
Variant Bloods

Her skin was a warm ivory color while her sparkly eyes were periwinkle blue, almost purple, which Saphrin focused on since she had never seen such vibrant colored eyes before. After running away from home, Saphrin DiMero changed her identity and disguised herself as a male mercenary. Afterwards, she was hired by a noble family, known as the Ferdims, to be Madam Ferdim's bodyguard. Despite all this, she still fears being caught by the people who are trying to hunt her down. Caspery Tularious, a half elf, was sold into slavery for domestic labor after the death of her mother. She has been working for the Ferdim family since she was twelve and has been treated very poorly ever since. Everything changed when the two met each other, for better or for worse. This story also follows the beginnings of a few other protagonists who will be main characters in the next book. DISCLAIMER: This book contains triggering content such as self harm, suicide, abuse, drugs, and alcohol. This book also contains mature themes such as nudity, strong language, and violence. Reader discretion is advised! Cover art credits: Line art and background by Austin Gann https://austingann275.myportfolio.com/ Coloring and shading by me

Eggy_does_writing · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Nice Guy

"Hey, Rodmeir!" Greeted Moria as she approached the boy.

Rodmeir smiled as he put his book back into his bag, "Hello, Moria!"

"My uncle is hosting a party this Friday and you're invited."

"Oh sorry but I can't," the boy frowned, "I'm going to the lake on Friday with Luco and Telmar."

"Huh?" She raised her eyebrows, "How come I wasn't invited? You guys always invite me to go fishing."

"About that," Rodmeir sighed, "My father thinks it's uncultured for a noble squire to be spending a lot of time with a girl unless he plans on marrying her."

"What?" Moria gasped, "I'm a squire as well!"

The boy nodded, "I know that, Moria. But my father doesn't see it that way. He doesn't understand that we are no more than friends."

Moria looked down and sighed, "I see…"

"Listen," Rodmeir placed his hand on her shoulder, "You were a wonderful friend to me and I view you the same as I view my male peers. However, I am also my father's squire, therefore, I have even greater reason not to disrespect him by going against his wishes. Also, he is planning to have me marry his friend's daughter which is another reason why he believes that it's ungentlemanly for me to be socializing with another girl." He gave a sad smile, "I hope you understand and will not view me differently for this."

Moria looked up at him, "Alright, I understand."

Later that day, Moria was in the mess hall having lunch. She pondered about her conversation with Rodmeir while she ate her sandwich. Lemar sat down next to her.

"What's up with you?" He asked, smiling.

She sighed, "Rodmeir said he can't be friends with me because his father thinks it's 'uncultured'."

Lemar raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

"Apparently Rodmeir is only allowed to socialize with a girl if he plans to marry her."

"Well of course," he took a bite of his pudding, "When you're the only girl at a prestigious school for boys, people are going to get suspicious."

She looked at him, looking a bit upset, "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know," Lemar spoke with a mouthful of food, "Every boy who attends this school is training to be a knight. Knights are highly desired, especially amongst the ladies." He swallowed and continued, "People assume that the only reason why you're here is because you are looking to marry a future knight."

Moria slammed her fist onto the table, "That's ridiculous!" She yelled, "I'm here because I want to *be* a knight! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean that my motives for attending are any different from that of yours or Rodmeir's or any other boy who goes to this school."

Lemar raised his hands in surrender, "Please, Moria! Don't get angry at me. I don't think that way about you. I was just saying that everyone else does."

Moria sighed, "I'm sorry, Lemar. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

Lemar shook his head, "It's alright. I understand that it's hard being the only girl at this school. I just want you to know that I'm not like those other boys."

Moria looked at him, confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well you see, Moria," Lemar placed his elbow on the table as he gently leaned against it, "All the boys here treat you like you are a prize to be won, a trophy to be earned in a battle of masculinity. I, however, am different. I am a gentleman who understands that women are people too and that they have the same needs and desires as men. Just because you are a woman, Moria, doesn't mean that you don't deserve to be treated with respect." He smiled.

Moria looked at him for a moment, *What the hell was that?*, she wondered. She finally responded, "Thanks? I already knew that women are people too but thank you for clarifying, I guess."

Lemar leaned his back against the table as he set his other elbow on it, "Even though I'm a really nice guy," he sighed, "No girl wants to be with me." He hung his head, "Every woman I've met only prefers men who treat them poorly. Nobody is willing to give a gentleman like me a chance because they're all just a bunch of tramps."

Moria rolled her eyes at him as she continued eating her sandwich.

Lemar, surprised when she didn't respond, looked over at her and smiled, "You know, Moria, you're not like other girls."

"What?" She asked, sounding offended, "What does that mean?" She scowled.

"Oh no no," he waved his hands, "It's not a bad thing. I'm just saying that, unlike the other women I've met, you're very smart and interesting. You don't yearn after men who treat you like property." He then paused for a moment in realization, "In fact, you don't seem to yearn after men *at all*," he smiled, "I respect that about you, Moria. Always focused on your duties instead of constantly worrying about your looks, shopping, and boys. Every woman should be like you."

*What the hell is wrong with this boy?* Moria thought as she finished her lunch. Without saying anything, she got up with her tray and left.

"See you in class later." Said Lemar as he turned back around to eat his lunch.

Another boy sat down across from Lemar.

"Hey, Lemar!" Said the lad.

"Hi, Kreed!" Lemar greeted back.

"Who was that?" The lad asked.

"That was Moria Wischtara," Lemar answered right before he bit into his fig.

"Oh right! The only girl," Kreed realized before he took a sip from his cup, "I've heard of her."

"Yeah, she's really charming." Lemar said with his mouthful, "And single." He grinned.

"I see," the lad noticed Lemar taking an interest in her, "Are you planning to ask her out to Lord Rivmer's ball?"

Lemar nodded, "Definitely! I'm going to ask her at her uncle's party on Friday."

"Oh a party?" Kreed raised an eyebrow, "Where will it be held?"

"I'm not sure." Lemar shrugged.

"What? Didn't she tell you where the party is going to be? What did the invitation say?"

"I didn't get one." Lemar confessed.

"Wait," Kreed paused for a moment to process Lemar's response, "Are you telling me that you plan on going to a party that you weren't even invited to?"

"Well when you put it like that," Lemar began, "It sounds distasteful."

Kreed looked down and sighed, "Lemar, buddy, it's distasteful to crash a party."

Lemar shook his head, "My father said he crashed plenty of parties when he was my age. Besides, those kinds of rules don't apply to us noblemen. Those are only for peasants to make sure that they don't attend noble parties without an invitation."

Kreed put his palm on his face and sighed, "How do you think she's going to react when you arrive at her uncle's party without being invited?"

Lemar rolled his eyes and smiled, "She will be flattered. Not inviting me, her closest friend, was just her way of playing 'hard-to-get'. However, I know that deep down, Moria really just wants me to pursue her every chance I get."

Kreed shook his head in defeat, "I don't think any of that sounds right but good luck, I guess."

"Thanks, buddy!" Said Lemar. He then looked down at his half-eaten fig, *One day,* he thought, *One day.*