
Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]

A boy dies and get reincarnated in Vegeta body and get his soul merged with the original. Now follow his history of dominance and how he put not only Vegeta name but also his Saiyan race at the top of all universe. I do not own the Dragon Ball series. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama.

Odd_Hound · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

Android Saga [3]

A few minutes before Goku's fight. Vegeta was staying in front of 2 people that one would assume were twins. One was 17 the boy had an easy and confident smile on his face, it seems that everything was a game to him and that he had no contestants on these.

The other one was 18, the girl was with her hands at her hips sprouting the same easy smile, though there was curiosity in her eyes when she was looking at the Saiyan in front of her. He was not supposed to be here nor to find this place so easily.

Vegeta came early because he wants to take a look at Gero's labs, take some things back home, and maybe give these to Bulma. Of course, he came to find 18 and to deal with Cell too in the meantime.

What he didn't expect was not to only get lost, but to also arrived here and these 2 were already waked up. From his memory, Dr.Gero should be the one to do that and be killed during it.

But he learned to not trust his memory too much.

Sure he came to this place this time based on his memory, and sure he refused a map that Tights had in her hands marking the places that he should search, saying that he already knew the place.

But he didn't expect to get a bad memory for things like these, so he spent a great deal of time searching for it. He was angry with himself for wasting so much time.

'Such a great thing having all his memories…'

Well now he had to deal whit it, there is no other solution. And he already started with it.

"So you're saying, that we fight and if I lost I should become your woman...?" 18 were repeating what Vegeta said to her the moment they meet.

A pretty straightforward way to deal with her, since she likes games so much.

"Hey 17, I like this one. Can I take it?" She said looking at her twin.

"Mm? Sure go ahead. It seems that we have to start moving anyway since the Dr. activated the second plan" 17 said looking back. They were outside the lab, a bit close to the door.

"Hee~ For the Dr to activate that. This Son Goku must be strong then" She said with an easy smile.

"Seems so. At least Dr. can take it alone. Go play yourself before Son Goku comes here." 17 said allowing his twin to go all out for a bit.

Walking ahead she was smiling "I'll, it is not every day that you have this chance" She looks at Vegeta and ask him too.

"I sure agree with your proposal. But what if I win? Sure you have something for me right?"

"Hmph. I never thought about that. But fine, if you win you can demand anything from this Prince" He crossed his arms looking at her, and seeing her eyes sparkling a bit he smirked.

"Uwa ah Prince~ That's bad for a royalty picking up a girl in the street. When I win I'll have to educate you a little bit" She laughed a bit in a musical voice. Confidence was all over the woman.

"I hope you can back up all this confidence, 18" Half his reason was in front of him. It was time for a capture. Both entered the battle pose. 18 tossed her hair aside and waited for the move.

Vegeta the same as Goku went with the base first, while he expected them to be stronger than normal, he wants to see how much stronger.

They jumped and run at each meeting bumping their punches at each other and sending some shockwaves around. Quickly enough they trade blows at each other taking the fight a bit far from the door. Vegeta faints a punch and sends a kick connecting at her side and sending her flying. She was still looking at him seems to not have taken any of the damage.

He follows her close closing the gap and trading quick movements against her. She sent a punch at his face and he tries to block it just to be granted a kick in the gut. He lowered his head and punch at the chin sending him flying at a nearby mountain.

18 fist came flying again and Vegeta dodged, they entered again in a quick section, but Vegeta was being pressured this time.

"She is playing again, what a bad habit." 17 comments seeing 18 connect again a punch at Vegeta's face throwing his head back.

But then she stopped.

Vegeta spit some blood on the floor " I see that you are stronger than I thought. What is it? 10% of your strength?".

"Hehe Nah not even that much. You can't use that much in a tag play." 18 push the lock of her hair behind the ear again. She was more powerful with the new technology that Gero acquired.

At least 10 times stronger than the version that Vegeta remembers.

"I see. Then let's up the game a few degrees." He clenches his fist and veins pop on his forehead and arms. His Ki explodes and his transformation was complete. SSJ full power.

"You can become blonde then? Interesting, I'm interested even more" She laughs and waits for him.

"Now things can be more interesting."

Vegeta moves with an unparalleled speed, closing the gap in a breath surprising even 18. He punched her but stopped on the side of her face sending the waves behind her.

"No reaction huh? Since you can't feel Ki you cannot fathom a Saiyan strength. Come at full power if you don't want to lose fast."

He crossed his arm and looked directly into her eyes. He could only see surprise and excitement there.

She licked her lips.

'This will be fun She said to herself.

Back to Goku's group

"Who Vegeta is fighting out there?", Piccolo asked but none could answer. The guy had vanished for most of the day and now he appeared fighting against someone close to Gero's lab.

"Let's go there. If Gero's lab is there then we can deal with it" Tenshinhan said to the group and everyone nods, they need to follow Dr.Gero. But before they could follow a figure was approaching them.

Looking around the figure was a bit speechless by the sheer destruction of the area.

"Oh, it's Trunks. Hey~ Trunks!" Goku screamed at the figure.

When he did, Bulma was a bit confused, and the others were too. Piccolo just shakes his head, the guy spills the boy's secret.

"A Saiyan that came from the future... The same name as Vegeta's kid!!" Krillin put the pieces together.

"Ah…" Everyone said it with a face of understanding.

They were asking how they didn't see it, but now everything makes sense.

"Wait! Wait! This will be my Trunks?!! No wait... looking at him...He does look like me.." Bulma said while comparing the boy she was holding with the boy that was coming at them.

"Hilarious, though makes sense. Only you to build a time machine…" Tights look at her daughter while nodding her head. She was thinking too that Kail has his and her face and has blond hair too. Almost a Super Saiyan already, she jokes.

When Trunks arrived there he was a bit speechless by what they said to him, about Dr Gero's escape and about the android who exploded a few minutes ago.

"W-what? There is no android like Dr gero or a Fat one. The ones that I know look like twins 17 and 18.." He had a troubled face and was starting to get confused.

"What do you mean? Are you saying there is more? Picollo asked already figuring out what Vegeta was doing.

"N-no there isn't supposed to be more, besides those 2"

"Tch." with Piccolo angrier building up the other had trouble expression too.

"There is nothing to do then. Let's go to Vegeta, he may have found and is holding them for now."Goku said while walking away.

"Where is f- Vegeta-san right now"? Trunks ask looking around with a bead of sweat running down his face.

"There is no need to hide any more kid. The idiot spill your secret so everyone knows that you were that kid right there" Picollo said letting Trunks know the truth. Trunks looked at them and then looked at his mother who waved at him, with the little him in her arms. Then he looked at the woman beside her and again that confusion took place.

'? She almost looks like Mom…'

"Ah that one is your sister, Kail," Gohan said this time. The boy almost jumps in surprise, a sister?! He has a lot of questions but it will have to wait for later. Right now he needs to go to his father.

They all took flight, including Bulma and Thighs inside their plane, and went there.

Back fo Vegeta

He was having a good time fighting against 18. She was strong, but not enough seeing that he was holding her legs and throwing her through some mountain on the other side. She was crashing through then her clothes were torn apart by all the impact.

"This is the wrong information that the Dr provided. He is stronger than normal…" 17 was commenting, he was musing if he should join the fight. But seeing his sister smiling like that was a first.

She had a pretty satisfied smile on her face like she was having a blast with this. Getting up from the ground she fly directly at Vegeta to kick him, followed by an elbow at his head, and then she turned around to do a flying kick. Vegeta caught her legs, brings her close, and punch her gut burying her in the ground.


The entire area shook with the blow and she was coughing blood. She wasn't breathing hard nor she had showed a trace of fatigue.

"Infinity energy huh or at least something close to that. Well too bad for you that I mastered this transformation. If not I would already be spent in this fight, even being the stronger one." He said looking at her.

*Ptiu* She spits some blood on the ground and smirks at him.

"I liked these clothes you know" She was having a blast, but she couldn't see a way to win against this guy. He was stronger than she thought, and it seems that this isn't even his full power.

"After I win this fight you are allowed to be pampered by this Prince. You can buy another one if you wish to" He smirked at her.

"I'll hold you to that. After I win it!!" She kicked him away and ascend to the sky throwing some blasts at him.

Then she put her hands together and charge her pink energy into a sphere and start to fire at Vegeta at high speed. The ground was destroyed and dust was raised.

After the dust settles Vegeta appears there with half his Saiyan armor broken, but no damage.

He looked at her and says "I liked this gear, you know" He started walking toward her.

"Don't worry, this girl will buy you a new one after this hehe~" She laughed again.

Vegeta charged at high speed toward her and they start to trade blows again, Vegeta has a clear advantage. He doesn't want to kill her, but he can't tire her out too. The only way is to knock her out.

*Boom* *boom* they sent shockwaves through the place destroying the mountains. Vegeta was going to finish it so he didn't slack.

He punched her breaking her guard. A punch at the side, then one at the gut, stealing her air again. Then an elbow at her nose and finally a kick sending her crashing through the ground.

But not stopping there he went to the ground and buries her even further there.

He rises in the air and prepares to send energy to finish the job.

'Maybe it is a bit too much, but who knows…'

He sensed something and when he looked around he spotted a lot of Ki signatures closing in. He looks at them seeing that it's the others.

'It seems that they took care of the 2. I hope'

This moment of distraction from Vegeta allows 17 to kick him away from 18.

He crashed through some mountain and end up buried there.

He was scolding himself for doing the same thing that he warns Goku. To not put your guard down.

"A bit hot here now isn't it? You ok 18?" 17 Asked his twin a bit concerned.

"Yeah, being buried and beaten is a way to be fine...sigh,"18 got up slowly, she was damaged and almost lost consciousness. She got wrecked.

" Seems i lost right?" She looked in Vegeta's direction, he was getting up.

Shrugging 17 says" Who knows? But look there, our target is here" They look at Son Goku coming with his friends.


Androids Bp.

N18- 3 Billion

N17- 4 Billion

N21- 21 Biillion (She is her good side and doesn't have her Majin form right now, she may get a lot stronger if she acquire that)

Cell- 40 Billion Suppressed (Perfect Form from the start)