
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Prince Vera Willard Leighann

They assembled in the living area of the royal guest house. Everyone was waiting for Vera and Catherine to arrive, including Helga, Ceasar, Jugo, Laisa from Utshani, Mazzi, Xena, Sicil, Welly from Frook, Katalina, Rollins, Erwin, and King Kaisar from Egur.

"Princess, wasn't it on Princess Victoria's birthday that I last saw you?" Kaisar whispered sweetly while beaming charmingly. It was obvious to everyone in the room that Kaisar was attempting to flirt with Helga, and Cesar was particularly enraged, however, he kept his calmness.

Helga responded, "Yes, Your Majesty, it's been three years already, I'm delighted you remember," she smiled in courtesy.

"Huh! You were so exquisite back then, and you still are, how can I forget?" He smiled dreamily, exhibiting his alluring traits. The twenty-seven-year-old monarch of Egur, Kaisar Yola Egur, is well known for his flirtatious behaviour. Some humorously claim that no woman in the aristocracy hasn't shared a bed with him at least once, and he is even referred to as the womaniser in the kingdom. Nobody worries about his frailty since he is a mighty monarch, a wise person, and a man who never yields to Logan.

Helga replied with a polite grin, "I am grateful for your comments, your majesty."

"Will you halt it? Brother? She was only 12 three years ago, a mere child, stop embarrassing me. We have convened here to talk about something crucial," while she rescued Helga from her brother, Katalina gave him a stern look. And Kaiser who adores his only living sister more than anything took those words as his last fearsome warnings.

"Kat! I only intended to improve our friendship," he groaned.

"Just concentrate, don't frighten the lady," she advised.

"Oh yes, my beloved sister... I understand," he responded.

"She is the master here," everyone acknowledged.

"Tsk! This place is very noisy. Why are these aristocrats so loud?" Mazzi, who was seated in the room corner, remarked. Xena grinned, "I heard it's in their blood." In an attempt to prevent them, Welly and Sicil were panicking. "You are still alive and standing in the same room as me because of Vera," Kaisar growled, his eyes turning from charming to murderous. Mazzi refused to give up, scoffing, "You are not my king, don't command me around," he said. "How dare you disgrace our lord, right in front of me, bandit," snarled Erwin as he drew his sword and aimed at Mazzi. The air has stiffened so suddenly. Regardless;

The moment the door opened and Vera and Catherine entered, the room fell quiet. Vera was the centre of attention; her short, black wavy hair was pulled back and knotted, elegantly; she was clothed affluent in beige, gold, and blue; and all eyes were gravely focused on her sun-like eyes that were illuminated by the rays through the glass window. Catherine held her hand and whispered, "Remember, you are Vera Willard Leighann, son of Willard Fermi Leighann, the future king of Loistava."

Vera breathed deeply before moving forward. "Great to meet, everyone. My name is Vera Willard Leighann, and I'm the son of the late monarch Willard Fermi Leighann." Nervously Vera spoke; "I thank everyone, especially Princess Kataline, for saving my life, Your Highness Kaiser Yula Egur for joining us and so as Mazzi." Everyone was mesmerised by Vera's charms and charisma. The aura of a chosen one surrounded her, they were pleased.

Blushing; "My Lord, it's my pleasure. Thank you for your words. I'm delighted you're safe, and I apologise about your father," Katalina retorted. Vera sat in a chair, envisioning Banami's cheerful face; "you have done your best, and one's life is not in the hands of mortals like us, it's all His decisions. Banami once said as I tried to save a rabbit, I guess it applies to every living creature, including us, therefore, let us focus on the future they wished," she replied. Catherine was pleased with her response, as was Mazzi. Kaiser's face formed a soft smirk as he was expecting a thoughtful answer from Vera.

"First things first, shall we begin with introductions? I am Kaisar Yula Egur, son of late king Tristan Yula Egur and the 28th ruler of fertile land Egur," Kaisar said as he stood up. " Egur is Loistava's strongest supporter and never broke the Nui-Penta covenant in the past. I am glad to see the golden-eyed leader return. In order to defeat the mutual foe seeking to sabotage our future, I will put my faith and support in you. This is my sister—" Katalina abruptly interrupted Kaiser's introduction speech.

"Your Majesty, brother, pardon my intrusion, but I'd want to introduce myself. I am King Kaisar Yula Egur's sister, Katalina Yula Egur, the youngest daughter of the late King Tristan Yula Egur. I am honoured to be in your presence," she bowed courteously.

"I appreciate you, Your Highness and Princess; the pleasure is all mine. I am delighted to stand with someone as prominent and respected as you two. I accept your helping hand, but I should ask for forgiveness first. I am no god thus, I cannot predict the future. However, I will try the best of my abilities to bring peace and prosperity to our land," Vera responded

"Prince, I am delighted by your words and I know you cannot promise anything. Throwing yourself into the frontline for us is enough for us, we shall always remember that" Kaiser responded. Vera felt at ease at his words.

Erwin bowed before Vera and said, "Your Highness, my name is Erwin Urey, Commander of Egur Royal Knights, and I am honoured to serve you." Ceasar and Jugo followed him and said, "My lord, my name is Ceasar Arkellis, a grand cross knight from Utshani." "I'm Jugo Krik, a knight serving in the Lord Ceasar Arkellis regiment, your majesty. It's a blessing to behold you," with excitement and fear, they spoke.

"Now rise warriors, I must thank you for defending queen mother and my sister and keeping them secure. I pray La to bless you with great strength and luck. I pray that our future shall be safe in your arms," Vera replied. "I hope I'm not making any mistakes with the fast etiquette language class queen mother taught me last night. While they are not precise, I do remember my father taking various lessons in the past. I need to obtain much more," she thought.

"Brother, I am overjoyed that we have finally located you. My name is Helga Willard Fermi," She bowed slightly. "Thank you for looking for me, Helga, and thank you for not surrendering; I am glad that my sister is such a dedicated young lady," Vera answered tenderly. Tears started to gather in Helga's eyes, and she felt comforted.

"Your majesty, I am Laisa Toga, the maid in waiting of princess. Meeting you is a privilege,"

As the nobility was done, all eyes turned to the far corner of the room. Mazzi stepped forward, facing Vera directly, and did not bow or kneel. Vera smiled; "I should be seeking an apology from you brother. I am sorry for everything and Thank you," she said.

"Vera, you are aware of who I am, and you are aware that I will never bow down to a king or noble. As I promised, I would be with you to the end, not as a vassal serving you, but as a brother protecting you. And there is no need for an apology," his red eyes flashed; "I have always known Mazzi is akin to Banami. You are his actual flesh and blood. He once told me that if you are in danger, look for Mazzi; he would undoubtedly assist you. Initially, I was sceptical, but he added that he is, after all, my son and your brother. He does not avoid his responsibilities. I will never ask you to kneel in front of anyone, Mazzi is Mazzi. Thank you, brother Aaron," she said, and everyone was impressed by her heartfelt remarks. The two brothers gazed at each other as their mind was filled with the fervent smile of their father who wished to see them together as kin.

They gathered around a circular table after the introductions. Servants served exquisite food; this was Vera and Mazzi's first grant banquet. Suddenly something happened: "Vera, you're seventeen, correct?" Kaisar inquired.

Vera replied, "Uh, I will turn eighteen shortly."

"Well, aren't you a little short for your age? Is it due to a lack of nutrition?"

Coughing... coughing... choking on water, Vera answered, "I-I think..." while looking at the queen-mother.

"Kaisar Is right; we will need to work on building up his physical strength," Catherine observed with a grin, elegantly slicing her food.

"Do you have anyone in mind, perhaps, any mage knights? After all, Vera has Morrier's blessing," Kaiser remarked. "If you are fine, I can ask my-"

"Thank you, You Mjaesty, but yes, I have already sent a word to Roman Del Luwick," interrupted Catherine. Even Kaisar was visibly shaking and trembling. Unaware of what is occurring to them Vera, Mazzi, and others all made fluttering gestures.

"What? Is he still alive? Where was he? Is that old man on his way? I mean, I believed famous mage commander knight Roman Del Luwick of Loistava was missing following the assassination of King Willard," astounded Kaisar questioned.

Did you actually call him, Mother?" Helga was amazed as well.

"Him? Really?" "Yeah, I believe so." Erwin, Jugo, and Ceasar all gasped, "Oh my dear lord."

With compassion in her eyes, Katalina observed Vera.

"What? What is happening? Who is he? You all sound like he's a great monster mage." Mazzi inquired, grasping Vera's quivering hands.

"He is certainly known as the Sun's Water Devil. He is capable of rapidly destroying an entire army. For fifty years, he guarded the Loistava throne. I learned that ten years ago, he disappeared without a trace," replied Kaisar.

"Yeah, he fled after receiving my command. It was he who saved me and Helga. After being largely wounded by a shadow, he went into hiding, to recover. If you want to learn how to wield La's blessing, Vera, there is no one else in this world who can do it better than him. When he arrives, he will be your instructor," Catherine expressed. "Y-yes, queen-mother," Vera retorted, shuddering.

Unawares a soldier rushed in, halting their meal and whispered something in Erwin's ear; "you may leave," he said as the soldier went out.

"Your Excellencies, Marcus Yakoob Trova, requests an audience with you. He states that he will accept His Highness's proposition," Erwin conveyed. The smiles on everyone's faces faded, and their attention was drawn to Vera.

"I shall meet him," she assuredly replied.