
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Marcus Yakoob Trova II


It was pouring that day, and the night felt unusually cool. I was remembering what my father had said to me. I'm sure I'm enraging a significant number of people by becoming the Crown Prince of Ostrova. Some aristocrats want Lucus to rule while my father chooses me.

At midnight, a man drenched in blood ran into our palace, where I, my mother, and my sister reside. "Your Highness... His Majesty... he is... please... save him..." He was unable to finish his words. I was the crown prince of Ostrova even though I was only fourteen years old. My mother and I hurried to my father's palace, leaving my sister in the care of my knights. Jaser was with me. We were appalled by what we witnessed when we arrived at the palace. I can still hear my mother screaming. He thrust his sword into my father's chest from behind. I saw blood, like a fountain, squirting out. I saw his eyes bulging out, crimson, disbelief and scared of leaving us behind. I saw his hand reaching me, begging me to run with my mother. However, I was blind to see his warning, I saw only darkness. Only darkness in his eyes, much deeper that, his heart could defeat, filled with treachery, hatred, and avarice as if he had sprung directly from the bottom of the abysmal pit. I saw his shadow growing like an illness engulfing everything bright from me. He laughed as he observed me trembling frantically on my knees. My brother smirked as he sat on the throne, proudly wearing my father's crown. I was unable to move a single finger as my body become completely motionless. Even braver than I was, my mother charged at him while brandishing a little blade. I wanted to scream at her to stop, but I was paralyzed. I sat there watching him butcher my mother with no remorse. I saw Jaser losing his fingers and fighting instead of me. I watched them, afar, safe.

"HAHAHA... Oh! My... My... What a sweet wife; so bad she came to accompany her husband on his journey. What shall I do now, Lucus, King of Ostrova? How should I aid you now? Should I murder that brat for you?" He inquired of my brother. My brother remarked, sneering at a helpless youngster; "No, Logan, I want him to live and see everything for himself. Throw him in the dungeon, guards," he gave the command.

From that day on, I began to witness a nightmare, in which everyone had just one face, the blood-painted face of Logan, the actual devil. My brother came to see me five days after my stint in the dungeon with my sister and Jaser. He said he cleansed the court, I understand there is none left to help me now. I have lost, defeated, and plunged into pure mud.

"You might be asking what the hell is happening, my little brother and sister. How did your life become such a shambles? Hahaha... allow me to clarify. You bastard, you have the audacity to dream about what is already mine. I've warned you before, Marcus, that throne is mine and has always been mine. Logan was summoned to Ostrova by me. Well, the fact that we both had a passion for the throne, the crown, and the authority was a remarkable coincidence. But as we discussed it further, we realised that power is the only thing we truly desire. Marcus, you are brilliant, yet you are very frail. Think about it Marcus, being a part of something wonderful, a nation, vast and powerful under one king and you are his first supporter, you are special, I am that special one, the chosen one," he ridiculed me, as though staring at the dust on his high-end shoe. I comprehended from his dirty words how callous Logan and in his words, my brother has become a stringed puppet in his hands.

"Lucus, are you even aware of what you're doing? I'll never forget you, SON OF A BITCH! "My sister shouted fiercely, yet I couldn't raise my head. I was in severe misery, with enough agony to devour me alive.

"Hahahaha... well, I guess I am.... anyway, dear sister, I bring you very great news. It's your wedding in two days," he stated

"WHAT?" we questioned furiously.

"You're already of marriageable age, and Logan is a suitable partner for you. You are blessed to be selected by him. If you are lucky he will even make you his queen," he grinned, like under a spell.

"Logan! LOGAN! HOW DARE YOU? DO YOU THINK I WILL WEDD THAT MONSTER WHO KILLED MY PARENTS? "My sister finally went insane, she screamed.


"HAHAHA... Hearing your cries does please me. But what can I actually do? It's an order from the King of Loistava," he replied. We were astounded to learn that, "King? No... never, King Willard will never permit this," I thought.

"Oh, Yaa... I almost forgot, foolish me, (giggle) King Willard Fermi Leighann and his entire family were discovered slain two nights ago. I wonder who assassinated them. How awful Logan had to ascend to the throne at a grieving time like this. He is such a kind-hearted man," those words shattered us utterly. The anguish of losing the last source of light in your life is the most horrible thing you can go through, and King Willard was our only hope. A silence enveloped us, and then my sister rose; "I have a request. If I marry Logan, would you release my brother and his men?" my sister inquired. My sister, who I see as both a second mother and the keeper of my innermost secrets, sacrificed her life to save mine. Alice Yakool Trova, the late king Darius Yakool Trova's second daughter, married Logan Fermi Leighann, a blood parasite monster. My brother honoured his word to my sister, freeing me and my troops but keeping our palace locked up. I couldn't do anything since Logan and Lucus had already bound my hand with my sister's life.

I once had a visit from my brother, who said, "Marcus, you are doing so great. Give up everything and become my slave for all eternity. After five years, I'm delighted, my brother finally understood his place and that you chose to obey me. Ask me anything, and I will reward you," he assured.

"I am grateful, brother; you provided a pleasant life for me and my sister. However, I don't think I am significant enough to earn any reward from you," I retorted. I have figured out how to display a face that is totally at odds with my emotions five years later. I had mastered caging my emotions and true self inside my mind and displaying another.

"Ha... you are quite mature, therefore I will bestow the title of Duke upon you and allow you to utilise your knights. Consequently, if you so want, you may even murder me," Guffawing, he spoke

"My Lord, how can I possibly dare to touch you? I am your subject, and you are my God; I will give my life to protect you," I attempted to earn his trust, but it took me another five years.

"My lord, you have permission from his majesty to travel to Loistava," when Jaser delivered me the permission letter from my brother marked the beginning of my actual quest to take Logan's head and avenge my parents' death. With ten years of preparation and hatred, I preserved everything and brought it with me to Loistava.

"Marcus, this is a suicide expedition; if anything goes wrong, we will all perish. I would have given you my wholehearted support if I had been alone myself, but I now have two kids. Even though they are that monster's blood, they are also mine. I can't endanger their lives." That was the response I anticipated from my sister. She suffered all of Logan's abuse; she was just seventeen when she gave birth to her oldest child, Eliza, and twenty when she gave birth to Liam. They are treated horribly for a royal concubine and royal offspring. I have to save my sister, I have to move those fingers that I couldn't lift a decade ago. With just my tongue as a weapon, I remained at Logan's side to gain his trust. I glanced at the prison cell I am in right now, both hands shackled, I need to be free. I can't sit here silently, therefore I'll have to accept his proposal. I suppose I'll have to meet Vera, the long-lost prince!


The following morning, Vera was preparing to greet everyone who was already in the guest room. Her wounds on the hand were not yet healed but she was not bothered by them. King Kaisar Yola Egur was also on his way to meet with her.

"Are you nervous?" Catherine inquired as she observed Vera sweating and anxiously fidgeting her finger.

"A little," she said as Hana assisted her in putting on the exquisite regal robes of a prince. Brocade jacket made of blue and beige chenille. On the jacket and shirt, elaborate embellishments made of various fabrics and jewels are seen. The beige satin vest and pants are lavishly embroidered with silk and golden thread hand embroidery. Her golden eyes complemented her golden sun gen pendant brooch splendidly. Catherine was gobsmacked by Vera's presence as if Willard had appeared in front of her.

"Queen mother? Is everything all right?" Vera queried

"Huh! Y-Yes... I suddenly recalled your father; when you dress up as a prince, you look just like him," she flushed and grinned, tears forming. Vera examined herself in the mirror. "I resemble my father," she said heartily.

"Vera, may we go now? You ought to meet many today," Catherine opened the door as the light poured in, Vera's eyes flickered; "Yes," she muttered.