
Vesryn Pulse Remastered

In a time long past, the human race emerged triumphant over the dragons, sealing their majestic beings into mortal bodies known as dragonoids. Unfortunately, this victory led to the subjugation of the dragonoids by their human counterparts, who harnessed their powers as military weapons through the ominous Vesryn Pulse. Amidst this bleak reality, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Arcadia, a daring guerilla group led by the charismatic Estoff Wraith, striving to liberate the dragonoids and put an end to humanity's cruel exploitation. Within this tumultuous backdrop, the intertwining destinies of two individuals would shape the course of events. Amphere Harrison, accompanied by his loyal dragonoid partner, Airelina Frembell, found himself thrust into the Dragon Knight Academy. Unwillingly thrust into the resistance against the oppressive government, Amphere must harness his newfound dragonoid abilities and emerge victorious in the treacherous Dragon Knights Tournament, all in hopes of earning the favor of the princess. This, they believe, will serve as a crucial first step towards granting the dragonoids the freedom they so desperately deserve. Vesryn Pulse weaves a gripping tale of action and intrigue, centering around a young man unwittingly caught in the clutches of a brutal war. Possessing incredible skills and abilities, he becomes a catalyst for uncovering the dark secrets shrouding the government, Arcadia, and the enigmatic Vesryn Pulse. However, in his relentless pursuit of truth, he will soon discover that the price of enlightenment is far greater than he ever could have fathomed.

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Chapter 14: A Deal with the Phantom

Chapter 14: A Deal with the Phantom

Airelina Frembell

Six ominous shadows emerged from the murky depths, their approach deliberate and foreboding. The gravity of our predicament weighed heavily upon us, intensifying the sense of urgency that gripped our hearts. The suffocating tension in the air left us teetering on the precipice of a dire decision. Should we attempt to flee, seeking refuge from the encroaching darkness? Or would our best chance lie in a frantic dash for safety? Yet, as the shadows converged around us, their sinister presence thwarted any notion of escape, rendering both choices seemingly futile and unattainable.

"Amphere?" It was Rudolf's voice.

The cloaking shroud of mystery dissipated, unveiling the identities of the six enigmatic figures. Among them stood Rudolf, a figure exuding an air of confidence and intrigue. Kyrie, possessing an alluring aura, commanded attention as her presence radiated strength. The student council president, an embodiment of beauty and grace, appeared alongside her whimsical companion—a dragonoid adorned in a magical girl cosplay, juxtaposing childlike innocence with a touch of fantastical enchantment.

A slender man, with eyes as dark as the abyss and hair as midnight strands, added an element of intrigue to the eclectic group. And then there was the enigma wrapped in bandages, a silver-haired woman whose visage and form were partially concealed, evoking an otherworldly aura reminiscent of ancient mummies.

Truly, this assemblage was an extraordinary confluence of characters, their peculiarities and uniqueness weaving a tapestry of curiosity.

Amphy's countenance blossomed into a warm smile as Rudolf extended a helping hand, assisting him in rising to his feet. Surveying the enigmatic faces that comprised Rudolf's steadfast allies, Amphy's gaze flitted silently, taking in the distinct features and subtle expressions etched upon each countenance.

Breaking the weighty silence that had enveloped the group, Rudolf, ever the catalyst, stepped forward and began to weave a proposition, his words poised to shape the course of their uncertain future.

"Join our team! We need to get to the second round after all." Rudolf prepared his hand for a handshake.

Amphy's gaze shifted towards me, a silent plea for guidance reflected in their eyes. A torrent of thoughts cascaded through my mind, wrestling with conflicting emotions. The allure of Rudolf and Kyrie's steadfast reliability was undeniable, their loyalty a pillar of trust. Yet, doubts crept in when considering the remaining quartet of individuals who stood before us, their trustworthiness shrouded in uncertainty.

The weight of the situation bore down heavily upon me, as the stark reality of our circumstances became all too apparent. Survival in the face of the impending eliminations would be an arduous feat, virtually impossible without forming an alliance with someone. With a heavy sigh, I acknowledged that this proposition represented our sole lifeline amidst the treacherous currents of this deadly game.

Reluctantly, but with resolve, I met Amphy's questioning gaze and nodded in assent. We had no choice but to embrace this uncertain alliance, for it held the key to our survival, even if it meant placing a fragile trust in these enigmatic figures.

"Okay, I'll join your squad." Amphy shook Rudolf's hand.

"That's good to know!" Rudolf celebrated. "By the way, you already know my friends, right?"

Amphy's gaze once again swept across the faces before him, lingering on each figure, attempting to discern their true nature and motivations. In a moment of clarity, a flicker of realization danced in Amphy's eyes. He then shook his head vigorously, a gesture laden with disbelief and incredulity.

"You mean," I stuttered, my voice betraying my astonishment, "you totally didn't even recognize the student council president and her dragonoid?"

"Y-You know…" Rudolf forced a smile as he scratched his head. "This is Reina Fleuret, our student council president. And her dragonoid is Eva…" Then he switched with the weird couple. "This is Alder Windstrafe, and his dragonoid Emy…"

Amphy's mind raced as fragments of recognition pieced together, like scattered shards forming a startling revelation. The resemblance between the mummy woman, Emy, and the ninja dragonoid of the notorious Black Phantom clan struck a resounding chord within Amphy's memory. Suspicion clenched tightly around his heart, urging him to shift his gaze towards the man known as Alder, whose presence had become increasingly unsettling.

With a deep breath, Amphy's eyes locked onto Alder, a surge of apprehension coursing through his veins. The man's posture and piercing stare seemed eerily familiar, stirring a dormant sense of foreboding. As if a phantom from the depths of shadows, a nameless realization clawed at the recesses of Amphy's mind. And then, like a thunderclap, it struck him—a golden rapier glinted in Alder's hand, amplifying the alarm bells ringing in Amphy's mind.

His muscles tensed, and his hand instinctively moved towards his own sword, ready to seize it and confront the brewing danger. But before Amphy could take action, Alder's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, freezing him in place, for now was the time to listen and evaluate the words that would shape the path they would tread.

"Wait!" Alder backed off and raised his arms. "I know you know me, and we have not so good memories before. But I would like to have a temporary ceasefire as for now. We have the very same objective; to survive the eliminations. I don't have any intention to fight you the very least. And I know we have a lot to talk about, so please, no bloodshed, Sir Amphere Harrison."

Amphy's gaze locked with mine once more, silently pleading for a decision. The weight of the moment pressed upon my shoulders as I wrestled with my instincts and reservations about Alder. Despite my profound unease towards him, the realization dawned that engaging in conversation with him held the potential to uncover vital information and put a halt to any mention of the Crimson Dragonfly.

Suppressing my inner turmoil, I mustered a calm facade and met Amphy's expectant gaze. With a deliberate nod, I signaled my acceptance of the ceasefire, acknowledging the necessity of restraint and open dialogue for the time being. It was a calculated choice, driven by the need to maintain control and ensure that Alder, or the lingering presence of the Black Phantom, would not divulge sensitive knowledge.

Inwardly, a fire ignited, fueled by determination and resolve. I vowed to keep my composure, my focus unwavering, ready to seize any opportunity to protect the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of the Crimson Dragonfly's enigmatic existence.

But if ever that man gave off some spoiler again, I'll gladly slit his throat.

Rudolf doesn't have any slightest clue about the tension, but he killed it off by changing the topic. "So our strategy is simple; We must avoid any attention as possible. Staying hidden in these vast trees and not using Vesryn Pulse is necessary to be invisible to the many. And oh, also… President will be our tactician and leader. Are you okay with that?"

President Reina Fleuret, revered for her captivating beauty and formidable intellect, commanded attention not only for her physical allure but also for her strategic prowess on the battlefield. While her swordsmanship skills may not be her primary strength, her exceptional brilliance and tactical acumen rendered her a force to be reckoned with in any confrontation. The reputation of her prowess had preceded her, leaving no doubt that she possessed a formidable presence among the contestants.

In the wake of this revelation, Amphy and I exchanged nods of acknowledgment and acceptance. There were no immediate questions or doubts concerning President Reina's capabilities. Instead, a silent understanding settled upon us, recognizing the significance of her involvement and the potential impact it could have on our own journey through the eliminations. The weight of the situation bore down upon us, emphasizing the need for caution and careful consideration in our future actions and decisions.

Fortuitously, we stumbled upon an underground cave, its dark recesses echoing with the growls and presence of infesting bears. However, bolstered by the formidable power of the four dragon knights, driving off the bears proved to be a relatively effortless endeavor. Their combined strength and mastery over their draconic abilities turned the once daunting task into a mere triviality. With the immediate danger neutralized, we made the prudent decision to establish our camp within the sheltering depths of the cave.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an enveloping darkness over the land, we became acutely aware of the uncertainty that lay ahead. The duration of the elimination process remained shrouded in ambiguity, with the final sixty-four contenders yet to be confirmed. Weeks could potentially stretch before the remaining survivors were determined, leaving us with an arduous journey ahead.

Acknowledging the precariousness of our situation, we set about preparing a makeshift camp within the cave's protective embrace. The flickering light of our campfire cast dancing shadows upon the cave walls, providing a semblance of comfort amidst the unknown. Time stretched before us, an unpredictable expanse, urging us to steel our resolve and adapt to the challenges that lay ahead.

Gathered around the crackling bonfire, the dancing flames casting a warm glow upon our weary faces, all eight of us sought solace and sustenance in the company of one another. The scent of roasting rabbit and wild pig meat wafted through the air, the result of our earlier successful hunt. Yet, my appetite waned, dampened by the presence of the enigmatic figures of the Black Phantom and his ninja dragonoid seated nearby.

With a heavy heart and a lingering sense of unease, I partook in the meager offering, consuming only half a kilo of the meat. Each bite felt subdued, the flavors subdued by the weight of our circumstances. The tension around the makeshift campfire was palpable, a delicate balance between camaraderie and suspicion. Though physically nourished by the modest meal, a gnawing emptiness persisted, born not of hunger but of an unresolved sense of mistrust that lingered within me.

A somber silence enveloped our group, casting a heavy veil over our thoughts and words. Alder, immersed in the task of tending to Emy's wounds with the aid of herbal remedies, focused intently on his ministrations. The extent of Emy's suffering at my hands was a testament to the tangled web of conflicts and grievances that had woven itself among us. A strange equilibrium of retribution settled upon us, as if the universe had enforced a twisted sense of balance.

The obliviousness of the others to Alder's true nature weighed upon me, adding a layer of vigilance to the already charged atmosphere. The memory of Emy's Ice Dragon, a formidable force that only Amphy and I had witnessed, lingered in the depths of my mind, a constant reminder of the hidden dangers lurking within our midst.

The student council president, lost in her thoughts, fixated her gaze upon the flickering flames, perhaps reflecting upon her own past experiences and the challenges that lay ahead. Meanwhile, her dragonoid companion, Eva, maintained a vigilant watch outside, ever alert to any potential threats.

Amphy, lost in contemplation, directed his gaze towards the Shield Plate adorning his chest, a symbol of his resilience and determination. The unspoken weight of our collective burdens hung heavily upon us, each of us grappling with our own inner struggles, fears, and secrets.

Rudolf and Kyrie, observing the tense silence that enveloped our group, exchanged occasional glances, seemingly caught between the desire to bridge the gap and the awareness of the invisible barriers that separated us.

"Airelina, right?" Alder grabbed my attention after he finished treating Emy's wounds. "I think we have a lot to talk about."

Alder's symbolic gesture, dropping his sword near Emy as a sign of his intent for non-violence, caught my attention. I turned to Amphy, seeking confirmation and guidance in this delicate moment. His response was a simple nod, a silent affirmation of our collective decision to engage in a conversation away from prying ears.

With caution and a keen awareness of Eva's watchful presence atop the nearby tree, we made our way to the entrance of the cave. The shadows embraced us, shielding our words from reaching unwanted ears, while Eva's vigilant gaze served as a constant reminder of the need for discretion.

Within the secluded confines of the cave entrance, we finally found a space to unravel the complexities that bound us together. A sense of urgency hung in the air, as the need to confront our shared history and uncover the truths that lay buried within our intertwined destinies became increasingly apparent.

Amphy's subdued demeanor persisted, his silence lending an air of mystery to his persona. While I found his reticence frustrating at times, I couldn't help but acknowledge the depth and weight that rested behind those eyes. There was more to Amphy than met the eye, and I vowed to unravel the enigma that shrouded him, in due time.

In this secluded haven, hidden from prying eyes but not from the watchful gaze of Eva, we embarked upon a pivotal conversation, each word carrying the potential to shape our fates. It was a delicate dance, treading the line between trust and skepticism, our voices barely rising above a whisper, as the secrets that bound us were cautiously unveiled in the dimly lit expanse of the cave's entrance.

"What would a totally cowardly murderer like you want to discuss with me?" I released a serious tone, with my arms crossed and a fierce glare at him.

"Yeah, I'm a murderer. But at least I didn't kill thousands of defenseless people." He made an irritating smirk. His words made my brows twitch, but I have to take it professionally. "Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I will never take Amphere's life. My only concern is to make a better world for Emy. I love Emy as much as you love Amphere."

"Then why are you trying to kill Duchess Carousel, totally?" I suppressed my angry tone. "Who is your client!?"

"I'm sorry I can't disclose that." Alder frowned. "I am only here to talk about a fair and knightly proposition. I wanted you and Amphere not to reveal the Black Phantom's identity, or Emy's connection with the Black Phantom. In exchange, I will prohibit myself and Emy anything regarding the Crimson Dragonfly."

"You're totally desperate about hiding your true colors." I smiled arrogantly.

"Look who's talking. Remember, we're on the same boat here. Once Amphere learns everything about the Crimson Dragonfly, the Arcadia and your dark funny ideals are completely done with. Not just that. He will completely resent you with all his heart. You will all be destroyed. The same goes for me if my identity went public."

"Deal." I said. It's a totally good offer for me. All I care is that all information about the Crimson Dragonfly must be buried away. "It seems that you totally have your honor as a dragon knight."

"Heh!" He turned away arrogantly. "And oh, I forgot. I would rather not fight Amphere and you. I'm after the duchess, and not your head. I don't want an innocent man like Amphere to be dragged in this chaotic war."

"So you better flee faster next time!" I smiled at him. "But you will never succeed on killing duchess Carousell! We will always prevent you, over and over again! Totally!"

Without warning, Eva's graceful figure darted towards us with remarkable speed, aided by her delicate fairy wings. However, her usually composed and charming demeanor had been replaced by visible signs of distress. Sweat cascaded down her face, staining her once flawless visage with rivulets of anxiety. It was disheartening to witness the toll that this unexpected turn of events had taken on her, diminishing the radiance that usually accompanied her presence.

"I've been spotted! We have enemies!" Eva's voice trembled with urgency, her words echoing through the cave entrance and piercing the silence that had enveloped us.

[Dragon Knight's Tournament Participants = 169 > 112]