opportunity before me was undeniably a win-win scenario, a chance to delve into the depths of the unknown and uncover the truth that lay shrouded in secrecy. The mere thought of investigating the allegations presented by General Leviticus sent a surge of adrenaline through my veins.

Deep down, I knew that my actions held the potential to save not only my best friend but countless others who might be entangled in the intricate web of Arcadia's mysteries. The gravity of the task at hand was immense, and the ramifications of my findings could shape the course of our future.

General Leviticus' hypothesis hung in the air, its plausibility enticing me like a tantalizing puzzle waiting to be solved. The prospect of unraveling the truth, peeling back the layers of deceit and deceit that veiled the reality of our world, fueled my determination. It was a ludicrous offer, a challenge that demanded my utmost commitment and resourcefulness, but it was an offer I couldn't afford to refuse.

"I accept."

With a resolute gaze, I nodded to the General, silently affirming my acceptance of this formidable mission. It was time to don the mantle of a relentless investigator, to walk the path of uncertainty and danger, guided by the flickering beacon of truth.