
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Marcus Yakoob Trova I


When I first realised that my father was the monarch of one of the five kingdoms known as Ostrova, I was only five years old. The nation that is most exposed to the ocean is ours. As Vagmur, our other neighbour, solely borders the Loistava kingdom, conflicts over the Loistava territory between the Vagmur, Loistava and Ostrova have a long history. My mother is from there; it is a little village called Pilu, the Loistava territory that smashed between Ostrova and Vagmur. She was the daughter of a Baron in that province. My father, Darius Yakoob Trova, was a kindhearted king who treasured his family and realm. He was an intellectual, highly competent man who was deserving of the title of king. He married my mother in an effort to secure the support of the Pilu, and he was successful. My mother was married to him for property and power, but he treated her equally with his other wives, and as a result, I was brought up to be a proper prince.

"Marcus, how are you doing, my son? I heard that you defeated the intellectuals in your philosophy lesson today, is that correct?" I, who was positioned in front of his desk, received a faint smile from my father, the king of Ostrova.

"Yes Father, did I do something that I shouldn't have?"

"No... No... I'm proud of what you did. My pride and joy are my children, and today's deeds will be acknowledged. Winning a philosophical argument with older scholars at such a young age is a sign of a genius in our kin. Therefore, make a wish and I shall grant it."

"Father, just the acknowledgement itself makes me so delighted. How can I replace the intelligence I acquired from you with anything? Your majesty, I am satisfied with your kind words," he graciously responded.

"Hahaha... you are distinct from all of my children, as I would anticipate from my loving son. I hold you in high regard, Marcus. I must thus reward you," he responded.

"If it is my father's wish, I shall gladly accept it."

"As you are aware, your brother, my first child is born with a mind that is completely obsessed with selfishness and avarice. Marcus, I want you to be the crown prince of Ostrova since someone like him is unfit to be a king," he put forth, shocking, my whole body trembled. Did he just casually make me the crown prince over my elder brother, the son of his queen? I pondered.

"Father! My age is only fourteen and I'm your youngest son. How can I possibly be the crown prince?" astonished, I questioned

"Hahaha... you are my son and have the power to rule this nation. Elder or younger, legitimate or illegitimate, as long as my blood has the most ability to be a fitted king, I will choose him. You are that suitor, Marcus." I am speechless by his words. He continued; "as soon as King Willard of Loistava grants us permission to sell marine products to his nation, all of the Nui-Penta nations will align themselves with Loistava. Ostrova's revenue will be twofold, however, Lucus will not be able to manage any of this money. He will utterly destroy Ostrova. As a result, Marcus, you will become the crown prince and king of Ostrova," Darius declares. I can't deny those determined smirking eyes. I can't refuse those roaring voices. What will happen if I...? My heart filled with fear of the future.

"Father... I embrace your order with sincerity and with honour. I shall emerge as a wise and courageous king as you. I yearn for your blessing." I don't believe that my father made me the crown prince of Ostrova to reward my exceptional arguing abilities. After much deliberation, he made this most audacious decision. However, I am scared and soon the information got out to every palace occupant.

"Marcus, you must be cautious. Lucus and his maternal family are the most influential and wealthy in the capital. They won't remain still, for sure." My mother was continually anxious about me and said, "I'm frightened they might try to hurt you."

"Mother, I'll be fine, and we'll overcome everything,"

My father recruited a troop of covert knights to defend me, and that's how I met Jaser. He had always been at my side, protecting me, since I was a youngster. There were several attempts to assassinate me, but Jaser shielded me.

The one thing we never envisioned, even in our wildest imaginations, was a friendship involving my brother Lucus Yakoob Trova and Logan Fermi Willard. Everything that resulted from that collaboration was gory, perilous, and catastrophic.

"You cretin! How ungracious of you to bare your face to me." Lucus hissed.

"I didn't present my face to you on purpose; this is the path to Father's office; I have an appointment with him,"

"Huh! What sorcery your filthy mother performed on my father. I've heard Loistava practises that. How did she deceive him into naming you the crown prince?" His statements were frequently filthy.

"Be careful what you say, brother. I won't remain silent while you talk rubbish about my mother." I will have the urge to kill him in our every meeting, but I can't and that's the first thing I regret in my life the most.

"Hahaha... you better watch out, crown prince... don't worry, I do not intend to kill you, but you'll witness worse. Typhoon is approaching," he walked away while grinning. I didn't comprehend his objectives at that moment. One day Logan arrived in Ostrova as the messenger of King Willard.

He knelt before my father and said, "I greet, Your majesty, the light of great Ostrova," but his bright smile was like a mask that concealed the venomous fang from others.

"Rise, Logan Fermi Leighann, I cordially welcome you to Ostrova. How is the king doing?"

"He is doing well, your Majesty; he has sent you these gifts; please accept them."

"Of course, take some time to unwind. I shall grant you an audience soon,"

"Yes, your Majesty, I am more than glad," he said, his fox mask impervious to me, and the grins he exchanged with my brother were the start of a calamity. Logan made an odd proposition in front of my father a month later. It was a closed meeting between my father and Logan, since I was the crown prince, my father invited me to learn. The air was tension filled and that was the first time I saw my father with a solemn and fierce face.

"Logan, what are you attempting to say?"

"Your Majesty, I came here as my brother advised. I served as a liaison between Loistava and Ostrova in trading marine commodities. However, do you truly wish to encourage your children to obey another king? I advocate for equitable representation. Although my brother is the most qualified person for the position of Nui-Penta chief, he is not the only one. I respectfully request that you advise that the Nui-Penta vote for the new leader because I truly cannot bear to witness my brother sacrificing his own life for his nation and four others."

"So you want to lessen your brother's responsibility? True, young Willard has put forth a lot of effort to make all five kingdoms a better place to live, and I wish I could support him in some way; yet, Logan, Nui-Penta will not obey a king who does not possess La's blessing. Hence, you will never be its leader," My father smirked as if he scrutinised Logan's motives. Logan was taken aback and alarmed. He sat comfortably with a worried smile.

"You misunderstood me, your majesty. I do not wish to take on leadership roles; I only want to lighten my brother's weight. If this is Nui-Penta's choice I shall plead you to simply forget this converse," he answered, his discontent concealed.

"You made an excellent decision, Logan."

"Yet, your Majesty, may I inquire why you chose your youngest son as your successor rather than your eldest?" He inquired, unexpectedly, smiling cunningly at me.

"You see Logan, I completely detest and abhor selfishness and greed." Father's grey eyes penetrated Logan like cannon iron balls on fire, destroying everything in their path.

"Your majesty, I now have greater respect for you, and I would sincerely want to learn more from you. I want to be a significant support to my brother. Please let me remain here for a little longer," he pleaded.

"Logan, you are a truly intriguing man and nothing like your brother, haha. You are welcome to stay, but if you want to learn anything from me, you must first gain my trust."

"Yes, your Majesty, I shall make every effort."

"if you want to earn my trust, you must prove what you are capable of, your true self." We never anticipated that Logan would genuinely reveal who he is. My father made a significant decision on that day ten years ago, the worst one.

"Marcus, son, I believe I summoned doom to Ostrova, and I urge you to ascend to the throne before it consumes us all. Tomorrow I'll declare you my successor and your right on that throne will be concealed forever. Remember, it's yours," he beamed as he stroked my head; it was the final day I spent with him, my mother, and many other loved ones.


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